Blar i Doctoral theses (MINA) på utgivelsesdato
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Choice of technology in less industrialized countries with particular reference to forestry and sawmilling
(Rapport (Norges landbrukshøgskole. Institutt for skogøkonomi);1988:3, Doctoral thesis, 1988)An overview is given of existing works regarding choice of technology in less industrialized countries (LIC), with special emphasis on forestry and forest industry projects. Some omportant theoretical aspects regarding the ... -
Biomass estimation models and methods for miombo woodlands of Malawi using field and remotely sensed data
(PhD Thesis;2016:92, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Dry tropical forests, such as the miombo woodlands, play an important role in the global carbon budget as well as in contributing towards the sustainable development of countries such as Malawi. To ensure sustainability ... -
Saproxylic insects influence community assembly and succession of fungi in dead wood
(PhD thesis;2017:88, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Insekter og sopp utgjør en stor andel av alle arter på landjorda, og leverer viktige økosystemtjenester som pollinering, karbonlagring og nedbrytning. Sopp er spesielt viktig for nedbrytning av plantemateriale, siden de ... -
Biomass stock and change estimation in boreal forests using remotely sensed data : results from empirical studies and simulations
(PhD Thesis;2017:69, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has become an important remote sensing tool for forest inventory. In the past two decades, this technology has seen a rapid status transition from experimental to operational, ... -
Fusion of airborne laser scanning and hyperspectral data for predicting forest characteristics at different spatial scales
(PhD thesis;2017:53, Doctoral thesis, 2017) -
Vulnerability and impacts on peatlands and groundwater by tunnelling in crystalline rocks
(Dr.philos Thesis;2017:01, Doctoral thesis, 2017)The overall aim of the thesis was to contribute to improve the understanding and basis for assessments of environmental consequences and vulnerability of peatlands to morphological effects and hydrological changes caused ... -
Late Weichselian glacial dynamics and retreat patterns of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet in Gausdal Vestfjell, southcentral Norway, acquired from spatial data
(PhD thesis;2018:68, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Evidence-based geomorphological research (analyses of glacial landform record) is one of the commonly used types of glacial reconstructions applied for studying the past ice sheets. The work covered by this thesis contains ... -
Impediments to forest recovery in bracken-dominated clearings in the African Highlands
(PhD Thesis;2018:70, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Vegetation dynamics in disturbed forested landscapes remain incompletely understood. Considerable areas with stalled forest recovery occur worldwide and may reflect the effects of dense and persistent understorey plants ... -
How termites and large mammalian herbivores influence tree communities, seed removal and wood decomposition in an African savanna
(PhD Thesis;2018:71, Doctoral thesis, 2018)The heterogeneity and extent savannas makes them resilient, diverse and socioeconomically important. Abiotic factors determine large-scale variation on a, but biotic factors matter at small-scales. In the African savannas, ... -
The effect of biochar in combination with mineral or organic fertilizers on crop production in Nepal
(PhD Thesis;2018:23, Doctoral thesis, 2018)The majority of poor people in Nepal relies on agriculture for employment and livelihood sustenance. Declining soil fertility and ongoing climate change are the key challenges faced by farmers, with adverse effects on crop ... -
Water storage dynamics of papyrus wetlands and land use change in the Lake Kyoga basin, Uganda
(PhD Thesis;2018:69, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Papyrus wetlands of the upper Nile basin in Eastern Africa provide water and fertile soils that are essential to sustain agricultural production. Due to the need to improve food security, there is increased pressure to ... -
An experimental study on rotor-wake interactions of wind turbines
(PhD Thesis;2018:55, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Interactions of wind turbine wakes with downstream turbines can reduce a wind farm’s power production and increase loads on the individual turbines. For the purpose of wind farm optimization, different aerodynamic ... -
Ecological impacts of red deer browsing in boreal forest
(PhD Thesis;2018:66, Doctoral thesis, 2018)The populations of wild ungulates are increasing in the northern hemisphere, and in many areas, their populations have developed from critically low to historically high numbers within the last century. There are multiple ... -
Reduction of environmental impacts through optimisation of biogas value chains : drivers, barriers and policy development
(PhD Thesis;2018:6, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Biogas production from anaerobic digestion of organic resources can potentially contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in several sectors and can play a central role in both the bioeconomy and the circular ... -
Performance degradation studies on field-aged solar photovoltaic modules
(PhD Thesis;2018:84, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology, in its variant forms, has evolved over the last four decades to become a mainstream energy technology for terrestrial applications, and is already playing an important role in national ... -
Environmental impact of fertilization with biogas digestates : studies of inorganic and organic contaminants
(PhD thesis;2018:78, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Sustainable and safe energy and food production are important issues affected by climate change. Biogas production is among the technologies with a potential to reduce negative effects on the environment that increased ... -
Cultivating conflict : perspectives on the human dimensions of voluntary Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) hatcheries in a conservation context
(PhD Thesis;2018:76, Doctoral thesis, 2018)The overall goal of this thesis is to offer a more in-depth human dimensions understanding of voluntary Atlantic salmon hatcheries, focusing on the underlying drivers of conflict over hatchery use in a conservation context. ... -
An ecological and socio-economical study of a locally endangered tree species, Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata, in a dry Afromontane forest
(PhD Thesis;2018:94, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Afromontane forests are found in the tropics and are often threatened because of land use changes. These forests have various types of multipurpose tree species that provide different services to the local communities. ... -
Human-mediated effects on brown bear behavior and potential cascading effects
(PhD Thesis;2018:79, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Human disturbance has been found to influence wildlife in various ways, e.g., changing their distribution in the landscape or other behavioral traits as a response to the perceived predation risk. Brown bears (Ursus arctos) ... -
Socioeconomics and governance of exclosures in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
(PhD Thesis;2018:90, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Land degradation and deforestation problems exists across sub-Saharan Africa in general and these remained as the major environmental problems in the Tigray region for many years. The joint effort of the regional government ...