Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 777
Area uses and general habitat preferences of ospreys
(Master thesis, 2021)The area uses and general habitat preferences of ten ospreys from south-eastern Norway were studied in their home ranges, wintering areas, and during their migrations. The ospreys were tracked using GPS transmitters and ... -
Arthropod biomass and abundances in mature clear-cut versus mature near-natural boreal forests in southeastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)The loss of biodiversity in forest ecosystems has led to a discussion on conservation-oriented forest management, particularly in intensively managed boreal forests of the northern hemisphere. Clear-cutting is the most ... -
Arthropod succession following a mass mortality event of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in an Alpine ecosystem
(Master thesis, 2020)Carcasses are of great ecological importance, especially as a resource for arthropods. However, many aspects of carrion ecology remain to be investigated. One of these aspects is the ecological significance of mass mortality ... -
Assessing the ecological effects of the Lista wind power park on vegetation and cervids.
(Master thesis, 2024)Land-based wind power is considered one of the most applicable sources of renewable energy for the future. While cost effective, the knowledge of ecological consequences associated with construction and operation is limited. ... -
Assessing the effect of environmental variables on microhabitat selection and distribution for seven amphibian species in Colombia using in-situ and MaxEnt approaches
(Master thesis, 2018)Colombia is recognized as one of the most biologically diverse places in the world with a high level of endemism. In addition, it is the country with the highest number of amphibian species, but also the highest number of ... -
Assessing the effectiveness of digestate enriched biochar as an alternative fertilizer
(Master thesis, 2021)Background: Alternatives to conventional inorganic fertilizers are needed if we are to curve CO2 emissions, reduce the stress on natural resources and develop an efficient, yet sustainable agricultural practice. Biochar ... -
Assessing the feasibility of a solar water heating system in rural Uganda
(Master thesis, 2019)Energy in rural Uganda is often a limited and expensive commodity where as much as 80% of the population lives in rural areas. Biomass is the traditional source of energy and accounts for more than 80% of the energy used ... -
Avgjersla om å sluttavverke sett opp i mot prismatrisa for sagtømmer av gran (Picea Abies) : eit casestudie for Fritzøe Skoger AS
(Master thesis, 2022)Sagtømmeret er den delen av treet som er viktigast for skogeigars rotnetto og ein høg sagtømmerdel er såleis viktig for mange skogeigarar. Prislista si oppbygging og hogstmaskina si aptering er viktige faktorar for at det ... -
Avrenning fra alunskifer : utlekking og nøytraliseringseffekt i kombinasjon med avfallsbetong
(Master thesis, 2023)Alunskifer er en syredannende bergart med utbredelse i Oslofeltet. Skiferen har flere problematiske egenskaper utover iboende syredannende potensial, blant annet et høyt (tung)metallinnhold, deriblant uran. Ved gitte forhold ... -
Avvirkning i form av åpne hogstformer på Varaldskogen, Kongsvinger : en detaljstudie fra 1945-2016
(Master thesis, 2021)Skogbehandlingen har gjennom tiden endret seg fra å være et høstingsskogbruk med fokus på hogst av store dimensjoner til hogstformer som bledningshogst, gruppehogst og stripehogst. Videre gikk det fram mot et bestandsskogbruk ... -
Bats, insects and weather : spatial-temporal trends on a boreal forest wind facility in Norway
(Master thesis, 2021)Bats and insects are valuable indicators of ecosystem health. As both organisms are potential bioindicators, it is important to understand how they interact with each other and their environment. Bats and insects are facing ... -
Bed bug activity during heat treatments, and physiological effects among surviving individuals
(Master thesis, 2018)Simulated heat treatments with different heating rates were performed in experimental climate chambers to study bed bug behavior during rising heat. In addition, detrimental effects of these short time exposures to sub-lethal ... -
Beetles in hollow oaks : the effects of traits on community structure
(Master thesis, 2020)Habitat fragmentation and habitat loss have long been acknowledged as two of the most important drivers of biodiversity loss all over the world. A way to preserve biodiversity is to protect the remaining hotspots. Hotspots ... -
Behavioral responses to camera traps : a study on two large carnivores in Norway
(Master thesis, 2019)In ecology, camera trapping is commonly used as a non-invasive technique to collect ecological observation data and to monitor populations. The technique is used to address a variety of research questions worldwide. Despite ... -
Behavioral responses to olfactory attractants at camera traps : a study of three carnivores in a boreal ecosystem
(Master thesis, 2018)Camera trapping is an efficient and minimally invasive method for studying wildlife ecology and behavior. In camera trap studies, it is important to consider the detection probability to get reliable estimates of e.g. ... -
Behavioral study of coexisting populations of anadromous brown trout and arctic char that overwinter in a subarctic lake
(Master thesis, 2019)This was an acoustic telemetry study on winter ecology and migratory behavior of anadromous brown trout (salmo trutta) and arctic char (salvelinus alpinus). The two species are coexisting in a subarctic lake of northern ... -
Behavioural responses of captive red fox (Vulpes vulpes) to telemetry collars
(Master thesis, 2018)Telemetry is one of the most important tools of wildlife research. It provides information about dispersal, home range, survival, movement and many other ecological and biological aspects. Although many animals are fitted ... -
Beiteskader på furu (Pinus sylvestris), forårsaket av elg (Alces alces)
(Master thesis, 2023)Skogskader i ungskog av furu grunnet elgbeite er ikke noe nytt problem. For enkelte grunneiere vil skadene være betydelige, særlig hvis skogen de eier ligger i elgens vinterbeiteområder. Til tross for at man vet at ... -
Bergvarmepumper : lokale eller kollektive energibrønner?
(Master thesis, 2018)Elektrisitetsbruken i Norge er forventet å stige frem mot 2030 i følge Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE), og økt installasjon av varmepumpe er trukket frem som et av tiltakene for elektrifiseringen. Norsk ... -
Bestemmelse av bestandsalder for gran og furu fra gjentatte lasertakster
(Master thesis, 2020)God informasjon om skogens ressurser, tilstand og utvikling er en forutsetning for å ta overveide beslutninger i forvaltning av skog. Bestandsalder er et viktig parameter for å finne optimale tidspunkt for tiltak i skogen. ...