Master’s theses (BioVit)
Unless otherwise stated on the individual theses, the works in this collection are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Recent Submissions
A population genomic study of the effect of clear-cut forestry on the beetle Gyrophaena boleti
(Master thesis, 2024)The boreal forest is the home to several thousands of species, and about 2/3 of the forests are under management, mostly for timber production. In Norway only two percent of the forests are natural, and only 21% of this ... -
Fruktbarhet som utrangeringsårsak hos kviger på besetnings- og individnivå
(Master thesis, 2024)Den første brunsten til kviger vil i normalt vises når de er rundt 11 måneder gamle, men variasjonen er stor, og påvirkes i høy grad av vekt og fysiologisk utvikling. Målet med kvigeoppdrettet er å rekruttere robuste, ... -
Effects of CRISPR mediated kncok-out of bco2-l (beta-carotene 15'15 dioxygensae 2-like) on genes related to astaxanthin metabolism in Atlantic salmon
(Master thesis, 2024)This study was done to evaluate the effect of knockout of bco2-l gene on fillet pigmenation in salmon. -
Impact of increasing mycoprotein Paecilomyces variotii (Pekilo) on growth performance, gut histomorphology, blood biochemistry and welfare indicators of post-smolt Atlantic salmon.
(Master thesis, 2024)In Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farming there is a need to increase the industrial sustainability and fish health status. Novel functional ingredients have potential to do so. For instance, microbial ingredients have cell ... -
PRNP Gene: Non-Coding Variability in Norwegian Tundra Reindeer (R. t. tarandus) - A Bioinformatic Approach
(Master thesis, 2024)A study about the PRNP Gene and variations in the intron and exon region -
Pilot study: Novel CRISPR-Cas13 System Focusing on Viral Replication and Localization
(Master thesis, 2024)The flow of modular biology that influence how evolution act on clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-associated (Cas) is difficult to understand. Mostly we must look at data to make interpretation ... -
Assessing the potential of (Aurantiochytrium limacinum) a novel source of DHA for pre-smolt Atlantic salmon(Salmo salar): evaluating its impact on fish performance, nutrient digestibility, nutrient retention, and utilization.
(Master thesis, 2024)Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is essential for the normal growth of Atlantic salmon, with fish oil (FO) being the primary source. The expanding aquaculture industry increases pressure on wild fish stocks, necessitating novel ... -
Factors affecting farmers' coastal heathland management - a case study in Nerlandsøya, Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)The semi natural nature type of coastal heath provides a range of ecosystem services benefitting society. Phenomena, such as land use change, soil nitrification and the abandonment of heathland management, threatens the ... -
Hindering and supporting forces of a development of a daily school canteen with local and organic food of educational value – The case of Tolga
(Master thesis, 2024)Based on the case study of Tolga Municipality, a force-field analysis was conducted to detect hindering and supporting forces of the development of a daily school canteen supplied with organic and local food of educational ... -
Estimating microbiability and heritability of feed efficiency in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
(Master thesis, 2024)The genetic improvement of feed efficiency is imperative to augment profits and promote sustainable production in aquaculture. The essential role that the gut microbiome plays in digestion and nutrient metabolism implies ... -
Bruk av TINE Lønnsemdsanalyse (TLA) for å vurdera grovôrkostnadar i mjølkeproduksjonen
(Master thesis, 2024)Grovfôr er eit avgjerande ledd i mjølkeproduksjonen. Det er også eit uttalt mål å auka norskandelen i fôrrasjonen til norske husdyr. I dette arbeidet er det avgjerande å auka avling og kvaliteten på grovfôret. Norge er eit ... -
Effekt av fôrstyrke før paring på andel tomme, fostertal og tilvekst hjå påsettlam av Norsk kvit sau
(Master thesis, 2024)Påsettlam som lammar for første gang ved eit års alder vil redusere tida utan produksjon, det vil gi kortare generasjonsintervall og høgare livsavdrått. Det er mange faktorar som spelar inn på vellykka reproduksjon i ung ... -
Growth and Development of Blackberry Cultivars
(Master thesis, 2024)Environmental control of growth and flowering is generally well understood in raspberries, but a complete understanding of the processes is missing in blackberries. To get a better understanding of growth and flowering in ... -
Management of Chocolate Spot in Norwegian Faba Bean Production and Isolate Characteristics of Causal Organisms
(Master thesis, 2024)Åkerbønner, erter og andre vekster i erteblomstfamilien med høyt proteininnhold egner seg godt for klimaet på Sørøstlandet på grunn av deres krav til lang vekstsesong. De siste årene har etterspørselen etter plantebaserte ... -
Computational Analysis of the 3D Genomic Architecture in Atlantic salmon
(Master thesis, 2024)The advent of Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) assays, particularly Hi-C, have revolutionized our understanding of three-dimensional (3D) genome organization. 3D genomic structures play crucial roles in gene regulation, ... -
Regurgitation and reingestion in zoo-housed orangutans
(Master thesis, 2024)Regurgitation and reingestion (R/R) is when an animal voluntary moves food from the stomach and back to the mouth, hands, or floor. This is regarded as an abnormal behaviour in captive-housed orangutans. This type of ... -
Gjødslingsstrategier for delt nitrogengjødsling til høsthvete – kan N-sensor brukes til å predikere avlingsnivå og nitrogeninnhold ved høsting?
(Master thesis, 2024)I dagens verden med krig og høye priser er matproduksjon og selvforsyningsgrad viktige temaer. Produksjonen av mathvete er viktig for å øke Norges selvforsyningsgrad. Norsk mølleindustri har svært spesifikke kvalitetskrav ... -
Brassica species as a green alternative to pesticides to reduce the impact of nematodes and fungi in cereals.
(Master thesis, 2024)In cereal production plant pathogens cause yield losses, and management strategies for controlling them are important. Cover crops as a part of the cereal production have beneficial properties for the soil health, can ... -
The impact of local actors on potato farmers' participation in the Norwegian Regional Agri-environmental Program
(Master thesis, 2024)This Master thesis presents a case study that investigates the impact of local actors on potato farmers' participation in the Norwegian Regional Agri-environmental Program (RMP). The study was conducted in the county of ... -
Tilvekst og mjølkeproduksjon hjå kalvar som har gått med mor
(Master thesis, 2024)Det er auka fokus på dyrevelferd både blant bønder og blant forbrukar i Noreg i dag, og kukalv samvær slik at dyra kan utføre naturleg åtferd blir sett på som eit mogleg tiltak for å auke verferda. Med slike tiltak kjem ...