Master's theses (IHA)
Unless otherwise stated on the individual theses, the works in this collection are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Recent Submissions
Literature review on the influence of milling and pelleting on nutritional quality, physical characteristics, and production cost of pelleted poultry feed
(Master thesis, 2018)The major objective of poultry feed production is satisfying nutritional requirements, and conversion of macro and microelements into high valuable human food. The economic importance of poultry feed, becomes apparent when ... -
The performance of Quantum blue phytase at different pH levels using wheat based diet in an in vitro simulation of poultry crop
(Master thesis, 2018)An experiment was carried out to investigate the impact of different dietary pH levels as stimulate the efficacy of Quantum blue phytase in an in vitro simulation of poultry crop. The experiment consisted of two parts; an ... -
Changes in gene expression induced by hypoxia in cultured gas gland cells from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
(Master thesis, 2017)Low level of oxygen, called hypoxia, triggers the transcription of regulatory genes that promote O2 delivery and anaerobic metabolism. The majority of this transcriptional response to hypoxia is mediated by the Hypoxia ... -
Molecular responses to hypoxia in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
(Master thesis, 2017) -
Mechanical properties of the vertebral column and ribs of farmed fish with emphasis on Atlantic Salmon
(Master thesis, 2017)The main aim of the thesis was to characterize mechanical properties of the vertebral column and ribs of Atlantic salmon and to recommend a method for measurements of mechanical properties of vertebrae and ribs. Every ... -
In vitro effects of antinutrients on gut microbiota from farmed Atlantic salmon
(Master thesis, 2017)Currently investigations on gut microbiota of animals and humans have received increased emphasis as it is thought to be a key factor in metabolism of nutrients, immune system, growth and protection against potential ... -
Longitudinal stretching, a training method for horses: effect on behaviour, gait quality, mechanical nociceptive threshold, and pain sensitivity
(Master thesis, 2017)Many of today’s horses have physiological problems such as tendon injuries and muscle pain in the neck and back, many times as a result of wrongful sub-optimal training, overtraining or lack of variation in the training. ... -
Feed intake, nutrient digestibility, growth performance and general health of piglets fed increasing levels of yeast
(Master thesis, 2017)In Norway, the climatic conditions and limited agricultural area impedes production of protein-rich plant-feedstuff, leading to the current dependency of import of soybeans. Norway has large forest areas, which constitute ... -
Starch Digestion in Broiler Chickens: A Literature Study and an In vitro Comparison with Pigs
(Master thesis, 2017)Starch is a quantitatively important source of energy in poultry diets. Despite high loads of starch in the diet, poultry species can utilize a variety of starch sources very efficiently. Pancreatic α-amylase is the major ... -
Sammenhengen mellom innholdet av palmitinsyre og frie fettsyrer i melk
(Master thesis, 2017)Næringsrik melk fra storfe har en sentral rolle i det daglige kostholdet til de fleste nordmenn. God melkekvalitet er viktig for å opprettholde melkeforbruket, og i tillegg er det viktig for bonden som får betaling etter ... -
Genetic diversity in five chicken lines from the Norwegian live poultry gene bank
(Master thesis, 2017)Since 1995, there has been no active breeding of commercial egg layers in Norway. The last active breeding lines, as well as other breeds of conservation value are conserved in the Norwegian live poultry gene bank. The aim ... -
Assessment of Boxes as a Source of Environmental Enrichment for Broiler Chickens
(Master thesis, 2017)Additions to the environment (e.g. by provision of resources such as different structures and litter materials) could improve both the physical and psychological well- being of commercial broiler chickens. This study aimed ... -
Forslag til nye egenskaper for lynne på Norsk Rødt Fe i data fra automatiske melkesystemer
(Master thesis, 2017)Ved melking i automatisk melkesystem (AMS) settes det nye krav til kuas atferd, og med økende bruk av robot i melkeproduksjonen er det derfor nødvendig å fornye avlsmålet til kuene. Det ligger et potensiale å benytte ... -
Arvegrader og estimerte avlsverdier for hanndyrfruktbarhet hos Norsk Rødt Fe
(Master thesis, 2017)Norsk Rødt Fe er kjent for sitt brede avlsmål over tid som i dag har gjort rasen kjent for god helse og god fruktbarhet, også på verdensbasis. Hunndyrfruktbarhet har vært en viktig del av avlsarbeidet siden slutten av ... -
Effekt av fôrproteinnivå (17%, 18% og 19% protein) på IgY-utbytte fra eggeplomme
(Master thesis, 2017)Av konkurransehensyn til de involverte bedrifter er denne oppgaven lagt under 5 års klausulering, da produksjonsmetoden er forretningsmessig konfidensiell informasjon. Målet for denne studien var å undersøke om proteinnivå ... -
Effekt av oppstalling i "Moving Floor" gruppeboks for kalv på kalvenes og gulvets renhet
(Master thesis, 2017)Vanlige oppstallingssystemer for kalver og ungdyr er i dag ulike varianter av talle/ strøbaserte bingeløsninger, binger med et drenerende aktivitetsareal i kombinasjon med tett liggeareal, og fullspaltegulvsbinger. Som et ... -
Effekt av protein i rasjonen på fôropptak, melkeytelse, melkekvalitet, tyggeatferd, og aktivitet hos melkekyr med ulik fôreffektivitet
(Master thesis, 2017)Kyr og andre drøvtyggere lever i symbiose med mikrobene i vomma som brytes ned cellulose og hemi-cellulose i fôret. For at mikrobene skal fungere optimalt er det viktig at miljøet i vomma er stabilt. En viktig del av fôret ... -
Fôring av melkekyr etter en standard laktasjonskurve sammenlignet med en dynamisk tilnærming av laktasjonskvurven
(Master thesis, 2017)Fôring av melkekyr gjøres etter valg av en fôringsstrategi, der utførelsen vil ha en direkte påvirkning på laktasjonskurvens form. Fôret utgjør ca. 70 % av de variable kostnadene i melkeproduksjonen (Tine Rådgiving 2012), ... -
Effekt av høstetidspunkt og fôringsregime på tyggetid hos melkekyr i automatiske melkesystem
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis consists of a literature study and an experimental part. The literature part gives a general review of ruminant digestion and the importance of structure in the feed-ration. The term chewing time is used for ... -
Evaluating retch wire screen as a new tool for feces collection in digestibility assessment in fish: the impact of nutrient leaching on apparent digestibility of fishmeal, soybean meal and rapeseed meal diets in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
(Master thesis, 2017)The study was carried out to evaluate the retch wire screen as a potential tool for collecting feces from water, by comparing its apparent digestibility estimates with that of the conventional stripping method. The retch ...