Master’s theses (LandSam)
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A Missing Crime? An Exploration of the Proposed Criminalisation of Ecocide in Catalonia
(Master thesis, 2024)This paper explores proposals to reconceptualise environmental law by adopting a legal definition of ecocide in Catalonia. Through a narrative review, there is a tendency of articles that emerged in the 2010s to advocate ... -
Political ecology of electronic waste in Ghana: Social and environmental implications.
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Electronic waste management in Ghana and its implications on the local communities and environmet. The analysis was done from the perspective of political ecology. -
Dilemmas and Experiences of Women in Ghanaian University Politics
(Master thesis, 2024)This study explores the dilemmas and experiences of female students involved in university politics at the University of Ghana. The primary objectives are to analyse the challenges these women face, understand their ... -
Climate change and displacement of coastal communities in Bangladesh: Implications for human security
(Master thesis, 2024)The master's thesis aims to investigate how Bangladesh is impacted by climate change, particularly increasing sea levels and harsh weather. It intends to examine the security concerns brought on by human movement to and ... -
Cost Benefit Analysis of Human Urine Recycling Systems in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
(Master thesis, 2024)This study examines the potential of large-scale urine recycling as a sustainable solution to address sanitation challenges, enhance agricultural productivity, and improve food security in Bahir-Dar, Ethiopia. The approach ... -
Post-war reconstruction and livelihood revival among returnees and host communities in Twic East county, Soutern Sudan
(Master thesis, 2007)In Southern Sudan people are starting to repatriate after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army in January 2005. The repatriation ... -
Food, culture and livelihood in Malinzanga village, Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2007)This study is a part of the PANTIL nutrition project, which is a collaboration project between the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The main objective of this ... -
A study of HIV/AIDS and livelihoods in rural Swaziland
(Master thesis, 2008)This study analyses the impact of HIV/AIDS on rural livelihoods in Swaziland, with specific focus on women. The HIV/AIDS epidemic has become the major threat to rural livelihoods and human security, and more particularly ... -
Socioeconomic consequences of soy production in Mato Grosso, Brazil
(Master thesis, 2007)Much international concern has been expressed regarding the vast deforestation of the Amazon rainforest over the years. Recently hundreds of square kilometres of rainforest have been sacrificed to give space for local ... -
Sustainability for the reindeer herding samis with the law of Finnmark
(Master thesis, 2007)The Law of Finnmark, Finnmarksloven, has the aim of arranging for land and natural resources in Finnmark to be managed in an ecological sustainable way that will benefit the inhabitants of Finnmark, and especially the Sami ... -
Characteristics, management practices and peoples' preferences for local cows and exotic crossbreeds in Baltistan, Pakistan
(Master thesis, 2007)This study explored and documented local knowledge about the characteristics, management practices and preference for local cows, which are local cattle, and Zomo (Zomo is female hybrid and is the Product of Yak cross with ... -
Acaricide resistance in Norwegian populations of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae)
(Master thesis, 2007)Farmers and greenhouse crop growers are faced with numerous polyphagus and phytophagus pest species, among which is the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae). This species has become a ... -
Geographical and hydrogeological settings in defining threshold spacing of shallow hand-dug wells : a case study in Debrekidan Watershed, North Ethiopia
(Master thesis, 2007)The success of irrigation agriculture in many areas of north Ethiopia is depend on the availability of shallow ground water and utilization of shallow hand-dug well for irrigation purpose. However, intensive construction ... -
Ungdomsengasjement i lokalsamfunnsutvikling: innsats for bred deltakelse i områdesatsinger
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker betingelsene og strategiene for å engasjere ungdom i nærmiljøprosjekter gjennom områdesatsinger, med et søkelys på casestudie av områdeløftene på Tøyen og Mortensrud i Oslo kommune. Dette har ... -
Old problems and a new possibility for Dar es Salaam’s water supply
(Master thesis, 2009)Dar es Salaam had long been struggling with the unreliable Ruvu River as its main source of water and a rapidly growing demand for water. The discovery of the Kimbiji aquifer, found at considerable depths under the city, ... -
Black economic empowerment in the South African wine industry : fair trade, power relations and socio-economic rights
(Master thesis, 2009)The following study was conducted in the Western Cape region in South Africa, with the purpose of contributing to the understanding of Fair Trade in the South African wine industry on the background of socio-economic ... -
"Well, we all come here for money" : reasons for and effects of labour migration from Estonia and Poland
(Master thesis, 2007)East-West migration had an increase after the enlargement of EU with ten Central and Eastern European countries in May 2004. Despite the increased number of emigrants from Eastern Europe, few studies have been made to ... -
“Towards a shift in paradigms? : how uncertainty about future climate change may contribute to increased institutionalization of the economy”
(Master thesis, 2009)This thesis is based on theory and secondary data seen in a context of climate change and uncertainty, with the overall purpose of commenting on possible future conditions of the economy. It argues that there is reason to ... -
Outreach and sustainability of the Amhara Credit and Saving Institution (ACSI), Ethiopia
(Master thesis, 2009)The two empirical questions of outreach and institutional sustainability were the themes of this paper taking ACSI as a case. The study employed both primary and secondary data. Evaluations of outreach, operational and ... -
Transition from emergency assistance to self-reliance of Liberian refugees in Gomoa-Buduburam, Ghana
(Master thesis, 2007)This thesis seeks to find out how Liberian refugees in Gomoa- Buduburam Ghana have being able to survive in the absence of emergency assistance from the international community (UNHCR). Buduburam refugee camp which is ...