Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 780
16 years of river restoration : effects of restoration measures on macroinvertebrates and salmonids in Bognelv, Northern Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)Lotic ecosystems worldwide are being degraded by human activities, with severe consequences for stream biota. River restoration has gained momentum over the last decade, but many projects lack the long-term monitoring ... -
Acid leaching of gneisses in southern Norway : an evaluation of H2O2 oxidation testing for the determination of the acid-producing potential of sulphide-rich rocks
(Master thesis, 2024)The amphibolite- to granulite- facies gneisses exposed in southern Norway are causing environmental problems as they produce an acidic solution with high metal content when exposed to the atmosphere. As such, these rocks ... -
Acid mine drainage from Folldal mine tailings : geochemical characterization and simulation
(Master thesis, 2018)The mining of certain minerals, such as copper and zinc is commonly connected with acid mine drainage (AMD) problems that can have serious impact on human health and cause ecological destruction. The Folldal mining area ... -
Activated and enriched “designer” biochar as sorbent in remediation of PFAS and metal contaminated soils
(Master thesis, 2019)Soil contamination has become a major environmental problem of global concern, and there is a need for effective remediation methods to counteract this problem. Immobilisation of contaminants in soil using the carbonaceous ... -
Aggregatstabilitet i jord med ulike nivåer av plantetilgjengelig fosfor
(Master thesis, 2021)Aggregatstabilitet brukes som et mål for å vurdere en jords strukturelle kvalitet. Det er viktig å opprettholde høy aggregatstabilitet for å bevare jordens produktivitet, minimere jorderosjon og miljøforurensing som følge ... -
Akkumulering av metaller i en innsjø eksponert for avrenning fra høytrafikkert veg, landbruk, kommunalt avløpsnett og tette flater : vertikal fordeling av metaller i en sedimentsøyle fra Østensjøvannet, Ås kommune
(Master thesis, 2020)Avrenning fra vegnettet kan være en viktig kilde til diffus forurensning, og kan inneholde flere metaller fra ulike vegtrafikkrelaterte kilder. Metaller er av spesiell interesse i tilknytning til vegavrenning grunnet deres ... -
Aksept for bakkemontert solkraft i Norge - En prioritering av areal?
(Master thesis, 2024)Innen år 2050 skal Norge utvikles til et lavutslippssamfunn, hvor bruken av fossil energi er nær null. For å nå dette målet trengs det en energiomstilling hvor tilnærmet all energien vi bruker må komme fra fornybare kilder. ... -
Alone or together? : investigating cooperation between the tourism sector and the municipality's efforts for sustainable destinations
(Master thesis, 2022)This master’s thesis has investigated the cooperation between the tourism sector and the municipality's efforts for sustainable destinations. The purpose of this thesis was to look at governance of sustainable tourism ... -
Alunskifer : bergarters svarte får : en redegjørelse for forurensningspotensialet til alunskifer, med særlig fokus på uran
(Master thesis, 2018)It has been acknowledged for a long time, that alum shale is a rock that causes trouble. Already in 1957, reports said that the rock caused technical problems, because it started to swell beneath buildings. An even greater ... -
Amphibians in a blue-green infrastructure stream on the NMBU campus
(Master thesis, 2024)Amphibians are the most threatened vertebrate group globally, facing high rates of decline and extinction, with habitat loss and degradation being the largest threat. Infrastructure development and urbanisation is a large ... -
An analysis on the attractiveness of different grid configurations for offshore wind power investors
(Master thesis, 2023)Attracting offshore wind power investors is important for the Norwegian government to reach its development goal for offshore wind power. This thesis presents an investment decision model to evaluate the investment incentive ... -
An evaluation of the efficiency of survey methods to monitor large mammals in Cusuco National Park, Honduras
(Master thesis, 2017)Field sign surveys and camera trap surveys are frequently used in the tropics as the preferred survey technique to monitor large terrestrial mammal communities. However, these methods vary in the efficiency of detecting ... -
Anadromous Arctic charr : mapping of migration and habitat use in Isfjorden, Svalbard
(Master thesis, 2022)The movements of 90 anadromous Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (mean ± s.d. fork length = 45.63 ± 5.6 cm) in fresh-, brackish-, and marine waters were studied from mid-July to midSeptember 2021 use of acoustic telemetry ... -
Analyse av residuallast og fleksibilitetsbehov i Nord-Europa i 2040
(Master thesis, 2019)Målsetningen med studien var å kvantifisere fleksibilitetsbehovet i Nord-Europe for ulike scenarier i 2040, og undersøke hvor mye at dette behovet som kan dekkes av mer overføringskapasitet mellom landene. Studien tar ... -
Analysing forests naturalness in southern Norway using airborne laser scanning
(Master thesis, 2021)Biological and ecological important areas and species are in increasing focus now. Earlier protected areas have mostly excluded productive forest areas in Norway. The added focus on these areas combined with an increased ... -
Anrikning og omsetning av metaller i innsjøer utsatt for veiavrenning, studert med paleolimnologiske metoder
(Master thesis, 2018)Ved hjelp av paleolimnologiske metoder kan man undersøke metallkonsentrasjonene for de ulike lag i en sedimentsøyle og hvordan konsentrasjonene har endret seg over tid. En uforstyrret sedimentsøyle som går langt tilbake i ... -
Antioxidant enzyme system in fish from contaminated lakes in Chernobyl exclusion zone
(Master thesis, 2020)Akvatiske organismer i Tsjernobyl-eksklusjonssonen har blitt kronisk eksponert for ioniserende stråling siden atomkraftulykken i Tsjernobyl i 1986. Fisk anses som de mest radiosensitive akvatiske organismene, og i den høyt ... -
Anuran diversity and community structure in a flooded forest along the middle Juruá River
(Master thesis, 2024)The Amazon rainforest hosts one of the most diverse anuran assemblages in the world. Despite this there is a severe lack of knowledge on the diversity and composition of anurans across key habitats in the western Brazilian ... -
Application of Aerogel-based plaster for refurbishment and preservation of a listed historic masonry building in Norway : an in-situ energy efficiency study
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis examines the energy efficiency effects of refurbishing historic masonry buildings in a Norwegian climate with the use of an aerogel-based plaster (FIXIT222) for cold side insulation. Additionally, it aims to ... -
Application of waterborne electrical resistivity tomography and ground penetrating radar in the delta area of Numedalslågen, Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)Two non-invasive geophysical methods have been tested in the lowermost reaches of the river Numedalslågen, Southern Norway. The aim were to estimate thickness of sediments, possible layering and the depth to the bedrock. ...