Master’s theses (LandSam)
Unless otherwise stated on the individual theses, the works in this collection are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Institutional sustainability of collaborative resource use agreements in Mount Elgon, Uganda
(Master thesis, 2007)Six forest reserves were turned into National Parks in 1993 of which one of them was Mt. Elgon. Local people were then denied the traditional access to forest resources resulting into local people – park conflicts, especially ... -
Employment opportunities and challenges for less educated women in geriatric home health care : a case study from Cairo, Egypt
(Master thesis, 2007)This study is addressing the problem of women from lower income classes in Cairo to find work opportunities because of their low level of education. At the same time, there is an increasing demand for geriatric home health ... -
Perceptions and experiences with ‘participatory approaches’ in the CATIE/Norway project in Guatemala
(Master thesis, 2007)Field-based experiences and the criticism of the ‘technology transfer approach’ in agricultural research and extension were basic to the emergence of the ‘participatory approaches’, whose main ambition is all stakeholders’ ... -
Livelihood revival in the aftermath of the tsunami disaster in the war affected Batticaloa district in Sri Lanka
(Master thesis, 2008)Sustainable interfaces between natural resources and people are the sound bases for livelihoods that ensure development. In Batticaloa district in the east of Sri Lanka, the last three decades of civil war followed by the ... -
A participatory approach to fisheries management and ecological-social resilience analysis among coastal communities in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka
(Master thesis, 2007)In Batticaloa, the tsunami of 26th December 2004 violently struck the coastal communities and ecosystems which had already been negatively affected by 20 years of civil war. This study analysed the socio-ecological resilience ... -
Linking Ecological and Social Resilience: The role of Indigenous Knowledge in Building Ecological and Social Resilience: A Comparative Analysis
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)This research investigates the role of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) in enhancing ecological and social resilience in Nepal and across South Asia. It examines traditional practices in agriculture, forestry, water management, ... -
The political ecology of grassland conservation in Qinghai Province, China : discourse, policies and the herders
(Master thesis, 2007)This study has explored a degradation discourse, grassland conservation policies and empowerment of herders living in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in the eastern part of the Tibetan plateau, Qinghai Province, China. ... -
Glacier growing : a local response to water scarcity in Baltistan and Gilgit, Pakistan
(Master thesis, 2007)People in the districts of Baltistan and Gilgit practice ’glacier growing’ with the intention of making glaciers that will enhance water availability. This is done by carrying glacier ice from a naturally occurring glacier ... -
The diminishing arable land in China
(Master thesis, 2008)China, one of the biggest developing countries in the world with over 1.3 billion population has made great achievements, but there are still problems with economic growth and development issues. One of the problems is ... -
A Missing Crime? An Exploration of the Proposed Criminalisation of Ecocide in Catalonia
(Master thesis, 2024)This paper explores proposals to reconceptualise environmental law by adopting a legal definition of ecocide in Catalonia. Through a narrative review, there is a tendency of articles that emerged in the 2010s to advocate ... -
Political ecology of electronic waste in Ghana: Social and environmental implications.
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Electronic waste management in Ghana and its implications on the local communities and environmet. The analysis was done from the perspective of political ecology. -
Dilemmas and Experiences of Women in Ghanaian University Politics
(Master thesis, 2024)This study explores the dilemmas and experiences of female students involved in university politics at the University of Ghana. The primary objectives are to analyse the challenges these women face, understand their ... -
Climate change and displacement of coastal communities in Bangladesh: Implications for human security
(Master thesis, 2024)The master's thesis aims to investigate how Bangladesh is impacted by climate change, particularly increasing sea levels and harsh weather. It intends to examine the security concerns brought on by human movement to and ... -
Cost Benefit Analysis of Human Urine Recycling Systems in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
(Master thesis, 2024)This study examines the potential of large-scale urine recycling as a sustainable solution to address sanitation challenges, enhance agricultural productivity, and improve food security in Bahir-Dar, Ethiopia. The approach ... -
Post-war reconstruction and livelihood revival among returnees and host communities in Twic East county, Soutern Sudan
(Master thesis, 2007)In Southern Sudan people are starting to repatriate after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army in January 2005. The repatriation ... -
Food, culture and livelihood in Malinzanga village, Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2007)This study is a part of the PANTIL nutrition project, which is a collaboration project between the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The main objective of this ... -
A study of HIV/AIDS and livelihoods in rural Swaziland
(Master thesis, 2008)This study analyses the impact of HIV/AIDS on rural livelihoods in Swaziland, with specific focus on women. The HIV/AIDS epidemic has become the major threat to rural livelihoods and human security, and more particularly ... -
Socioeconomic consequences of soy production in Mato Grosso, Brazil
(Master thesis, 2007)Much international concern has been expressed regarding the vast deforestation of the Amazon rainforest over the years. Recently hundreds of square kilometres of rainforest have been sacrificed to give space for local ... -
Sustainability for the reindeer herding samis with the law of Finnmark
(Master thesis, 2007)The Law of Finnmark, Finnmarksloven, has the aim of arranging for land and natural resources in Finnmark to be managed in an ecological sustainable way that will benefit the inhabitants of Finnmark, and especially the Sami ... -
Characteristics, management practices and peoples' preferences for local cows and exotic crossbreeds in Baltistan, Pakistan
(Master thesis, 2007)This study explored and documented local knowledge about the characteristics, management practices and preference for local cows, which are local cattle, and Zomo (Zomo is female hybrid and is the Product of Yak cross with ...