Browsing Master's theses (IHA) by Title
Now showing items 152-171 of 318
Gamle norske storferaser og NRF : sammenligning av tilvekst og vekt
(Master thesis, 2014-07-11)Formålet med denne oppgaven var å sammenligne veksten til de gamle norske storferasene dølafe, østlandsk rødkolle, vestlandsk rødkolle, vestlandsk fjordfe, telemarksfe, sidet trønder og nordlandsfe (STN), og den moderne ... -
Gelatinisation of starch in Nile tilapia feed
(Master thesis, 2015-07-27)The aim of study was to observe the effect of different levels of starch gelatinization in feed for Nile tilapia. Wheat was extruded with different moisture addition (20%, 25%, 30% and 35%), to tentatively obtain different ... -
Gene expression of the vitellogenins and the receptors during the annual reproductive cycle
(Master thesis, 2016-08-16)Atlantic salmon belongs to the primitive group of protacanthomorph teleost and has two Vtg genes (VtgAsa and VtgAsb) and two VtgR genes (VtgR1 and VtgR2). The focus of our research was to characterize predicted salmon Vtgs ... -
Gene expression responses to bacterial peptidoglycan in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) adipocytes enriched with two levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E
(Master thesis, 2012-06-01)Adipose tissue is recognized as an active endocrine organ, influencing metabolism, inflammation and immunity in mammals. The size of the visceral adipose tissue in farmed Atlantic salmon has increased due to the exposure ... -
Gene expression, phylogenetic and syntenic analyses of pantophysin (Pan I) and synaptophysin-like2 (Sypl2) genes in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)
(Master thesis, 2012-10-18)The pantophysin (Pan I) locus reveals differences between Norwegian coastal cod (NCC) and Northeast Arctic cod (NEAC) populations that are highly significant, temporally stable and larger than for any other genetic marker. ... -
Genetic analysis of sheepdog trials in Norway - a proposal of new trait definitions and improved recording in Border Collie
(Master thesis, 2015-01-27)Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of the data material provided from sheepdog trials in Norway, estimate heritabilities and repeatabilities for the traits included in the trial, as well as ... -
Genetic Basis for Inherited Eye Diseases in Dogs : A Case Study of Pigmentary Chorioretinopathy in Chinese Crested Dogs
(Master thesis, 2012-09-10)A novel inherited retinal disease, pigmentary chorioretinopathy, has been observed in one of the oldest purebred breed, Chinese crested. Two forms of progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), Progressive rod con degeneration ... -
Genetic diversity in five chicken lines from the Norwegian live poultry gene bank
(Master thesis, 2017)Since 1995, there has been no active breeding of commercial egg layers in Norway. The last active breeding lines, as well as other breeds of conservation value are conserved in the Norwegian live poultry gene bank. The aim ... -
Genetic parameters and response to selection for body weight, fillet traits, body size traits and survival in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
(Master thesis, 2017)This study evaluates the genetic parameters and selection responses in relation to harvest body weight, fillet yield, fillet weight, body size traits (length, depth, thickness) and survival of GenoMar Supreme Tilapia (GST™) ... -
Genetic parameters of a commercial Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) breeding program
(Master thesis, 2014-02-18)Despite many quantitative genetic studies on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) over the last two decades, the magnitude of heritabilities and genetic correlations for some economic important traits (growth rate, carcass quality ... -
Genetic study on health and robustness in Norwegian Landrace
(Master thesis, 2015-11-04)For swine production to be as efficient as possible and to value animal welfare, it is important to have robust and healthy pigs. A breeding sow that can thrive and nurture healthy piglets in different environments is a ... -
Genetic variation and allelic imbalance in a selection of genes in breast cancer patients
(Master thesis, 2010-10-22)Genetic variation, such as Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), are naturally occurring characteristics of the genome that differs between individuals of a species, and in some cases affect the risk of developing a ... -
Genetic variation in the haemoglobin of the Atlantic cod(Gadus morhua) in trans-Atlantic populations
(Master thesis, 2012-10-05)It can be concluded that Val55-Ala62 haplotype predominated in the Greenland, Canadian, Iceland, and Lofoten NEA, Østersjøen Inner while Met55-Lys62 was mainly found in Østersjøen outer and Skagerrak/Kattegat. The Canadian ... -
Genetisk analyse av klauvlidelser for NRF
(Master thesis, 2011-11-11)Klauvlidelser forekommer hyppigere i løsdriftsfjøs enn i båsfjøs. På grunn av stadig økt andel storfe som er oppstallet i løsdrift blir det mer og mer aktuelt å forebygge klauvlidelser. I 2004 ble helsekort klauv innført ... -
Genetisk analyse av utstillingsresultat for dei norske hesterasane dølehest, fjordhest og nordlandshest/lyngshest
(Master thesis, 2010-11-15)Dei særnorske hesterasane dølehest, fjordhest og nordlandshest baserer avlsarbeidet sitt på fenotypeseleksjon for eigenskapane eksteriør, brukseigenskapar, lynne og helse/haldbarheit. Men arvegraden til desse eigenskapane ... -
Genetisk variasjon og fargegenetikk hos fjordhest
(Master thesis, 2017)Hensikten med denne oppgaven var å beregne innavl for dagens fjordhestpopulasjon. Populasjonen i Norge er ikke stor, og det har vært en trend i lave bedekningstall og lavt antall fødte føll de siste årene. Datasettet brukt ... -
Genetiske analyser av tilvekstegenskaper hos norske og amerikanske foredlingsbesetninger av landsvin
(Master thesis, 2012-10-18)Genetiske analyser av ulike tilvekstegenskaper ble gjort med bakgrunn i et rådatasett fra to besetninger i USA og et datasett fra Norsvins foredlingsbesetninger fra 2011. Filen med rådata fra norske landsvin i USA besto ... -
Genetiske sammenhenger mellom drektighetslengde og kalvingsegenskaper i Norsk Rødt Fe (NRF)
(Master thesis, 2012-06-21)Det er så langt ikke gjort noen genetisk analyse av drektighetslengde i Norsk Rødt Fe (NRF), så målet med oppgaven var å estimere arvegrader og genetiske korrelasjoner for drektighetslengde, dødfødsler, kalvingsvansker og ... -
Genome-wide association and haplotype-based association mapping of mastitis in lacaune sheep
(Master thesis, 2014-02-17)The aim of this study was to perform a Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) and a Haplotype-based Association Mapping to identify potential Quantitative Trail Loci (QTLs) underlying four mastitis-related trails in Lacaune ... -
Genomic predictions including known QTL for reproduction traits in swine
(Master thesis, 2016)Breeding values are the fundament on which the selection of the next generation is based on and should therefore be as reliable as possible. The implementation of marker-assisted selection (MAS), where major genes are ...