Browsing Master's theses (IHA) by Title
Now showing items 59-78 of 318
Effect of dietary fat level and exercise on growth, feed utilization, nutrient digestibility and fat deposition in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
(Master thesis, 2013-10-21)The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of dietary fat level and exercise on growth, feed utilization, nutrient digestibility and fat deposition in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Atlantic ... -
Effect of different enzymes on compacting and physical quality characteristics of torula yeast (Candida utilis)
(Master thesis, 2017)The purpose of this study was to investigate the reaction between the yeast materials derived from Candida utilis (CU) and different enzymes, and to evaluate their interaction on physical pellet quality. In order to evaluate ... -
Effect of feeding supplementary diets containing soybeans and moringa leaves on growth and fillet quality of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), and comparison of growth and fillet quality between Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) and Wami River tilapia (O. urolepis hornorum)
(Master thesis, 2014-08-13)The primary object of this study is to compare effects of various diets and tilapia species on growth performance and fillet quality. The secondary objective is to evaluate which diet could serve as a good alternative for ... -
Effect of hammer milling, roller milling and pelleting on technical and nutritive value of barley for ruminants
(Master thesis, 2014-09-24)Barley is world’s fourth grain with respect to its production. To understand its characteristics and effects of different processing methods upon its utilization by ruminants, a comprehensive literature review was conducted ... -
Effect of inclusion zeolite as grit in commercial pelleted diet on caged broiler's growth performance, gizzard parameters and excreta size distributions
(Master thesis, 2016-08-18)The purpose of this experiment is to determine effects of inclusion zeolite as grit in modern caged broilers. A total of 252 day-old male broilers arrived in pens and were reared only commercial starter pellets and water ... -
Effect of intensive calf rearing on average daily gain in the pre-weaning period and first lactation milk yield
(Master thesis, 2010-12-17)Abstract Most studies on intensive rearing of dairy calves in the pre-weaning period have revealed a positive impact on early and later life performance, but have struggled to reveal statistically significant results. On ... -
Effect of intermittent feeding and structural components on performance and digestive tract for broiler chickens
(Master thesis, 2014-07-31)An experiment was conducted to study the effect of a diet with high structural component on the performance of ad lib and intermittently-fed broiler chickens; whether the supplemented enzymes had effect on ileal viscosity ... -
Effect of nutritional level of omega-3 fatty acids on growth and health related parameters of Atlantic salmon rared in fresh water
(Master thesis, 2014-02-19)Fish are the main supplier, in the human food basket, of the health beneficial n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA). Fish oil (FO) has traditionally been used as the dominating lipid component in fish feed. However, ... -
Effect of starch source, screw configuration and steam injection on physical quality and color development of extruded fish feed
(Master thesis, 2012-04-23)The study investigated the effect of starch sources, screw configuration, and steam injection on physical quality of extruded fish feed. Pellet durability, water stability and hardness were measured and analyzed. Four ... -
Effects of concentrate supplementation on reproduction and lactation performance of F1-Small East African x Norwegian does
(Master thesis, 2011-04-14)Forty-five (12-15) months-old, grazing Small East African (SEA) x Norwegian (N) does (20.7 ± 0.6 kg BW) were used to determine effects of three dietary levels on reproductive and lactation performance for 17 months experiment ... -
Effects of diet structure and feed availability on passage rate and nutrients digestibility
(Master thesis, 2014-08-12)The purpose of the experiment was to test the following hypotheses: birds have tendency for over-consumption of feed, and the extent of over-consumption varies through the day after a starvation period. Further, the ... -
Effects of dietary oxidation status and vitamin E level on performance, fillet quality and robustness to acute stress in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
(Master thesis, 2012-05-18)The effects of oxidized dietary lipid and the role of vitamin E on the growth performance, biometric traits, blood parameters, muscle pH and fillet quality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) were evaluated after a 79-day ... -
Effects of different cage environments on social behaviour and some behavioural welfare indicators in adult pair housed silver fox vixens (Vulpes vulpes) in autumn
(Master thesis, 2010-11-16)In recent years there has been an increasing concern for the welfare of animals in the fur production, especially regarding the housing conditions. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of two different housing ... -
Effects of oil exposure and elevated temperature on the liver transcriptome in polar cod (Boreogadus saida)
(Master thesis, 2014-08-13)Expansion of petroleum-related activities in the Arctic has raised concerns about the environment and the adverse effects of potential oil spill on exposed Arctic marine organisms. Additionally, the Arctic is undergoing ... -
Effects of supplement feed on cattle behaviour on pasture
(Master thesis, 2015-01-28)Genetics, supplement feed, environment, and management affect cattle behaviours and diurnal patterns on pasture, thus reflecting individual and/or group difference in time budgets. The aim of this study was to investigate ... -
Effects of vaccination and dietary treatment on development and melanin deposition of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
(Master thesis, 2014-08-13)Visual appearance is an essential quality property of food products. For salmonids the red color of the flesh is a main characteristic noticed by consumers, and fillets with discolored patches are downgraded. During recent ... -
Effekt av aktivitet og ressursfordeling på individualavstanden hos geiter med ulik sosial strategi
(Master thesis, 2010-12-06)Individualavstanden mellom dyr påvirkes av faktorer knyttet til individet, forskjellige aktiviteter og miljøet. Forskjellige individer bruker ulike typer atferdstrategier for å håndtere det sosiale miljøet i ei gruppe. ... -
Effekt av areal og golvtype på aktivitet og sosial åtferd hjå drektige søyer
(Master thesis, 2015-07-02)Føremålet med dette forsøket var å sjå på effekten av areal per dyr (0,75 m2/søye, 1,50 m2/søye og 2,25 m2/søye) og golvtype (talle og strekkmetall) på aktivitet og sosialåtferd hjå drektige søyer. Forsøket hadde eit 2x3 ... -
Effekt av aukande mengde rapskake i rasjonen på innhald av jod i kumjølk
(Master thesis, 2013-10-22)Denne oppgåva er ein del av prosjektet "Jod i mjølk" ved Institutt for husdyr- og akvakulturvitskap, og målet med oppgåva var å sjå korleis ulike mengder rapskake i rasjonen til mjølkekyr ville påverke innhaldet av jod i ... -
Effekt av å ha førstegangskalvere i separat avdeling etter kalving
(Master thesis, 2015-06-17)Førstegangskalvere blir ofte integrert direkte ut i gruppen med eldre melkekyr, noe som kan være en stor påkjenning både fysisk og psykisk. I den senere tid har interessen for å la førstegangskalvere gå i separat avdeling ...