Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences (IPM) (closed for submissions from January 2014)
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Samlinger i dette delarkivet
Master's theses (IPM) [204]
Nye registreringer
The involvement of light signaling components in thermoperiodic control of shoot elongation in pea (Pisum sativum)
(Master thesis, 2014-02-19)Production of short and compact plants is one of the major challenges in greenhouses. Due to high demand of such plants by the customers, this has been subjected to significant interest in the greenhouse industry, and ... -
Transcriptome anlysis of perennial ryegrass (LOLIUM PERENNE L.) during an early stage infection to pink snow mould
(Master thesis, 2014-02-19)Microdochium nivale causes pink snow mould disease that damages forage grasses (especially perennial ryegrass) covered by snow, particularly in late winter. This makes the survival of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne ... -
Improving technical support for vegetable production in Mayotte through the creation of Recommended Technical Itineraries
(Master thesis, 2014-02-19)The Network for Innovation and Transfer in Agriculture (RITA) of Mayotte is piloting a project on Recommended Technical Itineraries (ITR). The agricultural school of Coconi is the intermediary of the project. The aim of ... -
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on zinc and iron uptake and yield components of wheat
(Master thesis, 2014-02-18)Abstract: This study was performed to assess the role of nitrogen (N) rate and application time in combination with zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) supplement in soil and foliage at booting stage of wheat (Triticum aestivum var. ... -
Brukererfaringer med Yara N-sensor og systemets funksjon under skiftende solinnstrålingsvinkler
(Master thesis, 2014-02-18)Med utgangspunkt i personlige intervjuer av ti Yara N-sensorbrukere, hovedsakelig fra relativt store gårdsdrifter rundt innsjøen ”Vänern” i Sverige, er fordeler og utfordringer ved Yara N-sensorsystemet vurdert. Redusert ... -
Vurdering av vokseforhold samt vekst og vitalitet hos trær i utvalgte anlegg langs veg
(Master thesis, 2014-02-17)For at trær langs vei skal etableres godt, er de avhengig av rett produksjonsteknikk, varsom behandling ved planting og et godt miljø på voksestedet. I denne oppgaven blir trær i tre anlegg langs trafikkert vei fulgt over ... -
Investigation of stream water quality in an agricultural and a forested watershed in Nepal
(Master thesis, 2014-02-17)Nepal has long faced difficulties regarding population growth and food production, and intensified agriculture with expansion to the steep hills has led to erosion, soil degradation and water pollution; compromising both ... -
Multi-scaling for sustainability transition : the case of R-Urban in the Parisian suburb of Colombes
(Master thesis, 2014-02-17)The past fifty years have seen an increasing acknowledgment of global sustainability challenges as well as a growing desire to transition towards greater sustainability. The objective of this thesis is to explore the ... -
Effekter av plantestørrelse og beskjæring ved planting på vekst og dekningsgrad for fire slag busker
(Master thesis, 2014-02-17)For å dokumentere betydningen av plantestørrelser og beskjæring ved planting på vekst og dekningsgrad i buskfelt ble det etablert forsøk med fire slags busker med fem ulike plantestørrelser, hvor halvparten av plantene ... -
Fosforfraksjoner i dyrka jord med utgangspunkt i langtidsforsøk
(Master thesis, 2014-02-14)I denne oppgaven ble det brukt data fra to langtidsgjødslingsforsøk etablert i 1966 med ulike nivåer av fosfor og kalium for å studere hvordan gjødsling med P har påvirket innholdet av ulike P-fraksjoner i jorda (P-AL, ... -
Towards a framework for agroecological pig production : maximizing functional roles for pigs within food and farm systems
(Master thesis, 2014-02-13)A theoretical farm design is presented which includes pigs in a number of multi-functional roles, and is built from observations gained during three case studies. The model incorporates pigs as utilizers of waste-food ... -
A survey of Phytophthora in a beech forest in Norway
(Master thesis, 2014-02-13)During the past fifteen years there has been a widespread decline of mature European beech (Fagus sylvatica) in Europe and North America. The trees have shown typical symptoms of Phytophthora infection: root- and collar ... -
The significance of post-harvest maize handling to food sufficiency in subsistence farm households in Aframso; Ejura-Sekyeredumansi District, Ghana
(Master thesis, 2014-02-13)The study concentrated on the role postharvest maize handling in subsistence farm household’s food sufficiency in Aframso, Ejura-Sekyeredumansi District, located in the middle belt Ghana. Maize remains an integral crop ... -
Rosesortimentet i et utvalg norske planteskoler før 1950
(Master thesis, 2014-02-12)Priskataloger før 1950 ble undersøkt hos åtte planteskoler lokalisert på Østlandet, Sørlandet og Sør-Vestlandet for å se hvilke roser som var på markedet i denne perioden. I undersøkelsen ble ca. 1236 roseslag fra 28 ... -
Helhetlig vannforvaltning fra Dragsjøhanken til Iddefjorden : et kvalitativt studie av vannområde Haldenvassdraget
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)SAMMENDRAG Europaparlament og råds direktiv 2000/60/EF om etablering av rammer for en felles vannpolitikk i EU (vanndirektivet) er et av EUs viktigste og mer omfattende miljødirektiv. Europeisk vannforvaltning har nå fått ... -
Discourse analysis of local and global food supply chains in Catalonia : a case study for the GLAMUR project
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)The study about food supply chains assumes the responsibility to take in account all different visions about food systems, argued by four distinguish spheres: Market, Public, Policy and for ultimate, the Scientific sphere. ... -
Sustaining biodiversity in Peach orchards : baseline differences between conventional, low input and organic production systems
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)Biodiversity is an important aspect of the agroecosystem and provides ecosystem services which can reduce reliance on phytosanitary chemicals. Increased knowledge of the role of biodiversity is needed for alternative ... -
Purposeful emergence and knowledge networking in the large cardamom (Amomum subulatum) agroecosystems of Sikkim and beyond
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)In human activity systems, systemic resilience arises as a result of the causal relationships between its intrinsic structure (organizational boundary) and the functional interconnectivity among actors within it (communication) ... -
Effekt av lagringstemperatur på kvalitet hos eplesorten 'Discovery'
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)Tilgangen på norske epler er begrenset til noen måneder etter høsting. For å forlenge eplesesongen må eplene høstes på riktig tidspunkt ut fra forventet lagringstid, og lagres under riktige forhold slik at god kvalitet ... -
Baking quality in wheat : effect of delayed harvest, cultivars, growing conditions and nitrogen fertilization
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)Abstract: FN, protein percent and gluten quality are amongst the most important quality parameters that determine the baking quality of wheat. Rainfall after physiological maturity causes PHS which reduces grain quality ...