Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 362-381 of 777
I hvilken grad innfris besøkendes forventninger og opplevelser med fuglekikking? – Et casestudie fra Runde.
(Master thesis, 2023)Formålet med denne oppgaven er å belyse problemstillingen: “I hvilken grad innfris besøkendes forventninger og opplevelser med fuglekikking” på Runde. Utgangspunktet er en økende interesse for turistnæringer som tilbyr ... -
"I prinsippet så er jo det friluftsliv" : en kvalitativ undersøkelse om bruken av begrepet friluftsliv i naturbasert reiseliv
(Master thesis, 2019)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg bruken, og fraværet av bruken av begrepet friluftsliv i markedsføringen av naturbasert reiseliv. Seks bedrifter er intervjuet for å se på hvordan begrepet friluftsliv blir forstått fra et ... -
Identifisering og beskrivelse av livsløpstrær med flybåren laserskanning
(Master thesis, 2024)Livsløpstrær, både levende og døde, er svært viktig for biodiversitet og fungerer som mikrohabitater for flere sjeldne og rødlistede arter i Norge. Fra 2023, når den nyreviderte PEFC Skogstandarden trådte i kraft, ble det ... -
Identifying drivers of calving in Svalbard Reindeer
(Master thesis, 2024)I sesongbaserte miljøer har viktigheten av å sammenfalle kalving med vårstart og plantevekstsesongens oppstart ført til at store planteetere kalver svært synkront. Tidspunkt for kalving påvirker kroppskondisjon og fremtidig ... -
Identifying old Norway spruce and Scots pine trees by visual inspection : an analysis of the relationship between age, spatial distribution and morphological traits in trees
(Master thesis, 2020)Old trees are important to biodiversity, yet they are in global decline. In Scandinavia, due to former forest management, old trees were declining, but now possibly on the rise. In Norway, identification of old trees has ... -
Identifying Valuable Habitat Types for Pipistrellus bat species in Norwegian Boreal Forests
(Master thesis, 2023)* Bats are a substantial component of the forest vertebrate community and provide numerous ecosystem services. Although protected in Norway, bats still face threats to their habitat due to intensive forestry but are rarely ... -
Impact of Forest Management History on Fine Root Dynamics and Mycorrhizal Colonization in Norwegian Boreal Forests
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis examines the influence of forest management history on fine root traits in Norwegian boreal spruce forests, focusing on the role of fine roots in carbon sequestration. The study was conducted across various ... -
The impact of macrophyte removal on macroinvertebrates in the river Otra, Norway
(Master thesis, 2021)Aquatic macrophytes provide complex ecosystems in the freshwaters around the world. Sometimes, macrophytes can grow to very high biomasses and restrict recreational activities in which it starts being perceived as nuisance ... -
Impacts of abiotic stress on priming of defense responses and pathogen resistance in Norway spruce
(Master thesis, 2020)Norway spruce (Picea abies) is one of the most important tree species in Norway due to its high economic and ecological significance in forests. Pathogens, fungi and insects may have detrimental impacts on Norway spruce ... -
Implementering av selvkjørende trucker (AGVer) på et distribusjonssenter for trelast : teknisk gjennomførbarhet og økonomisk lønnsomhet
(Master thesis, 2020)I løpet av tiårene siden 1950-tallet har selvkjørende trucker (AGVer) gradvis blitt til en vanlig del av industrimiljøet i flere næringer (detaljhandel, distribusjon og logistikk, bilindustri, flyproduksjon, helsesektor, ... -
Importance of drivers and barriers for V2G?
(Master thesis, 2021)To meet target CO2 emission reductions, there is a shift in power production, where renewable energy sources are replacing conventional power generation based on carbon dense sources like coal, gas, and nuclear. Increasing ... -
Improvement of the environmental situation in a school by integrating water and sanitation with school farming : a case study of schools in the districts of Chitwan and Kavre, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2018)Nepal is one of the poorest developing countries in Asia. Political tension and nature disasters has severely stunted development the last few decades. At the same time, modernization trends from the western world are ... -
Incentives, barriers and measures for increased recycling among students in student dorms : a behavioral case study on students living in selective SiÅs housings
(Master thesis, 2017)Waste sorting and recycling has become an important goal in environmental policy. As a result waste management practices has changed radically in many countries around the world. One of the major problems in the management ... -
Individual variation in movement ecology affect body mass in Svalbard reindeer
(Master thesis, 2023)Herbivore foraging is a complex interaction mainly driven by the distribution of forage in the landscape. The forage quantity and quality in the habitat influences the establishment of home ranges and diet selection from ... -
Infiltrasjon av urbant overvann i grøntanlegg
(Master thesis, 2018)Climate change and urbanization cause an increase in storm water. Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) are in focus to overcome the problem, where green areas can play an important role as infiltration areas. Infiltration ... -
Innate immune responses of Alternaria toxins in vitro: Receptor activation and modulation of signal transduction
(Master thesis, 2024)Introduction: Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi (Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, and Alternaria) and pose a significant concern in the realm of food safety, occupational and public health. ... -
Innendørs bruk av tre i helsebygg
(Master thesis, 2019)Focus on the use of renewable materials in new buildings is very relevant in today’s society. This is because buildings including the industry sector account for 27 percent of greenhouse gas emissions leading to global ... -
Inoculation with industrialized mycorrhiza powder in a forest plant nursery with standard production methods.
(Master thesis, 2023)Skogreising på Island står nesten kun av planting av planter fra planteskoler. På landsbasis ligger gjennomsnittlig overlevelse i felt på under 50%. Muligheten for å øke overlevelsen ved å inokulere plantene med mykorrhiza ... -
Insect community response to recent rewetting of drained bogs in Southeastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2021)During the last five years, Norway has rewetted almost 80 drained mires to reduce climate emissions, limit the risk of natural disasters, and to prevent further loss of biodiversity. Even more mires are planned to be ... -
Insect pathogenic fungi and desiccant dust against heat stressed bed bugs : maternal effects and response regulation from feeding
(Master thesis, 2017)The development of novel control options is a prerequisite for improved management of the insecticide resistant common bed bug Cimex lectularius. This laboratory study investigated the killing ability of insect pathogenic ...