Browsing Master's theses (IPV) by Title
Now showing items 126-145 of 240
Identification of fungi that cause tip rot of carrot and determine effect of storage temperature and cultivar on tip rot development
(Master thesis, 2021)Carrot is one of the important vegetables in Norway, and after harvesting it stored in cold storage for up to 7 months. During such long storage time, there is great yield and quality losses due to various diseases, and ... -
Identifisering av kromosomområder som kontrollerer tidspunkt for stengelstrekning i rødkløver med bruk av Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS)
(Master thesis, 2016)En populasjon rødkløver av (Trifolium pratense L., sorten «Lea»), ble karakterisert for tidspunkt for begynnende stengelstrekning (dager til strekning – DTS). Dette er det første synlige steget i overgangen fra vegetativ ... -
Identifying inoculation methods for screening of resistance to Fusarium langsethiae in selected oat varieties
(Master thesis, 2016-11-22)F. langsethiae is reported as the main producer of HT-2+T-2 toxins in Norwegian oats (Hofgaard et al., 2016). This investigation aimed to identify whether ranking of oat varieties according to the content of HT-2+T-2 toxins ... -
Ikkje-destruktive målemetodar på eple
(Master thesis, 2016-08-11)Rett haustetidspunkt er essensielt for å oppnå best mogeleg kvalitet i eple. For tidleg eller for sein hausting kan føre til lågare sensorisk kvalitet og kortare haldbarheitstid på lager. I dette forsøket vart det undersøkt ... -
Impact of additional blue light in the production of small plants of Abies laciocarpa and Picea abies propagated by seeds and seedlings
(Master thesis, 2016-04-01)The goal of this study was to examine how additional blue light affected growth and development of Picea abies and Abies laciocarpa seedlings and stem cuttings. The experiment was conducted at the Center for climate regulated ... -
Impact of agricultural landscape on honey reserves in bee colonies
(Master thesis, 2016-11-23)Intensive farming systems are now scarce floral environments leaving honey bees with low food availability at some periods. This scarcity could be related to the current recorded honeybee and wild pollinator decline. ... -
Impact of light regimes on growth and tipburn formation in lettuce (Lactuca Sativa L. ‘Frillice’) and the use of NDVI for early detection of tipburn.
(Master thesis, 2020)The work in this master thesis was undertaken in order to add to invesitage how light schedules impact the growth and the formation of tipburn in ‘Frillice’ lettuce when grown hydroponically in controlled growth chambers, ... -
Impact of preharvest relative air humidity and postharvest modified atmosphere packaging on cucumber fruit quality
(Master thesis, 2017)The effect of relative air humidity (RH) was tested on the cucumber (Cocktail, Quarto F1 cultivar) plant growth, morphology and fruit quality in controlled growth chambers. The plants were grown at moderate RH (60%) and ... -
Increasing cover crops in Norwegian small-grain production : a significant step toward sustainable farming systems
(Master thesis, 2021)Cover cropping has been recognised as a farming practise benefiting various ecosystem services and as such, it can help mitigate climate change and soil degradation. In Norway, despite an initial enthusiasm in the early ... -
Influence of compost, vermicompost and digestate on nutrient status and secondary metabolites, Lactuca sativa L. as a model
(Master thesis, 2018)Peat is the most commonly used substrate in greenhouse cultures due to its predictability and performance. Though significant environmental costs and CO2 emissions are associated with harvesting of peat. It is therefore ... -
Informed nudges : the effects of pre or post informing about motives and mechanisms of nudge based behavioral interventions
(Master thesis, 2015-02-26)Nudge based behavioral interventions are increasingly used to address emerging health challenges such as obesity, by helping individuals avoid known human psychological and behaviorally based biases and errors when exercising ... -
Interactive effects of light quality and temperature on bud set and shoot elongation in Norway spruce (Picea ables) and Subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa).
(Master thesis, 2017-06-08)In recent studies, temperature was shown to modulate the response to short days (SD) in woody species. This is an important issue for plant production in zones with marked seasons. Furthermore, light quality affects bud ... -
Investigation of the effect of different leguminous cover crops on the nitrogen use efficiency of spring barley
(Master thesis, 2017)The research focus was to investigate the effect of different Nitrogen Fixing Crops (NFC) used as green manure (GM) on the Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) of spring barley (SB) (Hordeum Vulgare var Westminster), with different ... -
Investigation of the physiological basis of yield differences in Norwegian spring wheat
(Master thesis, 2018)Norway has a total land area of 324,000 km2 of which only 3% is arable. Moreover, the climate conditions allow a short growing season for agriculture. Despite these challenges, Government policies are directed towards ... -
Kan ulike salter og fysiologisk alder hos lagringspotet påvirke fasthet til potetbiter i potetsalat?
(Master thesis, 2017)Poteter blir høstet om høsten og lagret slik at de kan brukes hele året. Mills bruker på denne måten ferske poteter i potetsalat hele året. Etter kundeklager på for harde potetbiter i potetsalat har Mills begynt arbeidet ... -
Kartlegging av Phytophthora i vann og vassdrag i og rundt byer og tettsteder på Sunnmøre
(Master thesis, 2014-10-03)This Phytophthora-survey was mainly carried out by baiting with leaves from Rhododendron ´Cunninghams White´ in ponds, rivers and lakes in 4 municipalities in the area of Sunnmøre, in northwestern Norway. No such studies ... -
Kartlegging av resistens mot plantevernmidler hos norske bladluspopulasjoner (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
(Master thesis, 2015-08-04)Ferskenbladlus, Myzus persicae, og agurkbladlus, Aphis gossypii, er globalt viktige skadegjørere på jodbruksvekster og hagebruksvekster. I Norge er disse artene sammen med potetbladlus, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, og grønnflekket ... -
Kattehale (Lythrum salicaria) som eksempelart for bruk av våtmarksplanter i regnbed
(Master thesis, 2022)Klimaendringer og spådommer om mer ekstremt vær i nær fremtid gjør at blant annet lokal håndtering av overvann har fått et betydelig større fokus den siste tiden. Som et tiltak for dette har det blitt utviklet en 3-trinns ... -
Kornfermentering : karakterisering og anvendelse av melkesyrebakterier til frigjøring av frie fenoliske syrer i korn
(Master thesis, 2014-10-17)Hovedmålet med denne studien var å karakterisere melkesyrebakterier (MSB) tilstede i spontan surdeigsfermentering for å oppnå diversitet i stammesamlingen. Teste isolatene for ferulsyreesterase (FAE) aktivitet, og studere ... -
Kvalitet i remonterende og kortdagsplanter av jordbær (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
(Master thesis, 2021)I Norge er jordbærsesongen relativt kort og dyrkning av jordbær i nord kan være problematisk, på grunn av det kjølige klima. Ved å dyrke jordbær i tunnel vil det bidra til en forlengelse av vekstsesongen i sør og det kan ...