Blar i Master's theses (IHA) på tittel
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Calpain activity and texture in Atlantic salmon muscle analysis
(Master thesis, 2014-02-19)Calpain system consists of L- calpain , m- calpain, the calcium- dependent neutral proteases, and their endogenous inhibitor , calpastatin. Calpain system is probably the major proteolytic enzyme in protein degradation, ... -
Casein loci SNPs and haplotypes association with milk production traits of Norwegian Goats and their French Alpine Crosses
(Master thesis, 2010-11-26)På grunn av deres kvantitative og kvalitative effekter på melkeproduksjonen og melkekomponenter, har kaseinloci vært og vil fortsatt være gjenstand for intens forskning. Vårt arbeid var også ment å studere haplotypestrukturer ... -
Cathepsin activity and texture in Atlantic salmon muscle
(Master thesis, 2015-07-27)Cathepsins, a family of lysosomal proteases, are believed to play a role in muscle tenderization. In the present study the activity of cathapsin B+L in Atlantic salmon muscle and a possible influence on the textural quality ... -
Changes in gene expression induced by hypoxia in cultured gas gland cells from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
(Master thesis, 2017)Low level of oxygen, called hypoxia, triggers the transcription of regulatory genes that promote O2 delivery and anaerobic metabolism. The majority of this transcriptional response to hypoxia is mediated by the Hypoxia ... -
Climate change resilience through enhanced reproduction and lactation performance in Malawian Zebu cattle
(Master thesis, 2016)Malawi is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change in the world, and the site of our investigation, Bolero EPA (Extension Planning Area), Rumphi District, is particularly exposed. Climate change lead to a ... -
Comparing rapeseed fed chicken with ordinary soybean oil fed chicken
(Master thesis, 2016-06-06)Energy is needed for the poultry in order to provide growth, egg production at a high level to allow maximal economic return for the production unit. In diet formulation, fat is added to increase palatability, increase ... -
Comparison between the intermittent and ad libitum feeding with and without exogenous enzyme (xylanase and β-glucanase) supplementation on the digestive tract of broiler chickens fed barley based diet
(Master thesis, 2013-10-21)An experiment was conducted to study the comparison between the intermittent and ad libitum feeding supplemented with and without exogenous (xylanase and β-glucanase) enzyme on the anterior digestive tract of broiler ... -
Comparison of methods for estimating the effects of casein SNPs on milk traits in norwegian goats
(Master thesis, 2011-08-25)The four casein proteins make up the majority of protein in goat’s milk. They are encoded by 4 closely linked genes, CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN1S2 and CSN3 within a 250 kb segment on chromosome 6. Polymorphisms of these genes are ... -
Compostion and morphology of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) as affected by dietary oil
(Master thesis, 2013-09-10)A feeding experiment was conducted to examine the effect of diets high or low in rapeseed and additionally the effect of protein supplementation of diets rich in rapeseed oil in feed for farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar ... -
Correlation between hair whorls and different types of behavior in dogs (Canis familiaris).
(Master thesis, 2014-02-18)Abstract Dogs are very popular pets and it would be useful to find more tools to better understand their behavior. Reactivity can be seen as emotionality, and indicate a heightened state of arousal. So the aim of this ... -
De genetiske sammenhengene mellom hold ved avvenning på purker og produksjonsegenskaper hos råner
(Master thesis, 2015-11-06)Denne studien omhandler den genetiske sammenhengen mellom purkeegenskapen hold ved avvenning på førstekullspurker, og produksjonsegenskapene daglig fôrinntak(dfi), tilvekst og fôrforbruk (kg fôr) hos råner. Holdet til ... -
Demografiske og arbeidsrelaterte faktorer assosiert med smerter i nakke, skulder og øvre del av ryggen
(Master thesis, 2011-08-25)Bakgrunn: Muskelskjelettlidelser er den vanligste årsaken til sykefravær og uføretrygding i Norge. Det å ha et arbeid vil for de fleste ha stor betydning for helse, identitet og følelse av tilhørighet. Det er derfor viktig ... -
Det sosiale båndet mellom menneske og katt
(Master thesis, 1998)Etterhvert er man blitt mer klar over kjæledyrets rolle som sosial partner, og ikke bare som et slags terapeutisk objekt. I 1994 utførte Zasloff og Kidd en spørreundersøkelse i USA for å øke kunnskapen om forhold mellom ... -
Developing of a SNP based parentage testing panel in the Norwegian goat
(Master thesis, 2015-11-05)A parentage test for Norwegian goats consisting of 59 highly informative SNPs has been developed. A panel of 48 AI bucks genotyped by the Illumina 50K SNP chip were used to select 80 highly informative SNPs for the parentage ... -
Developing prediction equation for digestibility of nutrients in faeces from individual atlantic salmon
(Master thesis, 2015-11-19)The purpose of this study was to develop a robust and reliable approach to predict apparent digestibility coefficients of fat and protein of individual Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), based on multivariate regression models ... -
Development of a SNP markers panel for parentage testing and individual identification in the Norwegian White Sheep (NWS) population
(Master thesis, 2013-08-05)Correct parentage information is essential for the success of livestock breeding programs. However, pedigree errors could occur due to human made errors or unintentional misbreeding due to e.g. a broken fence or similar ... -
Development of research tool to evaluate the potential of using chlorella sorokiniana as bio-filter in recycled tilapia production
(Master thesis, 2016-04-05)The current study was attempted to develop the research tools in order to evaluate if Chlorella sorokiniana has a potential to perform as a bio-filter in recycle water tilapia production. The overall objective was to ... -
Dietary fibre and the effect on digestive function, energy intake and major consequences for human nutrition
(Master thesis, 2014-02-13)Kunnskapen om kostfibers kjemiske sammensetning og effekt på menneskers helse har økt betydelig i løpet av de senere tiårene og det er i dag veletablert viten at kostfiber består av alle plantebaserte polysakkarider annet ... -
Dietary impact of feed on performance, health and melanization of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
(Master thesis, 2016-06-07)Good performance, robustness to diseases and stress, and flesh quality according to consumer expectations are important success factor in farming of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L). In recent years, superficial hyper-pigmented ... -
Dietary impact on texture, gaping and liquid loss in fillets of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
(Master thesis, 2013-08-26)A seven-month long feeding trial was conducted to investigate the dietary influence on texture, gaping and liquid loss in fillets of Atlantic salmon. During the first 3 months of the experiment the salmon where fed a ...