CLTS Reports (HH)
Unless otherwise stated on the individual theses, the works in this collection are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Recent Submissions
Irrigation Development, Land Tenure and Climate Shocks among Farmers in the Flood Plain of Malawi: A Pre-Analysis Plan and Documentation for Ethical Approval by Institutional Review Board at NMBU
(CLTS Report;03/24, Report, 2024-07)This is a plan for the final component of the “Experiments for Development of Climate Smart Agriculture” (SMARTEX), which is a collaborative research and capacity-building program with School of Economics and Business (SEB) ... -
Reading Notes on Property Rights and Institutions
(CLTS Report;2/24, Report, 2024-06)The present work is a collection of essays. The first one is new, written for the collection. Then follows 7 separate essays of varying age. They are named On the classifications of property rights A property rights ... -
Changing Patterns of Land Access, Inheritance and Emerging Female Village Headpersons in a Patriarchal Society among the Tumbuka in Northern Malawi
(CLTS Report;1/24, Report, 2024-06)The Tumbuka are normally described as patrilineal where inheritance of property including land, cattle and village headmanship is from father to son. There is evidence that initially the Tumbuka were matrilineal. In this ... -
Center for Land Tenure Studies 2022 Annual Report
(CLTS Report;03/23, Report, 2023-12)The Centre for Land Tenure Studies (CLTS) published in 11 working papers and 14 peer reviewed journal articles. The published worked covered issues around land tenure policies, land markets, housing markets, environmental ... -
Civil War Impacts on Youth Business Groups in Tigray: A Pre-Analysis Plan and Documentation for Ethical Approval by Institutional Review Board at NMBU
(CLTS Report;02/23, Report, 2023-08)This is a revised plan for the finalization of the “Youth Groups for Sustainable Development: Lessons from the Ethiopian Model” (Researcher project under NORGLOBAL2, funded by the Research Council of Norway). The project ... -
Land Tenure and Social Relations in Matrilineal and Uxorilocal Societies in Malawi
(CLTS Report;1/23, Report, 2023-03)This paper is about social relations in customary lands for the matrilineal uxorilocal culture of the Lomwe, Nyanja and Yao tribes in Southern Malawi. The study was carried out in the districts of Chiradzulu and Phalombe. ... -
Centre for Land Tenure Studies 2021 Annual Report
(CLTS Annual paper;01/22, Others, 2021)The work of the Centre for Land Tenure Studies (CLTS) in 2021 included 6 working papers and 18 peer reviewed journal articles. The CLTS papers and reports are accessible through the CLTS webpage, the Scandinavian Working ... -
MALAWIAN LAND TENURE AND SOCIAL CAPITAL: Behaviour in trust games in 18 Malawian villages in 2007
(CLTS Report;2020:3, Report, 2020-12)This report presents two papers developed in order to study behaviour in trust games in 18 Malawian villages in 2007. In 2007-2008 the Malawian land tenure and social capital project (financed by Norwegian Research Council), ... -
Centre for Land Tenure Studies 2019 Annual Report
(CLTS Report;2020:2, Report, 2020)In the year 2019, the Centre for Land Tenure Studies (CLTS) has produced 9 working papers. These papers were circulated on both the CLTS webpage and the Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics (S-WoPEc) webpage. The papers ... -
The effects of gender empowerment training on within-group gender differences in performance and overall group performance: A Pre-Analysis Plan
(CLTS Report;2020:1, Report, 2020)This Pre-Analysis Plan is for a Randomized Control Trial (RCT) for recently formed youth business groups in Tigray Region of Ethiopia. Resource-poor rural youth are given a business opportunity by being allocated a ... -
Incentives for conservation in Tigray, Ethiopia : findings from a household survey
(CLTS Report;2017:1, Report, 2017)Understanding the problem of land degradation in a given spatial and temporal context, requires looking at the community baseline conditions such as the natural resource base, human resources, existing institutions and ... -
Jordleige og strukturendringar i norsk landbruk : datadokumentasjon. Norddal
(CLTS Report;2016:2, Report, 2016)Denne rapporten er ein del av forskingsprosjektet «Jordleie og strukturendringer i norsk landbruk». Prosjektet er eit forprosjekt der målet er å få til ei landsomfattande gransking av prosessane som flytter bruksrettar til ... -
Jakt- og fiskerett i Follafoss allmenning : basert på innholdsanalyse av artikler i Trønder-Avisa 1965-2012
(CLTS Report;2013:2, Report, 2013)Dette arbeidsnotatet er en del av dokumentasjonen av datainnsamlingen i forskningsprosjektet Lokal sedvane i bruken av utmarka i Verran kommune. Dette er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Trøndelag Forskning og Utvikling og ... -
How pro-poor are land rental markets in Ethiopia?
(CLTS Report;2016:1, Report, 2016)This study builds on data collected over a 15 year period (1998-2013) in three regions in Ethiopia through funding from the Research Council of Norway, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NORAD, Global Land Tools Network ... -
Rural-urban youth migration and informal self-employment in Ethiopia
(CLTS Report;2014:1, Report, 2014)Rural-urban migration has been historically low in Ethiopia. But recent years have seen a surge in all parts of Ethiopia. This is partly related to access to agricultural land in rural areas. Access to farm land is a ... -
Lokal sedvane i bruken av utmarka i Verran kommune
(CLTS Report;2013:1, Report, 2013)Dette notatet dokumenterer data innhentet gjennom en spørreundersøkelse våren 2012 i forbindelse prosjektet Gjeldende rett og lokal sedvane i bruken av utmarka i Verran kommune. I notatet gjøres det rede for datainnsamling, ... -
Legislation on commons (Statsallmenning/Bygdeallmenning) in Norway
(CLTS Report;2011:01, Report, 2011)