Browsing Master's theses (IPM) by Document Types "Master thesis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 204
60pluss : et helsefremmende aktivitetstiltak for eldre?
(Master thesis, 2012-06-18)I denne studien utforskes et av Oslos aktivitetstiltak for eldre, 60pluss. Helsefremmende arbeid gjennom fysisk og sosial aktivitet for friske, inaktive eldre er valgt som tema i denne oppgaven. Vi står i dag overfor ... -
A methodology to compare specialized and mixed farming systems. Case studies, in the Netherlands and France.
(Master thesis, 2012-11-09)This master thesis was carried out at Plant Research International in Wageningen, the Netherlands, within the framework of the double degree in Agroecology between ISARA-Lyon in France and UMB in Norway. The study was part ... -
A survey of Phytophthora in a beech forest in Norway
(Master thesis, 2014-02-13)During the past fifteen years there has been a widespread decline of mature European beech (Fagus sylvatica) in Europe and North America. The trees have shown typical symptoms of Phytophthora infection: root- and collar ... -
ADHD with co-occurring depression/anxiety in children: the relationship with somatic complaints and socio-economic position
(Master thesis, 2012-09-07)The need for continued research of the development of child mental health problems is considerable, as child mental health often precedes the development of mental disorders later in life. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity ... -
Adolescents with chronic headaches : mental health and coping patterns
(Master thesis, 2012-09-10)The purpose of this study is to investigate coping strategies in adolescents with chronic headaches with and without mental health problems. An additional aim is to investigate the comorbidity of mental health problems in ... -
Adsorption of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by a poorly podzolized high latitude soil
(Master thesis, 2012-05-21)Increasing DOC concentrations have been observed in many areas in the Northern Hemisphere, where a warmer and wetter climate is most likely among the causes. Increasing DOC concentrations in ground- and surface waters are ... -
Agricultural innovation in Africa : from soil fertility to market integration. A case study from Benin
(Master thesis, 2013-03-22)In Benin, in response to the declining soil fertility and its effects on food insecurity and natural resources, farmers supported by external agents such as researchers, extension services and NGOs have developed new ... -
Agroecology education : former students' reflections on transferability of tools, skills and knowledge in sustainable development
(Master thesis, 2013-03-22)A change in the common education strategy is vital for securing an environmentally, economically, and socially viable future for the food system. This is a case study of how concepts within the education for sustainable ... -
Akkumulering av tungmetaller i bunnlevende invertebrater og frosk fra rensebasseng langs E6
(Master thesis, 2012-01-16)Større bevissthet rundt vegtrafikkens bidrag til forurensning av vannforekomster har bidratt til at flere rensebasseng for avrenningsvann er anlagt langs norske motorveger. Denne studien har hatt til hensikt å undersøke i ... -
Analysis of homeolog specific transcription in hexaploid wheat
(Master thesis, 2013-09-23)Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, BBAADD) is one of the most important food-crops world-wide. The genome of bread wheat is allohexaploid, meaning that it contains three related diploid genomes (termed A, B and D). This implies ... -
Arbeid som en helsefremmende aktivitet
(Master thesis, 2013-03-20)Sammendrag Dagens forskning viser at mange mennesker med psykiske lidelser ønsker å arbeide, men har liten tro på egne ressurser, stigma og tvil om reelle muligheter på arbeidsmarkedet forhindrer dem å søke vanlig ... -
Assessment of pre-harvest sprouting resistance in spring wheat in Norway
(Master thesis, 2012-09-17)Pre-harvest sprouting is the precocious germination of kernels while still in the mother plant due to early breakage of seed dormancy, which usually occurs when humid weather conditions persist before harvest. It causes a ... -
Assessment of radon and gamma in Kurday mining site, Kazakhstan.
(Master thesis, 2012-09-20)The present work is based on the data obtained from expeditions to Kurday, Kazakhstan in 2006 performed by Joint Norwegian- Kazakhstan – Kyrgyzstan- Tajikistan project in collaboration with the NATRO RESCA project. The ... -
Assessment of radon and gamma in Taboshar mining site, Tajikistan.
(Master thesis, 2012-09-20)This thesis is based on results obtained by the joint effort of the NATO RESCA and the JNKKT projects, carrying out field work in the former mining site in Taboshar, Tajikistan. The uranium legacy from mining operations ... -
Attitudes towards nature and preference for environments with natural elements: An assessment study
(Master thesis, 2012-11-16)Abstract The possible relationship between attitudes towards nature and preference for an office setting with plants was explored in this study. The objectives in the study were to see if a more positive evaluation and ... -
Avløpsslam og biokull fra CCA-behandlet trevirke som jordforbedringsmidler i kobbergruveavgang : effekt på vekst og opptak av arsen, kobber og krom i raigras
(Master thesis, 2012-09-17)Ved tilsetning av jordforbedringsmidler blir det mulig å anlegge plantedekke på gruvedeponier, slik at de beskyttes mot vind- og vannerosjon. Formålet med arbeidet i denne oppgaven var å undersøke egnetheten av avløpsslam ... -
Avløpsslam og biokull fra returtrevirke som jordforbedringsmidler i avgangsmasser fra gruvedrift : effekt på mobilitet og planteopptak av kobber, krom, arsen og nikkel
(Master thesis, 2012-09-18)Sammendrag Utgangspunktet for denne oppgaven var revegetering av deponi for gruveavgang ved Titania A/S. Massene i dette deponiet er lite egnet som vekstmedium for planter og nikkel (Ni) løses ut fra avgangsmassene. ... -
Baking quality in wheat : effect of delayed harvest, cultivars, growing conditions and nitrogen fertilization
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)Abstract: FN, protein percent and gluten quality are amongst the most important quality parameters that determine the baking quality of wheat. Rainfall after physiological maturity causes PHS which reduces grain quality ... -
Behandling av urbant overvann : en undersøkelse av biofiltrenes funksjonalitet og årsaker til algevekst i overvannsanlegget i Nansenparken, Fornebu
(Master thesis, 2013-09-23)Overvannsanlegget i Nansenparken på Fornebu er et av Norges største og mest kjente, der Nansendammen utgjør det sentrale elementet. Anlegget er bygget i henhold til prinsippet om en bærekraftig overvannshåndtering. Dette ... -
Bestemmelse av utlekking av metaller fra odontologiske legeringer i cellekulturmedium ved induktivt koplet plasma massespektrometri (ICP-MS)
(Master thesis, 2010-11-15)Det finnes over tusen odontologiske legeringer på markedet i dag, og bruken av uedle legeringer har i stor grad erstattet bruken av gullbaserte legeringer. Felles for disse legeringene er at de er i kontakt med oralt vev, ...