Browsing Master's theses (IPV) by Title
Now showing items 140-159 of 240
Kan ulike salter og fysiologisk alder hos lagringspotet påvirke fasthet til potetbiter i potetsalat?
(Master thesis, 2017)Poteter blir høstet om høsten og lagret slik at de kan brukes hele året. Mills bruker på denne måten ferske poteter i potetsalat hele året. Etter kundeklager på for harde potetbiter i potetsalat har Mills begynt arbeidet ... -
Kartlegging av Phytophthora i vann og vassdrag i og rundt byer og tettsteder på Sunnmøre
(Master thesis, 2014-10-03)This Phytophthora-survey was mainly carried out by baiting with leaves from Rhododendron ´Cunninghams White´ in ponds, rivers and lakes in 4 municipalities in the area of Sunnmøre, in northwestern Norway. No such studies ... -
Kartlegging av resistens mot plantevernmidler hos norske bladluspopulasjoner (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
(Master thesis, 2015-08-04)Ferskenbladlus, Myzus persicae, og agurkbladlus, Aphis gossypii, er globalt viktige skadegjørere på jodbruksvekster og hagebruksvekster. I Norge er disse artene sammen med potetbladlus, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, og grønnflekket ... -
Kattehale (Lythrum salicaria) som eksempelart for bruk av våtmarksplanter i regnbed
(Master thesis, 2022)Klimaendringer og spådommer om mer ekstremt vær i nær fremtid gjør at blant annet lokal håndtering av overvann har fått et betydelig større fokus den siste tiden. Som et tiltak for dette har det blitt utviklet en 3-trinns ... -
Kornfermentering : karakterisering og anvendelse av melkesyrebakterier til frigjøring av frie fenoliske syrer i korn
(Master thesis, 2014-10-17)Hovedmålet med denne studien var å karakterisere melkesyrebakterier (MSB) tilstede i spontan surdeigsfermentering for å oppnå diversitet i stammesamlingen. Teste isolatene for ferulsyreesterase (FAE) aktivitet, og studere ... -
Kvalitet i remonterende og kortdagsplanter av jordbær (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
(Master thesis, 2021)I Norge er jordbærsesongen relativt kort og dyrkning av jordbær i nord kan være problematisk, på grunn av det kjølige klima. Ved å dyrke jordbær i tunnel vil det bidra til en forlengelse av vekstsesongen i sør og det kan ... -
Labor-force management challenges of farms involved in short-food supply chains
(Master thesis, 2017)Organizational issues appear to be one of the greatest challenges of short-food supply chains. Farms involved in these initiatives developed complex working organizations which need to articulate production, commercialization ... -
Looking beyond individual behaviour: a social practice approach to understanding consumer drop out in REKO
(Master thesis, 2020)The current food system employs an industrialised model of agriculture that has been connected to climate change, loss of biodiversity, environmental degradation, and the erosion of rural livelihoods. It is characterized ... -
Managing land as a commons to promote sustainable agricultural practices
(Master thesis, 2017)Access to land is a growing concern for farmers in Europe. Short term, unstable access to land is an impediment to on-farm investments and agroecological practices. Several European NGOs have formed a network called Access ... -
Managing manure for sustainable organic Basmati rice production : farm-level trade-offs in Uttarakhand, India
(Master thesis, 2016-09-06)Employing an agroecological framework, the research addressed the interconnected ecological, social and economic aspects of manure management on small-scale organic farms, investigating manure management as central to ... -
Miljøeffekter av grønne tak og vegger
(Master thesis, 2015-06-17)Fortetning i urbane områder og klimaendringer med utsikt til høyere temperaturer og større nedbørsmengder har ført til en økende interesse for grønne tak og vegger. Denne oppgaven gir en kort gjennomgang av hva slags ... -
Modulation of selected inflammatory responses and non-specific defenses in Atlantic salmon induced by beta-1,3/1,6-glucans (Macrogard®)
(Master thesis, 2018)The anadromous nature and long production cycle of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L) demands for vaccination regimes to maintain long-term protective immunity in vaccinated fish. While prime vaccination is largely based on ... -
Molecular analysis of Piscine Reovirus (PRV) vaccine antigens produced in tobacco and lettuce
(Master thesis, 2016)Aquaculture is emerging to be one of the most important food industries in the world, and will be a crucial part of securing food supply for a population expected to reach close to 10 billion by 2050. Norway produced 1.3 ... -
Molekylærgenetisk karakterisering av vernaliseringsrespons i PACMAD-gras
(Master thesis, 2018)Many plants rely on a mechanism called vernalisation response to match reproductive output with favourable environmental conditions. This trait is an important adaptation to seasonal climates, like for example at high ... -
Multitrophic effects of the relationship between a plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) and arugula (Eruca sativa) on the predator Doru luteipes, using Plutella xlyostella and Spodoptera frugiperda
(Master thesis, 2018)Background. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) provide several benefits to plants, such as faster growth, larger yields and resistance to pests. When attacked by herbivores, plants defend themselves in various ... -
Nested agricultural markets for food security
(Master thesis, 2017-05-22)Future agricultural systems have to provide more than just food. Agriculture plays a pivotal role in solving the ecological challenges which humanity is facing, and in combating poverty and food insecurity in many developing ... -
Night time temperature and day time irradiance on photosynthesis and growth of cucumber: Potential and possibilities for energy saving
(Master thesis, 2016-04-04)Growth chamber experiments were conducted with seedless cucumber cv. Odeon to examine the effect of night temperature on photosynthesis and growth with compensation possibilities of daytime irradiance level. Further, the ... -
Norwegian short food supply chain development
(Master thesis, 2017)Agro-food systems around the globe are consolidating and homogenizing. In response, they are also segmenting and diversifying. The emerging agro-food networks fit into what scholars describe as economic and rural development ... -
Optimization of regeneration of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) cultivars ‘Veten’ and ‘Ninni’ using different light qualities
(Master thesis, 2020)Customizable light technology is becoming commercially available to producers, giving opportunity to increase control in plant production systems. Understanding of how specific light qualities affect different species and ... -
Organisk avfall som vekstmedium og næring for solbær (Ribes nigrum L.) på intensivt grønt tak og sosiale effekter av urbant landbruk
(Master thesis, 2018)Til urban dyrking i bykjernen er det vanlig å kjøpe jord siden jorda i byen ofte er forurenset. En sirkulær økonomi, med fokus på avfallshåndtering, er derfor en forutsetning for at urban dyrking skal være bærekraftig. ...