Master’s theses (MINA)
Unless otherwise stated on the individual theses, the works in this collection are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Recent Submissions
Vertebrate environmental DNA from understory leaf swabs unravel the canopy fauna of tropical forests
(Master thesis, 2024)The Amazon basin, one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth, remains underexplored despite its immense ecological importance. Arboreal species, which play critical ecological roles, are especially understudied due to the ... -
Drops of Diversity: Vertebrate rainwash eDNA metabarcoding in an Amazonian floodplain forest
(Master thesis, 2024)Extensive research has been conducted along the Medio Juruá River in the western Brazilian Amazon, with vertebrate species being relatively well-documented. However, studies on biodiversity in this region has predominantly ... -
Økning i farge og konsekvenser for fytoplanktonsammensteningen i en humøs innsjø, Oslo Østmark?
(Master thesis, 2024)Mange innsjøer i den boreale sone har fått økt oppmerksomhet i de siste tiårene grunnet økt farge, såkalt browning eller brunifisering på norsk. Det særegne mange av disse innsjøene er den økende forekomsten av en spesiell ... -
Long-term influence of forest management on Diptera abundance
(Master thesis, 2024)Intensive forestry practices, particularly clear-cutting, have significantly altered Norway’s forest landscapes since the mid-20th century. This shift away from traditional, more selective logging methods, has in many areas ... -
Cleaving White Oak (Quercus Petraea & Q.Robur) for shipboards used in viking-ship reconstruction in Scandinavia.
(Master thesis, 2024)The Norse built their hulls from oak boards hewn from cleaved or ‘rived’ logs. We know this through artworks and texts as well as archaeological finds describing the ships as well as their construction from the latter half ... -
Assessing the ecological effects of the Lista wind power park on vegetation and cervids.
(Master thesis, 2024)Land-based wind power is considered one of the most applicable sources of renewable energy for the future. While cost effective, the knowledge of ecological consequences associated with construction and operation is limited. ... -
Investigation of cobalt nanoparticle induced toxicity and hypoxic response in Caenorhabditis elegans
(Master thesis, 2024)The use of nanoparticles, defined as particles smaller than 100 nm, is experiencing a notable surge worldwide. Among these are cobalt nanoparticles (CoNPs) which have applications across various fields including electronics, ... -
Eurasian Lynx Home Range Overlap: Influence of Migratory Prey, Seasonal Variation, and Social Dynamics
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates the spatial dynamics of Eurasian lynx in Norway, specifically addressing following primary research questions: how the overlap with other lynx is influenced by the size of their home ranges, the ... -
Feltundersøkingar og kartlegging av toppdekke og tetningslag på Brånåsdalen nedlagte avfallsdeponi
(Master thesis, 2024)Nedlagte avfallsdeponi har fått større merksemd dei seinare åra på grunn av effektar det har på miljøet og utfordringar knytt til utbygging på eller i nærleiken av slike område. Før var handtering av avfall mindre regulert ... -
Chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) among amphibians in an Amazonian floodplain forest
(Master thesis, 2024)The increasing frequency of emerging infectious disease outbreaks is causing population declines and sparking concerns for species conservation. Chytridiomycosis is one of these diseases. It is caused by the widespread ... -
Nocturnal Pollination Services in Agroecosystems: A Case Study Examining Apple Horticulture in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)The role of day active pollinators in agroecosystems has been broadly studied over the last 50 years. However, much less is known about the contributions of night active pollinators to overall agricultural and horticultural ... -
Potential Interactions of Sediment Characteristics and Oxygen Availability: Effects on Embryonic Development of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
(Master thesis, 2024)Increasing sediment influx from construction activities threatens salmonid spawning habitats, impacting the development and hatching success of embryos due to finer sediments. This study investigates the interplay between ... -
How Introducing Flower Meadows in Cities Affect the Diversity of Plant-Bee Interactions
(Master thesis, 2024)Urbanization poses a significant threat to wild bee populations and the pollination services they provide, primarily due to habitat loss and fragmentation. To mitigate these challenges, initiatives such as establishing ... -
Effekt og opplevelse av kommunikasjonstiltak for å endre besøkendes bålatferd i sårbare naturområder: En casestudie fra Femundsmarka nasjonalpark
(Master thesis, 2024)Økt press på verneverdiene i norske verneområder har ført til et stadig større behov for besøksforvaltning. Allemannsretten gjør at forvaltningen i stor grad baserer seg på myke virkemidler, som ulike informasjonstiltak. ... -
Estimering av berggrunns sedimenttykkelse med Kriging vs. Maskinlæringsmodeller
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen hadde som mål å finne de beste regresjonsmetodene for å estimere berggrunnens sedimenttykkelse rundt Årungen, ved å sammenligne Kriging Interpolering med Maskinlæring-metoder. Nøyaktig modellering er ... -
Socio-Economic Influences and Reported Benefits of the implementation of Natural Water Retention Measures in the Morsa Catchment
(Master thesis, 2023)As climate change increases its impact on agriculture, strategies and solutions are developed to help mitigate its consequence on agriculture. Simultaneously, there is increasing pressure on agriculture to lessen its impact ... -
Harnessing eDNA metabarcoding to investigate marine vertebrate community composition and its seasonal changes in the Oslo fjord
(Master thesis, 2023)Marine økosystemer er i økende grad truet av ulike menneskelige aktiviteter. Nøyaktig overvåkning er derfor essensielt for bevaring av naturen og dens arter, men dette forblir spesielt utfordrende i marine miljøer. I ... -
Long-term effects of forest management on parasitoid wasps
(Master thesis, 2024)Forest ecosystems are important for maintaining multiple ecosystem services, providing timber and habitat for pest controlling species. Parasitoid wasps are important natural pest controls, but studies on how parasitoid ... -
Prediksjon av bonitet i ungskog ved hjelp av laserdata
(Master thesis, 2023)I skogforvaltningen er presis bonitetsinformasjon viktig for å ta riktige beslutninger, både med hensyn til valg av tiltak og optimalt tidspunkt for gjennomføring av tiltakene. I de senere årene har flybåren laserskanning ... -
Konsekvenser av sjødeponi for naturmangfoldet, friluftslivet og reiselivet i Ytre Oslofjord
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Oslofjordens økosystem er per i dag sterkt overbelastet av mange ulike miljøfaktorer. Forskere har i flere år ropt varsko om Oslofjordens tilstand og har kommet med forslag om hvilke tiltak som bør gjøres. ...