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dc.contributor.advisorHeyerdahl, Petter H.
dc.contributor.authorFøyn, Amund Jakobsen
dc.descriptionEt lavtemperaturdrevet avsaltingsanleggno_NO
dc.description.abstractOppgava tar for seg en termodynamisk-prosess, hvis mål er å produsere ferskvann fra saltvann ved hjelp av en omvendt osmose-prosess. Prosessen er en modifisert Organic Rankine Cycle-prosess, hvor turbinen er fjernet. I stedet for at man bruker en gassturbin, generator, motor og pumpe for å drive ferskvann igjennom en omvendt osmose-membran, er ideen å bruke trykket direkte til å drive en sylinder som setter opp det nødvendige vanntrykket. Det har blitt tenkt ut måter å skille gass og vann ved hjelp av et membranskille. Det har også blitt konstruert en gassdrevet sylinderpumpe ("LLP") istedet for en vanlig pumpe til å drive gassystemet. Carnot- og Chambadal-Novikov-effektivitetene har blitt funnet. Det samme har systemeffektiviteten, og det viser seg at en gassekspansjon i membranskillene kan forbedre denne betraktelig. Varmevekslere til bruk som fordamper, kjøler og varmegjenvinner har blitt valgt. Effektoverføringer i varmevekslerne har blitt utregna. Systemet blir enkelt sammenligna med konkurrerende teknologier, og det viser seg at systemet kan være konkurransedyktig med tanke på kompleksitet, levetid og pris. Siden et testanlegg er under bygging, er det også et kapittel om styresystemet og sensorer i dette anlegget. This thesis addresses a thermodynamic process. The goal is to produce freshwater from saline water by a process based on reverse osmosis. The process is a modified Organic Rankine Cycle ("ORC"), where the turbine has been removed. The idea is to use gas-pressure directly to pressurise the saline water. The gas turbine, generator, motor and pump has thus been removed from the process. A membrane separator has been constructed in order to separate gas and water. A gas-powered cylinder-pump ("LLP"), which may replace the ordinary working fluid-pump, has also been constructed. Carnot, Chambadal-Novikov and the total system efficiencies has been found. The total system efficiency may be drastically improved by gas expansion in the membrane separators. Heat exchangers used as evaporator, cooler and recuperator has been chosen. The heat power transfers in the heat exchangers were calculated. The system is by simple means compared with competing technologies, and the result shows that the system may be competitive by lifespan, cost and limited complexity. Since a prototype is under construction, a chapter containing control and sensor information is also included.no_NO
dc.description.abstractThis thesis addresses a thermodynamic process. The goal is to produce freshwater from saline water by a process based on reverse osmosis. The process is a modified Organic Rankine Cycle ("ORC"), where the turbine has been removed. The idea is to use gas-pressure directly to pressurise the saline water. The gas turbine, generator, motor and pump has thus been removed from the process. A membrane separator has been constructed in order to separate gas and water. A gas-powered cylinder-pump ("LLP"), which may replace the ordinary working fluid-pump, has also been constructed. Carnot, Chambadal-Novikov and the total system efficiencies has been found. The total system efficiency may be drastically improved by gas expansion in the membrane separators. Heat exchangers used as evaporator, cooler and recuperator has been chosen. The heat power transfers in the heat exchangers were calculated. The system is by simple means compared with competing technologies, and the result shows that the system may be competitive by lifespan, cost and limited complexity. Since a prototype is under construction, a chapter containing control and sensor information is also included.
dc.publisherNorwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås
dc.subjectomvendt osmoseno_NO
dc.titleLavtemperatur energiomformingno_NO
dc.title.alternativeLow-temperature energy conversionno_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisno_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Technology: 500::Mechanical engineering: 570::Machinery energy and environmental technology: 573no_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Technology: 500::Mechanical engineering: 570::Mechanical and flow technical subjects: 574no_NO

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