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dc.contributor.advisorAntonsen, Simen
dc.contributor.advisorStenstrøm, Yngve Henning
dc.contributor.authorHaugen, Kristian
dc.description.abstractI denne oppgaven ble metyl 8-(5-heksyltiofen-2-yl)oktanat syntetisert. Målet med oppgaven var syntese og strukturoppklaring av metyl 8-(5-heksyltiofen-2-yl)oktanat og metyl 8-(5- heksyltetrahydrotiofen-2-yl)oktanat i tillegg til å anskaffe mer spektroskopiske data. Totalt ble fire syntesestrategier utprøvd. Hovedutfordringen med samtlige strategier var syntese av den ene substituenten og koblingen av den til 2-heksyltiofen. Den første strategien gikk ut på å syntetisere den ene substituenten med 3,4-dihydro-2Hpyran som utgangspunkt. Koblingen av substituenten til 2-heksyltiofen ble forsøkt utført gjennom en Wittig-reaksjon, men ga ingen resultater å arbeide videre med. Strategi nummer to tok utgangspunkt i å syntetisere substituenten ved hjelp av to propargylalkohol-molekyler. Koblingen av den andre propargylalkoholen viste seg å være utfordrende. Forlenging av sidekjeden til en C8-kjede var planlagt å gjøres med addisjon av en C2-enhet fra trietylfosfonoacetat. Den tredje strategien brukte 1,5-dibrompentan som utgangspunktet for den ene substituenten. Koblingen til 2-heksyltiofen var en utfordring som ikke ble løst her. Hvis dette hadde fungerte, måtte kjeden forlenges med tre karbonatomer for å ende opp med en C8- enhet. I den fjerde strategien ble metyl okt-7-ynat syntetisert først før den ble koblet til 2-jod-5- heksyltiofen gjennom en Sonogashira-krysskobling. Trippelbindingen i sidekjeden ble hydrogenert gjennom heterogen hydrogenering, noe som ga metyl 8-(5-heksyltiofen-2- yl)oktanat. Det ble tatt opp både 1HNMR og 13CNMR-spektre, men på grunn av begrenset tid ble det ikke utført noen IR eller MS-analyse. Strukturoppklaring, med MS, ble derfor ikke utført. Den begrensende tiden gjorde også at videre forsøk for å syntetisere metyl 8-(5- heksyltetrahydrotiofen-2-yl)oktanat ikke ble utført.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis, methyl 8-(5-hexylthiophen-2-yl)octanoate was syntesized. The aim of this thesis was the synthesis and structural elucidation of methyl 8-(5-hexylthiophen-2- yl)octanoate and methyl 8-(5-hexyltetrahydrothiophen-2-yl)octanoate, as well as to procure more spectroscopic data. In total, four strategies were tested. The main concern with all of these strategies was the synthesis of one of the substituents and the subsequent coupling of this substituent to 2-hexylthiophene. The first strategy was based on the synthesis of one substituent from 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran. The coupling of the substituent to 2-hexylthiophene was attempted through a Wittigreaction but did not yield positive results as to continue the work on this strategy. Strategy number two was based on synthesizing the substituent from two propargyl alcohol molecules. The coupling of the second propargyl alcohol unit was challenging and unsuccessful. The extension of the carbon skeleton to a C8-chain was planned to be done through the addition of a C2-unit from triethylphosphonoacetate. In the third strategy, there was an attempt at coupling 1,5-dibromopentane to 2- hexylthiophene as the starting point of the substituent. As this reaction did not yield a positive result, the strategy was abandoned. If this reaction were successfull, the carbon chain would have had to be elongated with three carbon atoms to end up with a C8-unit. The fourth and final strategy was based on synthesizing methyl oct-7-ynoate first before it was coupled with 2-iodo-5-hexylthiophene through a Sonogashira coupling. Heterogeneous hydrogenation was used to hydrogenate the triple bond in the substituent, which afforded methyl 8-(5-hexylthiophen-2-yl)octanoate. A 1HMNR and 13CNMR spectrum was obtained, but due to a lack of time no IR or MS-analysis was performed. Structural elucidation, with MS, was therefore not executed. The limited time was also the reason that there was no further attempt at syntheizing methyl 8-(5-hexyltetrahydrothiophen-2-yl)octanoate.en_US
dc.publisherNorwegian University of Life Sciences, Åsen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleSyntese av noen svovelholdige, heterosykliske fettsyrederivateren_US
dc.title.alternativeSynthesis of some sulphur-containing heterocyclic fatty acid derivativesen_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US

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