Ansvar for overvannskader i spredt bebyggelse
Master thesis
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- Master’s theses (LandSam) [1178]
This thesis investigates the liability for damages caused by storm water in the neighboring property including waste water and drains in agricultural areas with scattered housing (open settlement). In this thesis I will discuss storm water management from the private and the pub-lic side. Storm water damages can be linked to both climate change and insufficient sewage system capacity. Sewage systems and network is considered a critical infrastructure in Nor-way and adequate supervision and maintenance can be a challenge for many landowners. The challenge can cause damages for the neighboring properties.
This assignment will go through the rules for legal liability and compensation for storm water damages using relevant literature and naboloven. As an illustration of the problem, a case study in Marker municipality are presented and analyzed.
The case study analysis shows that the neighbors have a legal responsibility for operating and maintaining the sewage and drainage system existing in the land owner’s property.
The current system does not tolerate the amount of water discharge coming from the three neighbors’ properties in addition to agricultural drainage and precipitation. This damages the system and causes the landowner financial disadvantages. Based on this, he will no longer tolerate the damages if the situation continues to worsen.
Mediation can be a good solution for both partners to overcome the problem. A private com-mon agreement is also fair solution.
Many private sewage networks are not registered in public data. Physical examination of the area’s sewage or drainage system is not required in the treatment process of the emission per-mits. This can sometimes lead to granting permits with incorrect or inadequate fact about the system. Therefore, it is important that the municipality should take a closer look at plan- og bygningsloven §27-2 first paragraph and propose with this a private agreement between the parties involved in cases like the mentioned case before granting the permit. The agreement should also contain detailed information about the measure. This will prevent unpredictability and improve the organization of private sewage system in these areas. Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg ansvaret for overvannskader på naboeiendom i spredt be-byggelse. Overvann i oppgaven gjelder stort sett vann som kommer fra avløp i tillegg til ned-bør og drenering i jordbruk og landbruksområder og som ikke infiltreres i grunnen. Problems-tillingen skal drøftes ut ifra fra den private og offentlige håndtering av avløp.
Overvannsproblematikken kan knyttes til både klimaendringer og feil håndtering av avløps-systemer. Store mengder nedbør og avløpsvann forårsaker oversvømmelser når avløpssyste-met er feil dimensjonert eller har utilstrekkelig kapasitet.
Avløpssystemer er betraktet som en kritisk infrastruktur og tilstrekkelig tilsyn og vedlikehold kan være vanskelig for mange grunneiere. Utfordringen kan også føre til skader og ulemper for naboeiendommene.