dc.contributor.advisor | Kallenborn, Roland | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Haug, Line Småstuen | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Becher, Georg | |
dc.contributor.author | Naseem, Sara Nayab | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2012-05-24T12:18:53Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2011 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/11250/186586 | |
dc.description.abstract | I denne studien har det blitt utviklet og testet en metode for bestemmelse for isomerene til perfluoroktylsulfonat (PFOS) i humant serum basert på væskekromatografi-massespektrometri (LC-MS/MS) som var bygget på en tidligere utviklet metode for PFOS. Seks isomere av PFOS har blitt analysert; 1-perfluormetylheptyl sulfonat (1m-PFOS), 2-perfluormetylheptyl sulfonat (2m-PFOS), 3-perfluormetylheptyl sulfonat (3m-PFOS), 4-perfluormetylheptyl sulfonat (4m-PFOS), 5-perfluormetylheptyl sulfonat (5m-PFOS), 6-perfluometylheptyl sulfonat (6m-PFOS) samt lineær PFOS (L-PFOS). Disse ble kvalitativt analysert med kolonnesvitsjing system. Deteksjon skjedde ved ”pseudo” MRM (multiple reaction monitoring) og m/z 499 ble benyttet som både foreldre og datterion. Kollisjonsenergi var 40 eV. Metoden for analyse av PFOS isomere ble utviklet ved Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI), Avdeling for analytisk kjemi. Standarder av PFOS isomere ble benyttet, for å teste separasjon av isomere i prøvene. Separasjon av isomere i standarder ble hoveddelen av studien. To forskjellige analytiske kolonner ble testet; FlouroSep RP octyl (PFO) kolonne og C30 kolonne for separasjon av isomerene. C30 kolonne ble funnet til å være uegnet for analyser av PFOS isomere i denne studien, og dette skyldes trolig for sterk adsorpsjon av PFOS isomerene på stasjonærfasen, dårlig separasjonsevne og mye ”tailing” på kromatogrammene. PFO kolonne viste seg å gi best separasjon. Ettersom det ble funnet PFOS isomere i reelle prøvene, viste dette at analysemetoden var tilfredsstillende for å separere PFOS isomere i serumprøver.
Denne studien viste at separasjon av PFO isomerene var teknisk mulig. L-PFOS, 1m-PFOS eller 5m-PFOS, 3m-PFOS, 2m-PFOS eller 4m-PFOS og 6m-PFOS ble tilfredsstillende separert under arbeidet. Men kooeluering mellom 2m og 4m-PFOS og 1m og 5m PFOS viste at optimering og modifisering av metoden er nødvendig for framtidige undersøkelser. | |
dc.description.abstract | A new method has been developed and tested, aiming at the determination and identification of isomers of perfluoroctylsulfonate (PFOS) in human serum. The method development developed for liquid chromatography- triple quadruple mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) as quantization tool. Well established methods for the quantitative methods of unbranched PFOS were available at the institute for further adoptations. Six isomers of PFOS have been analyzed, 1-perfluoromethylhepthyl sulfonate (1m-PFOS), 2-perfluoromethylhepthyl sulfonate (2m-PFOS), 3- perfluoromethylhepthyl sulfonate (3m-PFOS), 4-perfluoromethylhepthyl sulfonate (4m-PFOS), 5-perfluoromethylhepthyl sulfonate (5m-PFOS), 6-perfluoromethylhepthyl sulfonate (6m-PFOS) and linear perfluorooctylsulfonate (LPFOS). The selected target PFOS isomers were analyzed with standard column switching LC-MS/MS in the “pseudo” MRM (multiple reaction monitoring) and m/z 499 was used both as parent med daughter ion. Collision energy was 40 eV. The method for analysis of PFOS isomers was developed entirely at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI), Department of Analytical Chemistry. Well characterized standard mixtures of PFOS isomers were used to test the separation of isomers in the samples as the major topic of the here presented MSc project. Two different analytical columns for PFOS isomers separation and quantification were tested; FluoroSep RP octyl (PFO) column and C30-column. C30-column was not suitable for quantitative analysis of PFOS isomers in this study; this is probably due to the additional absorption to the stationary phase, poor separation ability and lots of tailing in the chromatograms. PFO column proved to give better separation. Since the concentrations of PFOS isomers were identified, the here obtained results confirmed that the final analytical method is sufficient to separate the target PFOS isomers in serum samples.
Although all target isomers were identified, further method optimization of the methods is still required since coelution between 2m and 4m-PFOS as well as 1m and 5m-PFOS occurred. | |
dc.description.sponsorship | Folkehelseinstituttet | no_NO |
dc.language.iso | nob | no_NO |
dc.publisher | Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås | |
dc.subject | Isomere | no_NO |
dc.subject | Isomerization | no_NO |
dc.title | Utvikling av en bestemmelsesmetode for isomerene av perfluoroktylsulfonat (PFOS) i humant serum basert på LC-MS/MS | no_NO |
dc.title.alternative | Method development for the determination of isomeric perfluorooctylsulfonate (PFOS) in human serum based on LC-MS/MS | no_NO |
dc.type | Master thesis | no_NO |
dc.subject.nsi | VDP::Mathematics and natural science: 400 | no_NO |
dc.source.pagenumber | 46 | no_NO |
dc.description.localcode | M-MAT | |