Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 666-685 of 778
Tapt areal og redusert produksjonsevne i Verdalsvassdragets sjøørretbekker
(Master thesis, 2018)Sjøørretpopulasjonen i Norge er flere steder blitt svært redusert. Denne studien fokuserer på forholdene i ferskvann og ser på sjøørretbekkene i Verdalsvassdraget ved å kartlegge fremkommelighet, tilgjengelig habitat, ... -
Tekno-økonomisk analyse av energieffektiviseringstiltak i yrkesbygg
(Master thesis, 2021)Målet med oppgaven var å utforske hvordan sammenlagt energibehov for yrkesbygg endres når byggmassen blir mer energieffektiv. For å undersøke hvilke tiltak som ble innført ble Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE) ... -
Tekno-økonomisk analyse av nødstrømsforsyning for mobile basestasjoner
(Master thesis, 2020)Det er økt fokus på fornybar energi i teleindustrien og de norske teleoperatørene har forpliktet seg til å jobbe mot en 100% fornybar kraftforsyning. Nødstrømsforsyningen til norske mobilstasjoner består i dag av batteribanker ... -
Teknoøkonomisk analyse av fornybar energiproduksjon : et casestudie for utslippsfri traktorbruk i 2030
(Master thesis, 2019)Norsk landbruk er under økende press for å produsere mat på en mer miljø- og klimavennlig måte. Ved å erstatte dieseltraktoren med elektriske traktorer kan landbrukets klimagassutslipp reduseres med 10 %, og representere ... -
Tekstilhåndtering i Oslo kommune : forbruk og muligheter : analyse av klesforbruk og en beregning av potensiell klimaeffekt ved økt utsortering av tekstiler fra husholdninger og kommunale virksomheter
(Master thesis, 2021)Dagens tekstilindustri forbruker store ressurser, noe som medfører store miljøpåvirkninger globalt. Frem til nylig har tekstiler som avfallsressurs, nesten ikke vært tema for myndighetene. Den europeiske union (EU) har ... -
Temperature shapes the daily temporal distribution of Neotropical mammals
(Master thesis, 2022)Behavioural adaptations in response to environmental changes is commonly found in wild animals. Such adaptations can be both on the spatial and the temporal scale, with the majority of previous studies focusing on the ... -
Temporal development of macroinvertebrate communities and their responses to restoration measures in Bognelv, Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)Human activities drive degradation and biodiversity loss of freshwater rivers globally. One of the major threats to rivers are channelization, which straightens the river and eliminates the heterogenic habitats as opposed ... -
Temporal patterns in Macrotermes mound occupancy in a savanna ecosystem
(Master thesis, 2020)Macrotermes play a central role in the structure and functioning of many savanna ecosystems. However, the patterns they display in occupying the mounds and important mechanisms that support these patterns are not well ... -
Temporal patterns of main and alternative prey deliveries at a Eurasian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) nest
(Master thesis, 2022)Prey switching is an important part of predator feeding and breeding ecology since prey populations and therefore prey availability is dynamic. Deliveries of prey made by the Eurasian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) breeding ... -
Termiske sesonglager i fjernvarme for økt fleksibilitet i kraftnett : en casestudie av energisystemet i Oslo
(Master thesis, 2022)Etterspørselen etter elektrisitet i Norge øker som følge av elektrifisering, og skaper utfordringer for kraftnettet. Samtidig er utvidelser av kraftnettet kostbare, tidkrevende og kan innebære store miljøinngrep. En rekke ... -
Test af fluorometer i en turbid og humøs sø : kan et in situ fluorometer erstatte laboratoriemålinger af klorofyl a?
(Master thesis, 2019)Overvågning af søer har de seneste årtier fået større og større opmærksomhed. Dette skyldes de stadigt stigende udfordringer i forbindelse med at holde den antropogene påvirkning ved et minimum. Både naturlige sæsonvariationer, ... -
Testing a fundamental assumption in radiation exposure assessments : a study of 137Cs dose in Norwegian reindeer
(Master thesis, 2022)Measuring external contaminant exposure in free-ranging animals is challenging, because of lacking adequate contaminant monitors. Therefore, most wildlife contaminant exposure data are obtained from computer simulation ... -
Testing a new methodology for measuring aggregate stability
(Master thesis, 2021)Soil aggregate stability is an important measure of a soils’ physical and structural condition. Good aggregate stability is paramount in order to sustain crop productivity, limit soil erosion and promote healthy and ... -
Testing host choice of Ips typographus in Norway spruce and two North American spruce species, using field studies and lab analysis
(Master thesis, 2019)The spruce bark beetle Ips typographus is one of the most damaging pests in Europe’s boreal forests and cause catastrophic tree mortality during outbreaks. Norway spruce (Picea abies), an economically important forest tree, ... -
The Diversity and Behavior of Pollinating Insects in Apple Orchard
(Master thesis, 2023)Diverse assemblages of insects improve the overall productivity and stability of natural and agricultural ecosystems. Cultivated fruit crops, such as apples, that require pollination services by insects are particularly ... -
The effect of distance from forest edge on flower visitor frequency and fruit set : a case study of Cucumis sativa around Kakamega forest
(Master thesis, 2018)Pollination is a key ecosystem function that is important for food production. This service is maintained by natural habitats which provide a dwelling place for these pollinators. However, these natural habitats are on the ... -
The effect of long-term experimental warming on lichens and vascular plants in an alpine Dryas heath
(Master thesis, 2018)Global warming affects species diversity and ecosystems throughout the world, and alpine and arctic plant communities are considered to be particularly sensitive. During the last decades, several studies have shown a shift ... -
The effects of gypsum and açai as amendments on bauxite residue as a growth medium: chemical properties, mobility of toxic trace elements and vegetation experiment
(Master thesis, 2022)As the third most common element in the earth's crust, aluminum possesses functional qualities for a variety of industrial and household applications. The extraction of primary aluminum from bauxite ore accelerated in ... -
The effects of increased soil moisture on the timing of senescence of three plants grazed by Svalbard reindeer
(Master thesis, 2023)Climate change is affecting the Arctic faster than anywhere else on the planet, with increases in temperature and precipitation predicted to have significant effects on Arctic ecosystems. Water availability is of key ...