Browsing Master's theses (IPV) by Title
Now showing items 219-238 of 240
Towards increased use of IPM : an investigation of Norwegian grain farmers' pest management practices and decision processes
(Master thesis, 2018)The last decade, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has become mandatory in many European countries, but implementation on farm level is lagging and evidence for the barriers and driving forces is lacking. The goal of this ... -
Towards sustainable food provisioning: An exploration of socio-material agencies shaping household shopping practices in Norwegian supermarkets
(Master thesis, 2021)The current agri-food system is intricate and immensely complex, with human and planetary health unravelling at an unimaginable pace. At its centre, grocery stores mediate the exchange of food items between farmers, ... -
Transient gene editing in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with CRISPR/Cas9 to knock-out F3H
(Master thesis, 2020)With the continuous desire for crops with superior qualities, the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system seems to be a promising, cost-effective, efficient and a much faster method of developing new superior varieties compared ... -
Ultraviolet radiation as a tool to control Tetranychus urticae in greenhouse production
(Master thesis, 2017)Tetranychus urticae Koch has an ubiquitous distribution, is remarkably polyphagous and is known to be the most acaricide resistant arthropod. This thesis examines how short wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation (UV) can be ... -
Undersøkelse av mulige biotiske årsaker til forsinket spiring i potet gjennom DNA-metastrekkoding og morfologisk nematodeanalyse : en casestudie
(Master thesis, 2022)Forsinket spiring hos potetplanter, og redusert avling og kvalitet ble observert på betydelige arealer i flere potetåkere på Engeløya i Nordland i 2018 og 2019. Ingen åpenbar årsak ble funnet. Det ble tatt jordprøver i ... -
Urban gardeners in Oslo : an explorative study of their motivations and the perceived effects of gardening on quality of life
(Master thesis, 2019)Urban agriculture has been associated with social, emotional, health and mental health benefits. However, literature describing the relationship between garden participation and effects on quality of life has not been fully ... -
Urbant hagebruk : utfordringer med økologisk dyrking i pallekarmer på tak
(Master thesis, 2016-04-01)Hensikten med denne oppgaven var å utforske utfordringene med økologisk dyrking i pallekarmer på takflater i Oslo. Vekstforsøk ble utført med potet, erter og kålrot. Resultatene påpekte utfordringer som oppstod med ... -
The use of a community currency, the MOLA, as an agroecological initiative to encourage more sustainable food systems in the Community of Madrid
(Master thesis, 2018)Changing behavior patterns concerning the management of organic waste in the common population is a first step to start making a change towards an agroecological way of production and consumption of food. In this master ... -
Utfordringer i norsk produksjon av plommer (Prunus domestica L.) og søtkirsebær (Prunus avium L.)
(Master thesis, 2016-08-11)Hensikten med denne studien var å kartlegge mulige årsaker til hvorfor steinfruktavlingene i Norge ikke har økt som følge av omfattende satsing på steinfruktproduksjon. De siste16 år har det vært stort fokus på produksjon ... -
Utilizing shared segments for build-up genomic relationship between the Norwegian and the Swedish Fjord Horse
(Master thesis, 2018)Challenges in conservation of native breeds, like the Norwegian Fjord Horse, require an evaluation of the relationship between animals in different countries. Traditionally pedigree data have been used to calculate ... -
Utprøving av metodikk for å separere ut det næringsrike aleuronlaget i korn basert på slipeprosesser og bruk av fytinsyre som markør
(Master thesis, 2017)Kostfiber, proteiner med høy biologisk verdi, vitaminer, mineraler, samt fenoliske komponenter er konsentrert i aleuronlaget i korn. I aleuroncellene befinner det seg også høye nivåer av fytinsyre. Nofima har arbeidet med ... -
Vegetative propagation of Solidago canadensis from populations in Eastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2016-08-11)Solidago canadensis is a well-established invasive alien plant species in the lowlands and coastal areas from Østfold to Agder in Norway, with an expanding range. It spreads with small wind-dispersed seeds, and rhizomes. ... -
Vekst, transpirasjon og absisinsyreregulering i Cucumis sativus : betydningen av luftfuktighet og blått lys
(Master thesis, 2016-08-09)Planter som er dyrket under høy relativ luftfuktighet (RF) utvikler spalteåpninger som mangler evnen til å lukke ved ytre stimuli. Hormonet absisinsyre (ABA) er et viktig signal for lukking av spalteåpninger. Denne studien ... -
Vekstkurve fra lam til voksen søye hos norsk kvit sau, observert som slaktevekt hos døtre : genetisk variasjon mellom fedre, arvbarhet og korrelasjoner mellom aldre, samt effekten av lammetall på søyens egen slaktevekt
(Master thesis, 2022)For å forhindre en ytterligere økning av voksenvekt på norsk kvit sau ble det i denne oppgaven studert gjennomsnittlig vekstutvikling fra lam til søye, samt om ulike fedre gir døtre med ulike vekstkurver. Slaktevekt ... -
Virus infection in seed potatoes used by farmers in the county of Vestfold, Norway.
(Master thesis, 2016)During the summer 2016, 3 potato cultivars at 15 different farms located in the county of Vestfold were tested for 6 different potato viruses. This is potato virus A (PVA), M (PVM), S (PVS), X (PVX), Y (PVY) and potato ... -
Visual evaluation of soil structure: farmers' evaluation and further applications
(Master thesis, 2014-11-03) -
Viticulture and ecosystem services : from myths to reality with Chilean vine-growers
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis work was led in the context of the Wine, Climate Change and Biodiversity program, coordinated since 2008 by Chilean researchers in cooperation with the biggest wine-making firms of the country and aiming at ... -
Wheat landraces : action-oriented data for Pays de la Loire organic farmers
(Master thesis, 2017-01-27)Cultivated biodiversity dramatically decreased along XXth century, what is especially true for tender wheat. In France farming systems, this disappearing is today manifested by inadequacy between certified varieties available ... -
Which model of organic food chains could satisfy sustainability?
(Master thesis, 2016-04-05)During the second half of the last century, organic agriculture and consumption increased tremendously. Organic distribution developed first through alternative food networks connecting mostly farmers directly with consumers ... -
Women cooperatives : analyzing women’s empowerment processes in rural Nicaragua
(Master thesis, 2017)In Nicaragua, the machismo culture is built on patriarchal values that sustain gender inequalities. This is especially visible in rural areas where women farmers lack the same opportunities and access to resources as men ...