Blar i Master's theses (IHA) på tittel
Viser treff 226-245 av 318
One moment in time : Gene expression analysis of honey bees; nurse bees v.s. foragers
(Master thesis, 2012-06-14)Honey bees live in complex societies based on a division of labour. The honey bee workers specialise in different tasks throughout their lives, starting off as nurse bees and ending as foragers. The nurse bees and foragers ... -
Optimal Contribution Selection applied to the Norwegian Cheviot Sheep population
(Master thesis, 2016-08-18)Managing inbreeding is essential for all breeding work, especially in small populations. Optimal Genetic Contribution (OCS) is a selection method that restricts inbreeding while maximizing genetic gain. The aim of this ... -
Optimal feeding rate for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
(Master thesis, 2011-10-04)The aim of this study was to define optimal feeding rates for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Four experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of feeding rate on growth performance of larger and juvenile ... -
Optimal process water supplementation and ratio between corn gluten meal and soy protein concentrate to secure good physical pellet quality and minimize energy use during extrusion processing of fish feed
(Master thesis, 2015-11-05)The objective of this experiment was to find out which combination of water/steam addition and plant protein ingredient mix that gives best physical quality and process economy. The design was, however, restrained by a ... -
Optimizing methods for isolation and in vitro cultivation of primary cardiomyocytes from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)---A study of cellular responses to hydrogen peroxide, lipo-polysaccharide and docosahexaenoic acid
(Master thesis, 2015-08-18)Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) has been the most produced species in Norway. However, production related losses remain significant recent years, and a large proportion of this were due to viral diseases. Among these ... -
Optimizing methods for studies of adipose tissue function in atlantic salmon
(Master thesis, 2013-10-21)Cell culture of adipocytes is a valuable research tool for studies of adipose tissue functions. The first aim of this thesis was to optimize culture conditions for Atlantic salmon primary cells derived from the adipose-derived ... -
Outlet of nutrients from the fish laboratory at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
(Master thesis, 2014-08-12)Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) has been more and more applied in aquaculture farms in over the world because of its effectiveness. Like others, the RAS in fish laboratory at Norwegian University of Life Sciences ... -
Pain modulation and gender differences
(Master thesis, 2010-12-16)The thesis Pain modulation and gender differences consist of two parts; first, an introduction to the study which provides detailed theoretical information on the topic in a larger context, and second, the article Inhibition ... -
Påvirker fôropptak hos Niltilapia eller en forurenset algekultur Chlorella sorokiniana’s kapasitet som biofilter?
(Master thesis, 2016-11-16)Den encellede grønnalgen Chlorella sorokiniana har potensial til å erstatte konvensjonell bruk av nitrogenoksyderende bakterier i biofilter for å fjerne ammoniakk fra fiskens proteinkatabolisme i resirkulerte akvakultursystemer ... -
Perception and sensoric quality difference of tilapia fish species in Morogoro Region, Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2015-11-04)This study aimed at evaluating consumer perception and quality preference of tilapia fish in the Morogoro region, Tanzania. For consumer preferences, a total of 85 respondents were interviewed from six wards of the Morogoro ... -
Phenotypic effects of a fertility mutation in Norwgain White Sheep
(Master thesis, 2013-07-19)Norwegian White Sheep (NWS) is a synthetic breed that results from crosses between local Norwegian and foreign breeds. This breed is mainly kept for the meat production, and litter size is therefore a trait of large economic ... -
Plasmakonsentrasjonen av Oxytocin og selvrapportert engstelse hos mennesker ved interaksjon med storfe.
(Master thesis, 2012-05-31) -
Polymorphism in myostatin gene and athletic performance in Nordic horse breeds
(Master thesis, 2012-11-09)Athletic performance including working ability, riding, racing and endurance has played a leading role in horse breeding possibly since their domestication. Even though traits of athletic performance are considered as ... -
Preferanse for drikkekar eller drikkenippel hos drektige søyer og vannforbruk hos lakterende søyer
(Master thesis, 2015-07-16)Det foreligger få studier som omhandler sau og hvilken type drikkekilde de foretrekker. Det er også begrenset med kunnskap om hvor mye vann en lakterende søye har behov for. Målet med disse forsøkene var å finne ut om ... -
Production efficiency, fish health and fillet quality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed restricted feeding during the winter period
(Master thesis, 2014-08-13)During a 97-day winter period, six duplicated groups of 81 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) were fed to satiation 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or every day (D2, D3, D4, D5, D6 and D7(control)) throughout the working week with the purpose ... -
Propionsyrebakteriar for mjølkekyr : effekt på produksjon og kjemisk samansetnad av mjølk
(Master thesis, 2014-09-23)Gjennom millionar av år har drøvtyggjarane utvikla si evne til å fordøye og utnytte tungtløyselege celleveggstoff i plantemateriale ved hjelp av mikroorganismar i vomma. Dei flyktige feittsyrene produsert under fermentering ... -
Protein evaluation of dog food using mink (Neovison vison) as a model for ileal protein digestibility in dogs (Canis familiaris)
(Master thesis, 2012-05-18)Dog owners pay lot of attention on providing proper nutrition to their dog that will support longevity and good health. Great effort is therefore made by feed producers concerning information about nutritional quality ... -
Proteinbehovet til liten laks (Salmo salar L.) etter utsett i sjø
(Master thesis, 2014-08-13) -
Psykososiale og organisatoriske forhold på arbeidsplassen : hvilken sammenheng har slike forhold for utvikling av smerter hos unge arbeidstakere?
(Master thesis, 2013-03-21)Formål: Formålet med denne studien var å analysere muskel- og skjelettlidelser hos unge personer i begynnelsen av arbeidslivet. Hovedfokus var å identifisere psykososiale, organisatoriske og andre arbeidsrelaterte forhold ... -
Quantitative genetics of cardiac traits in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
(Master thesis, 2017)Mortality of apparently healthy looking fish is frequently reported close to harvesting size of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), causing concerns from an economic and ethical perspective for the Aquaculture industry. ...