Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 577-596 of 779
Rainfall-runoff modelling with high temporal resolution on the arable catchment Skuterud : assessing the performance of the Distance Distribution Dynamics model
(Master thesis, 2019)Runoff from arable land is recognised as the main reason for water degradation, eutrophication and reduced water quality. The aim of the study is to model runoff on a 1h temporal resolution from an arable catchment using ... -
Reconstruction of a pool-and-weir fishway to a vertical slot hybrid fishway in the inland river Glomma : effects on upstream migration of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta)
(Master thesis, 2017)Det er godt dokumentert at installasjoner i vassdrag kan ha store negative konsekvenser på ulike fiskearter og deres habitater. Demninger kan blokkere og forsinke migrasjon, samt endre den romlige fordeling av individer. ... -
Recovery of nutrients from concentrated liquid waste streams
(Master thesis, 2019)Anaerobic digestion is a key technology for the treatment of organic waste streams and is used worldwide to treat domestic wastewater for the production of biogas. Alongside biogas, digestate is produced after anaerobic ... -
Recruitment of Scots pine Pinus Sylvestris L. beyond the edge of its current distribution range in the forest-tundra ecotone of northern Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)The forest-tundra ecotone in Northern Fennoscandia has experienced significant abiotic and biotic changes in recent decades which may ultimately affect the distribution of tree species. In this study, I investigate the ... -
Regulanters rolle i flomdemping i norske vassdrag
(Master thesis, 2019)Denne masteroppgaven kartlegger kostnader ved to historiske flommer i to vassdrag som er valgt som case for denne oppgaven. En 100-årsflom i Mandalsvassdraget i 2017 og en 50-årsflom i Jostedøla i 2018. Flomkostnadene som ... -
A regulatory and techno-economic analysis of developing an offshore wind farm at Sørlige Nordsjø II
(Master thesis, 2020)The European Commission recently presented a strategy proposal to increase Europe’s offshore wind capacity to 60GW by 2030 and to 300GW by 2050. Along with strong wind resources, Norway has a tremendous opportunity to ... -
Rehydration and photosynthetic reactivation of old forest cephalolichen members of Lobaria in humid air
(Master thesis, 2018)Most lichens tolerate desiccation, yet sufficient hydration remains a general prerequisite to photosynthesis and growth. Species-specific morphologies likely reflect important hydration traits and may therefore provide ... -
Reiseliv og lokal forvaltning : eit samanlikningsstudie av Besseggen og Galdhøpiggen
(Master thesis, 2019)Denne oppgåva er eit komparativt studie mellom to reiselivsdestinasjonar som ligg i tilknyting til Jotunheimen nasjonalpark: Besseggen-området i Vågå kommune og Galdhøpigg-området i Lom kommune. Problemstillinga som er ... -
Reiselivets påvirkning på Odda som lokalsamfunn : økonomiske-, sosiale-, og miljømessige effekter
(Master thesis, 2018)Det har kommet veldig mange flere turister til Norge de senere årene, noe mange destinasjoner har merket godt. Reiselivsutvikling har alltid effekter for det lokalsamfunnet det foregår i, både positive og negative effekter. ... -
Reiselivsnæringens medvirkning i nasjonalparkforvaltningen : en studie av besøksstrategier for nasjonalparker i Sør-Norge
(Master thesis, 2022)Nasjonalparkene er viktige turistattraksjoner og har et stort antall besøkende hvert år. Videre er det et ønske om økt bruk av nasjonalparkene i reiselivssammenheng. For å unngå at dette fører til en forringelse av natur- ... -
Removal of phosphorus from anaerobic digested blackwater by precipitation with struvite from seawater and magnesium chloride
(Master thesis, 2019)Phosphorus is a finite resource with the largest remaining resources in West Sahara and China. India and Europe have no significant mineral Phosphorus. The increase of awareness about the recovery of Phosphorus as fertilizer ... -
Reproduction in the asphalt jungle: Diverging impacts of urbanisation and beekeeping on seed production in native and invasive plants
(Master thesis, 2023)* Urbanisation is increasing worldwide, posing a potential threat to pollinator communities and subsequently the delivery of pollination services to wild plants. However, studies are diverging on whether urbanisation ... -
Resilience of Alpine Salix shrubs to changes in browsing pressure
(Master thesis, 2020)Browsing by large herbivores has the potential to inhibit climate-driven shrub expansion. How resilient shrubs are to a change in herbivory, however, is not fully understood. In this study, I want to examine how Salix ... -
Resirkulerings- og ombruksløsninger for vindturbinblader fra norske vindkraftanlegg
(Master thesis, 2020)Norsk vindkraft er i kraftig vekst, med 16 nye vindkraftanlegg klare for å driftsettes i løpet av 2020. Med dagens designede levetid på 25 år er det lenge til turbinene skal legges ned, og det er krevende å planlegge hvordan ... -
Resistance mechanisms towards the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor in two naturally-surviving honey bee populations (Apis mellifera) from Scandinavia
(Master thesis, 2018)The invasion of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor has caused massive problems for the apicultural industry in Europe and North America. The varroa mite has also contributed to the extinction of most wild and feral ... -
Resource recovery from organic household waste
(Master thesis, 2024)Resource recovery from organic household waste in the form of fertiliser and soil amendment products shows great promise in terms of achieving sustainability goals and contributing to circular economy under increasingly ... -
Responses in fish and macroinvertebrates to channelization and restoration in two Arctic rivers
(Master thesis, 2018)The two rivers Salangselva and Kvernmoelva in Troms county, were both channelized and erosion secured during the 1980s. This stimulated agricultural activity in adjacent properties in the following years. In parallel, a ... -
Restoration Potential of Soil Seed Banks for Coastal Heathlands and Calcareous Meadows in Western Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)Over the last centuries, traditional farming practices have created species-rich, semi-natural ecosystems that depend on human use to maintain the characteristic open vegetation. Recent land use changes, including abandonment ... -
Revurdering av beskyttelsessoner rundt Elverum vannverk
(Master thesis, 2019)Elverum vannverk ble startet opp på 80-tallet og pumper i dag opp ca. 6000 m3 vann per døgn. Rundt vannverket ligger det fire beskyttelsessoner som har til hensikt å verne om drikkevannskilden. Soneinndelingen følger ... -
Rewetting of drained ombrotrophic bogs in Norway : short-term effects on vegetation
(Master thesis, 2021)The restoration of degraded mires is considered an important part of mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss. Mires are wetland ecosystems where organic matter is submerged and preserved as peat layers. Bogs are ...