Browsing Master's theses (RealTek) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1865
2 rørs kontra 4 rørs varmedistribusjonssystem, teknisk og økonomisk analyse
(Master thesis, 2016-08-29)Da energikravet til moderne boliger stadig blir strengere, som igjen innebærer et mindre oppvarmingsbehov, vil kreve grundigere analyser av investering- og driftskostnader. Hovedmålet til mastergradsprosjektet er å utrede ... -
3D-skanning og 3D-printing som metode for produksjon av prøvehylser til overekstremiteter
(Master thesis, 2017)Den tradisjonelle metoden å produsere prøvehylser til proteser på innebærer en gipsavstøpning av amputasjonsstumpen før oppvarmet, gjennomsiktig termoplast trekkes over gipsavstøpningen ved hjelp av vakuum. Prosessen tar ... -
A Case Study on High-Rise Timber Building under Wind Load: Numerical Analysis on Global Serviceability Response of the Different Stabilizing Systems for Mass Timber Buildings
(Master thesis, 2023)Summary Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial in the construction industry, as it is responsible for significant emissions. Building projects alone contribute to 33% of CO2 emissions, while transportation and ... -
A comparative study of soil temperature models, including machine learning models using two parameters
(Master thesis, 2024)This comparative study examines the efficacy of three established models for predicting soil temperatures at depths of 10cm and 20cm across four Norwegian regions: Innlandet, Østfold, Vestfold, and Trøndelag. To ensure ... -
A Comparison of Methods for Modelling Survival Time for Cancer Patients
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne oppgaven brukte vi tre typer overlevelsesanalysemodeller for å modellere overlevelsestiden til pasienter som lider av endetarmskreft og pasienter som lider av hode- og halskreft. Disse modellene var Cox-regresjon, ... -
A comparison of the performance ratio and degradation rate for two industrial scale PV systems in Nordic conditions
(Master thesis, 2024)The performance and degradation of photovoltaics is important. To receive investments, the solar bankability of the system must be assessed. A high degradation rate causes the risk to be high, which increases the interest ... -
A data-driven approach for power loss detection in utility-scale solar power plants
(Master thesis, 2019)Gjennom en økt industriell utvikling sentrert rundt solcelleteknologi, volumøkning og komponent relaterte kostnader, har drift og vedlikehold av solcellesystemer vokst frem som et av de viktigste områdene for forskning og ... -
A Data-Driven Exploration: Providing Early Feedback on Socioeconomic Mitigation Strategies for Climate Change
(Master thesis, 2024)The current rate of climate change is unprecedented in millennia and represents one of humanity’s most significant issues for the 21st century, with serious consequences for both civilization and the environment if no ... -
A Homogenized Thermal Model For Lithium Ion Batteries
(Master thesis, 2012-09-03)In this work homogenization theory is applied to existing thermal models for lithium ion batteries. We study a battery with prismatic cell geometry. The inner region of the battery has a thermal conductivity that is ... -
A litterature study in the possibilities of yielding Norwegian birch as feedstock for making biodiesel
(Master thesis, 2015-08-06)This master thesis is a preview of some of the latest results from research on fuels from renewable energy sources. Because more outdrawing of fossil oil contributes to more emissions of climate gases, it is a very important ... -
A mathematical model of biphasic intracellular calcium dynamics in hormone producing cells
(Master thesis, 2016-08-08)Syntese og frisetting av gonadotropinene FSH og LH er avhengig av økt nivå av intracellulært Ca2+ . I gonadotrope celler hos pattedyr har det blant annet blitt observert oscilerende og monofaskiske Ca2+ responser, mens i ... -
A model for predicting alkalinity, pH, and CO2 levels in a flow-thru or recirculation aquaculture system independent of salinity
(Master thesis, 2018)Carbon dioxide is one of the limiting factors for construction of recirculation aquaculture system in the fish farming today. The level of carbon dioxide in the water heavily depends on fish metabolism and water chemical ... -
A Model for the Zero Emission Gas Technology as a Tool for Process Optimization
(Master thesis, 2016)The ZEG-technology (Zero Emission Gas - ZEG®) is highly efficient technology for co-production of hydrogen and electric power with integrated CO2 capture. The purpose of this study is to simulate the ZEG-technology in ... -
A necessary change : suitable policy tools for a transition into a circular economy
(Master thesis, 2016-08-31)Our current production system remains unsustainable and will eventually deplete virgin materials. There have been several efforts to make production more sustainable, e.g. different policy programs from governments that ... -
A numerical study of the cable equation in mathematical neuroscience
(Master thesis, 2012-09-17)The aim of this thesis is to compare di erent numerical methods for solving the cable equation for electrical signal propagation along dendrites with diameter varying in space. We solve the model with four di erent ... -
A Parameter Estimation Approach in Simulated Neural Data Using Metamodelling Approaches
(Master thesis, 2024)This study uses a metamodelling approach to compare two different sampling approaches when applying the Random Forest algorithm. In the sampling, normal sampling, and synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) with ... -
A pilot study of insulated CLT
(Master thesis, 2019)In order to face the rising challenges of increased global warming, coming up with new and sustainable solutions for the building industry is important. This has led to an increased interest for timber as a building material, ... -
A review of selected drinking water treatment plants delivered by Naandi foundation in Andhra Pradesh, India.
(Master thesis, 2012-06-01)This report is based on experiences from fieldtrips carried out in the period 25.06.10 24.08.10 in Andhra Pradesh, India. Together with Naandi foundation, several villages were visited to assess small-‐scale drinking ... -
A socio-economic and technical study of an irrigation scheme in the Kurunegala District, Sri Lanka
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)This current study revolves around the Deduru Oya project in Sri Lanka and its interaction between old irrigation schemes and new-built ones. The right-bank canal or RB-canal, a 33 km long canal built in concrete is designed ... -
A Study of Different Platforms and Sensory Systems for Wheat Field Trials
(Master thesis, 2017)In the field of agriculture several technical advances have been implemented to meet the growing demand with regards to food supply. As an indicator for grain yield in wheat different indices have been tested and evaluated ...