Deltakende modellering for agroøkologisk overgang Studie av akse 4 i TRAVERSéESprosjektet i Barrois-regionen
Master thesis
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- Master’s theses (BioVit) [415]
Ecophyto II+ promotes the mobilisation of stakeholders as one of the new action levers,to achieve its goal of reducing the use of phytosanitary products by 50% by 2025. The TRAVERSéESproject is part of this second Ecophyto program with the aim of developing and configuring a numericmodel using participatory modelling. Its objective is to simulate and identify scenarios for changingphytosanitary practices. For this second configuration step, the research committee organised a seriesof two participatory workshops involving local stakeholders from the Barrois region. The questionthen arises about the participatory form of the process. What are the qualities and limits of the twoparticipatory modelling workshops that have been implemented?To answer this question, a three-step approach was undertaken. First, an exploratory analysis offorms of participation was conducted before participating in the organisation and implementation ofthe two participatory workshops. Finally, 13 semi-structured interviews were conducted with thestakeholders present at the workshops to characterise the perceived qualities and limits of theworkshops. The evaluation criteria were based on concertation indicators, ultimately allowing for anassessment of the participatory nature of the workshops. The perceived limits of the workshopsidentified two improvement paths in the form of research projects. One proposes the co-constructionof secondary components of the numeric model with stakeholders from a new territory. The othersuggests co-writing the project with a group of stakeholders defined with an overall goal ofagroecological transition.