Blar i Master’s theses (MINA) på utgivelsesdato
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Miljøstatus i Årungen studert ved Cs-137 datering og sedimentanalyser av karbon, nitrogen, fosfor, svovel, kobber, jern, mangen, sink og bly
(Master thesis, 2013)Eutrofiering er en sammensatt dynamisk prosess i en innsjø og involverer en rekke kjemiske stoffer. Spesielt fosfor er av avgjørende betydning som vekstbegrensende faktor for alger. Innsjøen er imidlertid påvirket av ... -
Optimising the utilisation of agricultural manure for biogas production : a model based on the county of Vestfold in Norway
(Master thesis, 2017)The threat of climate-change and the harm it is doing to the Earth has been known for a long time, and the worlds countries have come together to try to limit the damages humanity is doing. The result is multiple international ... -
Incentives, barriers and measures for increased recycling among students in student dorms : a behavioral case study on students living in selective SiÅs housings
(Master thesis, 2017)Waste sorting and recycling has become an important goal in environmental policy. As a result waste management practices has changed radically in many countries around the world. One of the major problems in the management ... -
An evaluation of the efficiency of survey methods to monitor large mammals in Cusuco National Park, Honduras
(Master thesis, 2017)Field sign surveys and camera trap surveys are frequently used in the tropics as the preferred survey technique to monitor large terrestrial mammal communities. However, these methods vary in the efficiency of detecting ... -
Comparison of EIQ and PRIMET models to assaee the impact of pesticide use of smallholder cocoa production in western Ghana
(Master thesis, 2017)Risk assessments of agricultural systems in Ghana are often performed to ascertain the level of risk posed by agrochemicals released during application. In this thesis two risk assessment models EIQ and PRIMET are compared ... -
Mikrobiell metabolisme, hvilken betydning har den for vitring?
(Master thesis, 2017)Klimaendringer fører til endringer i temperatur- og nedbørsmønstre over hele jordkloden og er en av vår tid største utfordringer. Drivhusgasser som karbondioksid (CO2), metan, vanndamp, dinitrogenoksid (lystgass, N2O) og ... -
Colonisation and growth of benthic algae in a recently deculverted urban stream
(Master thesis, 2017)Stream restoration by the process of deculverting is a comprehensive form of restoration which aims to improve morphological, chemical and ecological condition through the re-creation of a naturalized stream from a piped ... -
Survival and life history differentiation in Sympatric European Grayling populations in Lesjaskogsvatnet
(Master thesis, 2017)The present study entitled “Survival and life history differentiation in Sympatric European Grayling populations in Lesjaskogsvatnet” deals with individual growth trajectories and adult mortality differences among grayling ... -
Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater through Struvite Precipitation
(Master thesis, 2017)Phosphorus is an essential nutrient to sustain life. With regards to limited Phosphorus resources, recovery and reuse of Phosphorus are necessary. Wastewater usually contains large amount of Phosphorus which could cause ... -
The role of wildlife tourism in conservation in Norway
(Master thesis, 2017)Nature-based tourism is a growing tendency in Norway and in the rest of the world. One of the sectors that seem to grow most rapidly is wildlife watching. Based on existing data from quantitative and qualitative research ... -
Hydrogeological condition at the water works of Elverum kommune
(Master thesis, 2017)Norwegian rivers and lakes can provide abundant amount of fresh water being more than 60% of these surface water sources in high ecological status. About 15 % of water consumption in Norway is using groundwater as a source. ... -
Reconstruction of a pool-and-weir fishway to a vertical slot hybrid fishway in the inland river Glomma : effects on upstream migration of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta)
(Master thesis, 2017)Det er godt dokumentert at installasjoner i vassdrag kan ha store negative konsekvenser på ulike fiskearter og deres habitater. Demninger kan blokkere og forsinke migrasjon, samt endre den romlige fordeling av individer. ... -
Insect pathogenic fungi and desiccant dust against heat stressed bed bugs : maternal effects and response regulation from feeding
(Master thesis, 2017)The development of novel control options is a prerequisite for improved management of the insecticide resistant common bed bug Cimex lectularius. This laboratory study investigated the killing ability of insect pathogenic ... -
Household recycling rates for plastic and wet organic waste in Norwegian municipalities : possible influence by sociodemographic, geographic and waste management properties
(Master thesis, 2017)With population growth and a huge increase in consumption over the last decades, waste has transitioned from being considered a problem to being considered a resource. To exploit this resource in the most efficient way ... -
Phosphorus recovery through struvite precipitation: testing of parameters which enhance phosphorus recovery
(Master thesis, 2017)Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for growth in all living organisms and is used as fertilizer to maintain food production. Today's recovery of mineral phosphate will lead to a lack of phos-phorus as mineral fertilizer ... -
Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with bark beetles infesting broadleaved trees in Norway
(Master thesis, 2017)The diversity of ophiostomatoid fungi associated with coniferous trees in Europe is quite well known. However, far less is known about the species associated with broadleaved trees. This study investigated the diversity ... -
Trender innen det naturbaserte reiselivet i Norge, Sverige og Finland: En kvalitativ analyse
(Master thesis, 2017-08-11)Det naturbaserte reiselivet er en gren av turismen som stadig blir mer populær. De nordiske landene Norge, Sverige og Finland har alle et sterkt fokus på denne formen for reiseliv. Dette er noe som bidrar til en økt ... -
Har introduksjon av digital skogbruksplan effekt på aktiviteten i skogbruket?
(Master thesis, 2018)Forvaltning av en skogeiendom bør baseres på korrekt informasjon om skogen. Skogbruksplaner er et viktig verktøy for skogeier for å sikre en bærekraftig forvaltning av skogressursene, der økonomiske, økologiske og sosiale ... -
On the accuracy of GNSS in forests : a test of consumer-grade GNSS equipment, smartphones and open-source postprocessing software under forest canopies, for mapping of forest species
(Master thesis, 2018)The forests are home of two thirds of the red listed species in Norway. To safeguard these species when doing forest management, it is important to know where their respective biotopes are. When mapping species the Global ... -
Livsløpsvurdering av tomatproduksjon i Norge : hvordan vil klima- og miljøpåvirkninger endres ved bruk av biogassressurser?
(Master thesis, 2018)Produksjon av biogass gir energi i form av biogass og et næringsrikt gjødselprodukt i form av biogjødsel. I tillegg arbeides det med å finne aktuelle bruksområder for CO2, som er et biprodukt fra oppgraderingen av biogass ...