Brage NMBU: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 18203
Prediksjon av ekosystem status fra eDNA
(Master thesis, 2024)Fiskeoppdrett, eller akvakultur, har blitt en viktig global kilde til sjømat. Samtidig medfører det miljøutfordringer som kan påvirke økosystemer og biologisk mangfold. Overvåking av miljøstatus er avgjørende for å håndtere ... -
Utforskning av prediksjon og modellering av fosforbasert flammehemmer i treverk ved bruk av hyperspektral avbildning og avansert dataanalyse
(Master thesis, 2024)Bruken av treverk som byggematerialet har gjennom nyere tid blitt mer populært grunnet det lave karbonavtrykk sammenlignet med andre materialer. En av utfordringene med å bruke treverk i konstruksjon er den evne til å ... -
A Missing Crime? An Exploration of the Proposed Criminalisation of Ecocide in Catalonia
(Master thesis, 2024)This paper explores proposals to reconceptualise environmental law by adopting a legal definition of ecocide in Catalonia. Through a narrative review, there is a tendency of articles that emerged in the 2010s to advocate ... -
Production of Recombinant LysM-Fuison Proteins for Non-GMO Anchoring on Lactic Acid Bacteria
(Master thesis, 2024)Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are traditionally used in the production and preservation of food and are natural inhabitants of the human gastrointestinal tract. This makes LAB generally regarded as safe for consumption. Some ... -
En undersøkelse av utforskende arbeidsmåter i laboratorieoppgaver i kjemi 1-lærebøker
(Master thesis, 2024)Den nye læreplanen LK20 legger vekt på å utdanne elever til framtidens samfunn, med utforskende arbeidsmåter sentralt i både overordnet del og fagenes kompetansemål. I faget kjemi 1 knyttes utforskende arbeidsmåter særlig ... -
Feedback connections in neural networks for layer reuse
(Master thesis, 2024)The increasing interest and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) have resulted in expanded artificial neural network (ANN) sizes following the proposed scaling laws [1-3] regarding their performance. Consequently, ... -
Våre gater – kunnskapsforståelse i skjæringspunktet mellom profesjon, sektormyndighet og akademia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Explaining the recent reduction of Indonesia’s deforestation
(CLTS Report;01/25, Report, 2025-02)Executive summary: Deforestation in Indonesia has declined sharply since 2015-2016. We use a combination of spatial land use change data, interviews with stakeholders and statistical analysis to explain this reduction. ... -
Qualitative evaluation of nine agricultural methods for increasing soil carbon storage in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Carbon content is a key property of soils with importance for all ecosystem functions. Measures to increase soil carbon storage are suggested with the aim to compensate for agricultural emissions. In Norway, where soils ... -
Consumer drivers for intended adoption of recycled wood as construction material
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The construction sector has a substantial resource and carbon footprint. These environmental impacts can be dampened by expanding the use of recycled construction materials. Prior literature focuses on viewpoints of ... -
Environmental Conditions Modulate Warming Effects on Plant Litter Decomposition Globally
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
The genome regulatory landscape of Atlantic salmon liver through smoltification
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Soil microbial community responses to long-term experimental warming in an alpine Dryas octopetala heath in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Over the last century, high-altitude and high-latitude regions have experienced global warming at rates higher than the worldwide average. Climate change influences complex soil-microbe-plant-atmosphere interactions, leading ... -
Is Norway on the pathway to green growth? Evidence on decoupling between GDP and environmental footprints
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Proponents of green growth argue that technological advancements and price signals can decouple economic growth from environmental impact through resourcesubstitution and enhanced efficiency. In this research, we investigate ... -
Successful restoration of alpine plant communities depends on habitat type
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Alpine ecosystems are under increasing pressure from land-use change and road construction, resulting in habitat fragmentation and declines in biodiversity and ecosystem function. Ecosystem restoration can mitigate the ... -
Acute Toxicity Testing of Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) with the Tire Rubber–Derived Chemical 6PPD-Quinone
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)N‐(1,3‐dimethylbutyl)‐N′‐phenyl‐p‐phenylenediamine‐quinone (6PPD‐quinone) is a widespread contaminant of emerging concern resulting from oxidation of 6PPD, which is an antidegradant substance added to tires. The recent ... -
Development of anaerobic high cell density cultivation for sustainable single-cell protein production using denitrification
(PhD Thesis;2025:10, Doctoral thesis, 2025)Future food production faces the immense challenge of feeding a growing population with an increasing demand for resource-intensive food in a sustainable way. The high environmental footprint of conventional food production ... -
Political ecology of electronic waste in Ghana: Social and environmental implications.
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Electronic waste management in Ghana and its implications on the local communities and environmet. The analysis was done from the perspective of political ecology. -
Biocultural diversity of sorghum in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
(PhD Thesis;2024:67, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Food security is a pressing concern in the context of global climate change, natural disasters, conflict, and the growing demand for food in developing countries. Agrobiodiversity underpins farmers' food security. The ... -
Alternative protein sources for farmed Atlantic salmon evaluated under commercial-scale field conditions
(PhD thesis;2025:6, Doctoral thesis, 2025)Global salmon production has doubled over the last 20 years, with Norway as the largest producer. This growth has driven an increasing demand for feed ingredients. Thirty years ago, salmon feed consisted of 90% marine-based ...