Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 111-130 of 778
Den menneskelege dimensjonen i verneområdeforvaltninga : fjellvandrarars verdisyn og åtferdsintensjonar ovanfor sårbart vilt
(Master thesis, 2022)Natur og spesielt verna naturområde er i aukande grad attraktive for rekreasjon og naturbaserte aktivitetar. Denne auka attraktiviteten kjem med utfordringar for forvaltninga som må balansere negative innverknader på natur ... -
Deponering och rotupptag av 238U, 232Th, 226Ra och 228Ra i bär och tillhörande bladverk från områden med förhöjda nivåer av naturligt förekommande radioaktivitet
(Master thesis, 2021)Naturliga radionuklider förekommer med varierande koncentrationer i jordmånen och kan överföras till vegetation genom rotupptag eller deponering. Överföringen estimeras vanligen genom transferfaktorn, en väletablerad ... -
Depreciative tourist behaviour in a protected birdwatching site : a qualitative study of birdwatchers on Hornøya, Northern Norway
(Master thesis, 2019)Wildlife watching tourism is a growing industry and can become eco-friendly if sufficient conservation measures are actively included in the operative tourism strategies. Research on visitor behaviour is necessary to ... -
«Det lyser i hyttegrender av tindrande ljos kvar kveld»: Om lysbruk på norske fritidsbustadar i fjellet
(Master thesis, 2024)Lysforureining er uynskt eller overflødig kunstig lys. For å redusere effektane av lysforureining, er det viktig med forståing av menneske si åtferd som kan bidra til lysforureining og negative følgjer. I denne studien ... -
Detection and quantification of arsenolipids in human breast milk by HPLC-ICP-MS and HPLC-ESI-MS : method optimization to enable quantification of six arsenolipids at low concentration levels
(Master thesis, 2018)Recent research has shown that some arsenic containing lipids, common components of seafood, are highly cytotoxic and have the potential to cross the blood-brain barrier. Infants, in particular, are especially sensitive ... -
Detection of root and butt rot in Norway Spruce (Picea Abies) using airborne hyperspectral images and laser scanning
(Master thesis, 2020)The forest is an important renewable resource in a sustainable bioeconomy. Yearly, fungal decay causes economical losses that exceed 100 million NOK within the Norwegian forest sector. Root and butt rots are the main ... -
Detection of tire and road wear particles in duck mussels (Anodonta anatina) from a road-near lake in Norway using various analytical techniques
(Master thesis, 2022)Microplastic particles (MP) in the environment are an emerging problem, and the environmental impacts are still to be completely understood. It is known that small plastic particles have been in the environment for a long ... -
Deteksjon av pionertrær i tregrenseøkotonen ved bruk av tredimensjonale punktskyer fra bildematching
(Master thesis, 2019)Tregrenseøkotonen (overgangssonen mellom skog og treløst alpint område) har alltid vært i endring. I en periode med økning i gjennomsnittstemperatur og en endring i arealbruken, er tregrenseøkotonen forventet å etablere ... -
Determinants of domestic cat ocurrence in forests in southeastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)Domestic cats can pose a significant threat to local wildlife in urban and rural areas because of their high densities and proficiency as predators. However, few attempts have been made to quantify the impact of domestic ... -
Determinants of habitat utilization patterns of European lobsters (Homarus gammarus) in the Inner Oslo Fjord, Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)Habitat type and structure influences diversity body size, recruitment, population size structure and survival of species in marine communities. There is, however, inadequate empirical evidence on what substitutes ... -
Determinants of scent-marking behavior by Asiatic cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus) at camera traps in Iran
(Master thesis, 2021)Scent marking is a common behaviour in large carnivores and serves a multiple of ecological purposes. It functions as a method of communication, either to warn off intruders, attract mates or to mark territory. In surveys ... -
Determination of elements in snow and water samples on Jan Mayen
(Master thesis, 2022)Iceland is considered one of the greatest dust emission sources in the Arctic. Once the dust is deposited, it significantly affects snow and ice albedo. This hastens the glacier melting and leads to new accessible dust ... -
Development in phytoplankton assemblages, ecological status and purification effect in Teglverksdammen : a study of a pond the first two growth seasons following deculverting of an urban stream system in Oslo, Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)There is growing consensus that deculverting and restoration of buried urban streams may come with a range of ecological and socioeconomic benefits, including; reduced flood risks, improved water quality, facilitation of ... -
Dewatering of sludge for small scale and decentralized production of biochar
(Master thesis, 2021)Sewage sludge dewatering and drying is one of the major challenges in the current wastewater treatment systems. The current dewatering methods in centralized wastewater treatment plants whether using frame or belt filter ... -
Diet, diel activity and prey handling during food provisioning in the common barn owl (Tyto alba): a comparative study using continuous camera monitoring data from three European countries
(Master thesis, 2024)Even though various aspects of the barn owl’s (Tyto alba) diet and breeding ecology have been extensively studied in the past, high-resolution data on diel activity and prey handling at the nest are still scarce. This study ... -
Diet, diel activity and prey handling in the tawny owl (Strix aluco)
(Master thesis, 2018)I recorded prey deliveries and prey handling using video monitoring at three tawny owl (Strix aluco) nests from late april to late may in 2017, in Akershus county in southeast Norway. I registered a total of 455 prey items, ... -
Diet, diel activity pattern and prey handling of nesting hawk owls (Surnia ulula) as revealed by video monitoring
(Master thesis, 2018)I used video monitoring to record prey deliveries at four nests of the northern hawk owl (Surnia ulula) in southern Norway. One nest was monitored in May 2014, while the three other nests were monitored in May-July 2017. ... -
Diet, diel pattern of prey deliveries and prey handling of nesting urban peregrines (Falco peregrinus) in UK, as revealed by continuous video monitoring
(Master thesis, 2022)The diet, prey handling behaviour and diel pattern of prey deliveries of an urban nesting pair of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) in Cromer, UK, was studied through continuous video recording at the nest. The study ... -
Diet, prey deliveries and prey handling of nesting golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Oppland county, Norway, as revealed by video monitoring of four nests throughout the nestling period
(Master thesis, 2020)In this study I used video monitoring of nests throughout the nestling period to study diet, prey deliveries and prey handling of four breeding pairs of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Oppland county, Norway. A total ... -
Diet, prey deliveries, and prey handling of nesting urban peregrines (Falco peregrinus) in England, as revealed by continuous video monitoring
(Master thesis, 2020)The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) is one of the most studied birds of prey. New developments within video recordings, and particularly the use of web cameras at the nest of urban peregrines, has allowed for a more ...