Now showing items 12-17 of 17

    • Land Tenure and Social Relations in Matrilineal and Uxorilocal Societies in Malawi 

      Kambewa, Daimon; Berge, Erling; Khaila, Stanley; Munthali, Alister; Wiig, Henrik (CLTS Report;1/23, Report, 2023-03)
      This paper is about social relations in customary lands for the matrilineal uxorilocal culture of the Lomwe, Nyanja and Yao tribes in Southern Malawi. The study was carried out in the districts of Chiradzulu and Phalombe. ...
    • Legislation on commons (Statsallmenning/Bygdeallmenning) in Norway 

      Wille, Julie (CLTS Report;2011:01, Report, 2011)
    • Lokal sedvane i bruken av utmarka i Verran kommune 

      Haugset, Anne Sigrid; Berge, Erling (CLTS Report;2013:1, Report, 2013)
      Dette notatet dokumenterer data innhentet gjennom en spørreundersøkelse våren 2012 i forbindelse prosjektet Gjeldende rett og lokal sedvane i bruken av utmarka i Verran kommune. I notatet gjøres det rede for datainnsamling, ...
    • MALAWIAN LAND TENURE AND SOCIAL CAPITAL: Behaviour in trust games in 18 Malawian villages in 2007 

      Berge, Erling; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Wiig, Henrik; Bjørnstad, Sverre; Kambewa, Daimon; Munthali, Alister (CLTS Report;2020:3, Report, 2020-12)
      This report presents two papers developed in order to study behaviour in trust games in 18 Malawian villages in 2007. In 2007-2008 the Malawian land tenure and social capital project (financed by Norwegian Research Council), ...
    • Reading Notes on Property Rights and Institutions 

      Berge, Erling (CLTS Report;2/24, Report, 2024-06)
      The present work is a collection of essays. The first one is new, written for the collection. Then follows 7 separate essays of varying age. They are named  On the classifications of property rights  A property rights ...
    • Rural-urban youth migration and informal self-employment in Ethiopia 

      Bezu, Sosina; Holden, Stein Terje (CLTS Report;2014:1, Report, 2014)
      Rural-urban migration has been historically low in Ethiopia. But recent years have seen a surge in all parts of Ethiopia. This is partly related to access to agricultural land in rural areas. Access to farm land is a ...