Blar i Master's theses (KBM) på tittel
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A Bayesian method for estimating moose (Alces alces) population size based on hunter observations and killed at age data
(Master thesis, 2013-09-09)Lots of wild species, fish and mammals, are heavy harvested through fishing and hunting. Reliable population size estimates are valuable management tools for these species. In cases where killed at age data are available, ... -
A comparative analysis of lactic acid bacteria isolated from honeybee gut and flowers, with focus on phylogeny and plasmid profiling
(Master thesis, 2016-08-10)Apis mellifera (honeybee) are of huge value as they are the most important pollinator worldwide. Declines in honeybee populations have made the honeybee subject to much scientific research. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have ... -
A comparative analysis on phylogeny, genetics and selected phenotypes of lactic acid bacteria isolated from gut microbiota of honey bee versus flowers
(Master thesis, 2016-08-10)From the bee gut samples 190 bacteria isolates were obtained. Purified plasmid DNA extracts were screened for plasmids on an agarose gel by electrophoresis to determine their plasmid profiles. The purpose of the plasmid ... -
A comparison of the effect of selected lactic acid bacteria on cytokine secretion from monocytes and macrophages in vitro
(Master thesis, 2012-10-03)Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are commonly ingested with many types of food. Some strains have been shown to have beneficial health effects when ingested, of which a few have been given the term “probiotic”. Probiotics are ... -
A functional study of the essential amidotransferase complex MurT/CobQ in Streptococcus pneumoniae
(Master thesis, 2015-08-06)The bacterial cell wall is responsible for maintaining cell shape and gives protection from osmotic lysis caused by turgor pressure. The major component of the cell wall in Gram-positive bacteria is the structurally complex ... -
A GLI1 Oncogene Induced Model of Breast Cancer
(Master thesis, 2014-08-06) -
A multiplexed antibody-based approach for analysis of denatured cellular proteins : development of western-MAP
(Master thesis, 2013-09-23)This thesis describes a new method for multiplexed analysis of cellular proteins. The cellular proteins were biotinylated and fractionated by gel-electrophoresis using a device (Gelfree 8100), which yields liquid fractions ... -
A new method for the synthesis of fatty acid amides
(Master thesis, 2018)The amide bond is an essential part of many natural products and is also found in a lot of today’s pharmaceuticals. The fatty acid amides are a group of natural products that has shown biological activity towards several ... -
A novel pig cell line as model system for calcineurin inhibitors
(Master thesis, 2015-03-17)Organtransplantasjon kan være nødvendig i situasjoner med organsvikt som følge av sykdom eller skade. Det totale antallet transplantasjoner øker, og transplantasjoner ansees fortsatt som utfordrende. Høy kongruens av ... -
A penicillin resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in the making : characterizing resistance development and cell fitness after acquiring low-affinity penicillin-binding proteins and a mosaic MurM
(Master thesis, 2019)Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important human pathogen, causing about 100 millions of cases of disease and 1 – 2 million deaths every year. The rapid evolution and spread of multiresistant strains threaten current antibiotic ... -
A quantitative analysis of organochlorine pesticides in Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus)
(Master thesis, 2015-02-27)This study is a quantitative analysis targeting levels of selected organochlorine pesticides (OCP) located in muscle, liver, and fat of Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) in Svalbard (61 022 km2, 74-81°N, ... -
A simulation study : hierarchical PLS for multi-group classification
(Master thesis, 2015-08-05)Hierarchically Ordered Taxonomic Partial Least Squares (Hot PLS) is a method for classifying data in a hierarchical structure. Since Hot PLS is a relatively new method, we want to study strengths and weaknesses of this. ... -
A statistical analysis of the treatment effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in various health problems
(Master thesis, 2015-11-09)We have in a pilot study retrospectively and prospectively investigated the treatment effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine in a general medical care practice. The health condition of the retrospective group (n=41 patients) ... -
A study of product stability of commercial probiotic fermented milk and yoghurt
(Master thesis, 2011-11-03)In this study, the stability of three probiotic fermented milk products (‘Cultura Naturell’, ‘Biola Syrnet Lettmelk Naturell’ and ‘Biola Pluss Yoghurt Mild Naturell’) produced by TINE BA was studied and samples from each ... -
A study of the influence of hormones and growth factors to the accessible chromatin landscape in human breast cancer
(Master thesis, 2014-08-01)Mitogens are substances capable of inducing cell proliferation. Upon binding to their receptors a signal pathway is activated resulting in gene transcription and cell proliferation. These signals are usually carefully ... -
A study on the effects of aminoacids and arginine deiminase (arcA) on growth, metabolism and gene expression in Enterococcus faecalis V583
(Master thesis, 2013-08-30)In this study the roles of amino acids and arginine deiminase (arcA) in Enterococcus faecalis V583‟s growth, metabolism and gene expression were investigated. Literature describes only one pathway of arginine catabolism ... -
Abundance of functional groups of nitrogen transforming microorganisms potentially involved in N2O emissions from a subtropical forested watershed in China.
(Master thesis, 2015-03-16)In this study, we investigated N-cycling processes and N2O emissions along a hillslope (HS) and a hydrologically connected groundwater discharge zone (GDZ) in a subtropical forest ecosystem in southwest China, Tieshanping ... -
Acute toxicity effect of amines in a nitrifying process
(Master thesis, 2012-10-16)The longest continuous record of atmospheric CO2 is found at the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii. Looking at the overall scenario the measurements show a steady increase in mean atmospheric CO2 concentration from about 315 ... -
Adipocytter, makrofager og inflammasjon : en in vitro studie
(Master thesis, 2012-09-12)Fedme er den vanligste årsaken til insulinresistens og en rekke andre metabolske forstyrrelser, som til sammen utgjør det vi kaller metabolsk syndrom. Et kjennetegn ved fedme og utvikling av metabolsk syndrom er en svak, ... -
Adsorpsjon av lignosulfonater på leire og kull : modellstudie for økt forståelse av rollen i CIL/CIP prosesser.
(Master thesis, 2012-05-21)Lignosulfonater, sulfonert lignin, produseres som et biprodukt gjennom sulfittprosessen i produksjonen av cellulose eller ved å sulfonere Kraft lignin. Produktet har gode egenskaper som dispergeringsmiddel og bindemiddel, ...