Blar i Doctoral theses (MINA) på tittel
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Nitrous oxide emission and turnover in arable cropping in South East Norway
(PhD Thesis;2020:18, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Nitrogen is essential for all life on Earth. With an increasing global population, the use of reactive nitrogen has increased over the last century, resulting in increasing nitrogen pollution. Leaching of nitrate (NO3-) ... -
Nordic district heating and energy system flexibility : challenges and opportunities
(PhD Thesis;2019:81, Doctoral thesis, 2019)This thesis presents framework conditions for Nordic district heating and barriers and opportunities for flexibility in the district heating – electricity interface. District heating has advantages and disadvantages. ... -
A novel framework for coupling mesoscale and steady-state CFD models for wind resource assessment
(PhD Thesis;2020:30, Doctoral thesis, 2020)The estimation of the energy production of wind farms is a key factor for the development of wind energy projects. Currently, these estimations utilize only a few onsite measurement points to estimate the wind resource at ... -
Novel organic contaminants in recycled organic waste and their fate in a mushroom production system
(PhD thesis;2024:3, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Biogas production is a common treatment method for organic waste in Norway. The waste is anaerobically degraded, to stabilize the waste and to produce renewable energy (biogas). Most of the nutrients in the waste are ... -
On-site treatment options for recovery of nutrients in dry toilets
(PhD Thesis;2022:48, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Animal and human excreta had a major role in the development of agriculture in the past, but their role was lost with the development of the modern waterborne sanitation and inorganic fertilizers. To re-envision human ... -
Participant experiences in wildlife watching tourism
(PhD Thesis;2021:43, Doctoral thesis, 2021)This dissertation contributes to the wildlife watching tourism literature by investigating which elements are important to participants’ overall experiences and how these elements can contribute to the desired outcomes ... -
Performance degradation studies on field-aged solar photovoltaic modules
(PhD Thesis;2018:84, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology, in its variant forms, has evolved over the last four decades to become a mainstream energy technology for terrestrial applications, and is already playing an important role in national ... -
Performance of a photovoltaic-thermal system in a tropical environment of central Ghana
(PhD Thesis;2022:14, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Access to energy has been heavily linked to socio-economic development. It is therefore not surprising that the energy poverty in sub-Saharan Africa has affected development in the subregion. However, as development ... -
Phenology, growth and metabolism of two northern deciduous tree species in relation to temperature and light conditions
(PhD Thesis;2016:33, Doctoral thesis, 2020-11-19)In temperate climates, phenological transitions in tree species allow survival through adverse climatic conditions in winter. Seasonal change is sensed through shifting patterns in daylength, temperature and light quality. ... -
Quantification of genetic and epigenetic variation in phenology and growth in Norway spruce
(PhD Thesis;2020:39, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Norway spruce is a key forest tree species with high economic and ecological importance in northern Europe. Climate change creates a potential for increased productivity but can cause maladaptation of long‐lived trees to ... -
Reduction of environmental impacts through optimisation of biogas value chains : drivers, barriers and policy development
(PhD Thesis;2018:6, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Biogas production from anaerobic digestion of organic resources can potentially contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in several sectors and can play a central role in both the bioeconomy and the circular ... -
Risk and uncertainties incorporated in the management of root and butt rot infected forest areas
(PhD Thesis;2022:75, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Root and Butt Rot (RBR) caused by the pathogenic fungi Heterobasidion spp. is a significant problem affecting Norway's main coniferous tree species, Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris ... -
The role of biotic and abiotic factors on treeline ecotone dynamics : studies using field observations and remote sensing
(PhD Thesis;2022:35, Doctoral thesis, 2022)With global warming, the forest extent is expected to change, and the transition zone between the upper forest boundary and treeless alpine landscape (i.e., the treeline ecotone) is expected to migrate to higher elevations. ... -
Saproxylic insects influence community assembly and succession of fungi in dead wood
(PhD thesis;2017:88, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Insekter og sopp utgjør en stor andel av alle arter på landjorda, og leverer viktige økosystemtjenester som pollinering, karbonlagring og nedbrytning. Sopp er spesielt viktig for nedbrytning av plantemateriale, siden de ... -
Selenium and other minerals in farm animals, feed, fodder crops and soils in Kosovo, and the bioavailability of selenium to animals from crop biofortification
(PhD Thesis;2019:09, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Micro minerals have important functions in plants and animals. Most of the micro minerals are essential for both plant and animal normal growth. However, some of them are only essential for plants, while the others are ... -
Sensitivity analyses of the weather research and forecasting model for wind resource assessment in coastal Ghana
(PhD Thesis;2019:105, Doctoral thesis, 2019)With the rise of modern wind turbines, wind energy has grown to become a major source of generated electricity, alongside other renewable and conventional energy sources. The geographical and time dependent nature of wind ... -
Silver nanomaterials in aquatic systems : linking uptake and effects in biota to exposure characterization
(PhD Thesis;2019:10, Doctoral thesis, 2019)The potential environmental impacts of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) have received increased attention over the last decades. While the benefits of the development and use of ENMs are numerous (e.g., improved medical ... -
Single and combined toxicity of gamma and ultraviolet B radiation in the aquatic macrophyte Lemna minor
(PhD Thesis;2021:8, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Aquatic plants in the natural environment are exposed to background levels of ionizing radiation originating from cosmic radiation and naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM), as well as technologically enhanced ... -
Socioeconomics and governance of exclosures in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
(PhD Thesis;2018:90, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Land degradation and deforestation problems exists across sub-Saharan Africa in general and these remained as the major environmental problems in the Tigray region for many years. The joint effort of the regional government ...