Incentives, barriers and measures for increased recycling among students in student dorms : a behavioral case study on students living in selective SiÅs housings
Waste sorting and recycling has become an important goal in environmental policy. As a result waste management practices has changed radically in many countries around the world. One of the major problems in the management of the waste is the inadequate sorting practices. Increasing awareness of the problem and the environmental impact has the potential to adopt better habits and influence higher degree of material recovery.
This master thesis has been prepared with supervision from my supervisor in NMBU, with the aim to increase the knowledge about recycling behavior, attitude and barriers that influence the sorting of household waste among the students of SiÅs. The knowledge attained is intended to be helpful towards initiating future measures to improve the sorting system and the conditions in the dorms.
The research questions are answered by using the data obtained from self-composed survey that has been distributed to student housings Pentagon 1, Pentagon 2, Palisadden and Ponoma in week 40-41. The analysis of the results of this study are based on the research questions. The method chapter describes the objects of study and choice of data and research design. A quantitative research design is applied to generalize the results for the rest of the student population. The results of the data are analyzed by using the IBM SPSS analysis tool. The following statistical tests are conducted in the evaluation of the results: descriptive analysis, cross tabs with chi-square test and fisher’s exact test.
The analysis of the data indicate that gender, housing type, place of origin, family background are all descriptive of positive or negative recycling habits and attitudes. Furthermore, students who have balanced environment and good practices towards waste recycling from home, develops deteriorating habits when met with worse system than the one they are used to. The two most important barriers that are mapped among the students are i) lack of time, will and involvements of others and ii) access or availability of good sorting system for waste. There is high demand for more information and knowledge regarding the sorting system available to the students. The provision of more information regarding waste recycling and the sorting system along with the weekly checkup is considered a motivating factor. Better system and opportunity to sort plastic is the most demanded measure among the respondents. Avfallssortering og gjenvinning har blitt et viktig mål i miljøpolitikken. Som følge av dette har avfallshåndteringspraksisen endret seg radikalt i mange land rundt omkring i verden. Et av de store problemene ved avfallshåndtering er den utilstrekkelige sorteringspraksisen. Ved å øke bevisstheten om problemet og om miljøpåvirkningen er det potensiale til å innføre bedre vaner og oppnå høyere materialgjenvinning.
Denne masteroppgaven er utarbeidet med veiledning fra min veileder i NMBU, med sikte på å øke kunnskapen om gjenvinningsadferden, holdningen og barrierer som påvirker sorteringen av husholdningsavfall blant studenter i SiÅs. Den oppnådde kunnskapen er ment til å være til hjelp for å iverksette fremtidige tiltak for å forbedre sorteringssystemet og forholdene i studentboligene.