Browsing Doctoral theses (RealTek) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 115
Investigations of surface loads of the Earth - geometrical deformations and gravity changes
(PhD Thesis;2009:25, Doctoral thesis, 2009)This thesis addresses deformations and gravity changes due to surface loads like the ocean tides, hydrology and glaciers. These phenomena are discussed in light of height and gravity observations collected by GPS and ... -
Alternative frameworks for analysis of gene regulatory networks with delay
(PhD Thesis;2010:53, Doctoral thesis, 2010)When trying to understand the role and functioning of a gene regulatory network (GRN), the first step is to assemble components of the network and interactions between them. It is important that models are kept simple but ... -
Dairy freestall barn layouts and space allocation : effect on milk yield, building costs and labour input in small herds
(PhD Thesis;2010:32, Doctoral thesis, 2010)Tradisjonelt har melkekyr i små besetninger blitt oppstallet i båsfjøs. Selv om bygningskostnadene er lavere for båsfjøs, er løsdriftsfjøs (liggebåsfjøs) generelt mindre arbeidskrevende og dyrehelsa er totalt sett bedre. ... -
Disentangling the risk factors and health risks associated with faecal sludge and wastewater reuse in Ghana
(PhD Thesis;2010:17, Doctoral thesis, 2010)The reuse of faecal sludge and wastewater in agriculture is widespread worldwide. However, the practice is also associated with significant microbial health risks especially in countries where systems for the treatment and ... -
Developing models for winter processes in grasslands – Bayesian calibration and sensitivity analysis
(PhD Thesis;2010:9, Doctoral thesis, 2010)For grass-based agriculture at high latitudes, poor overwintering of perennial forage grasses often has economic consequences due to yield loss and re-establishment of grass fields. In order to assess the performance of ... -
Modeling and analysis of extracellular field potentials in the brain
(PhD Thesis;2010:12, Doctoral thesis, 2010)In order to model processes occuring in the brain it is necessary to have reliable measures of neural activity, with a clear intepretation rooted in the biophysics of the neural tissue. One of the most important probes of ... -
Modelling and optimisation of wastewater coagulation process
(PhD Thesis;2010:05, Doctoral thesis, 2010)The efficiency and economics of chemical coagulation, one of the most robust wastewater treatment processes, is critically dependent on the optimal coagulant dosage which is strongly related to the influent quality. The ... -
Differential inclusions and piecewise models in biochemical and gene regulatory networks
(PhD Thesis;2010:31, Doctoral thesis, 2010)The simplification of a complex system is a widely accepted way of its modeling, the inevitable drawback of which is the ”resolution reduction”, i.e., the loss of information inherent to the real-world processes. In this ... -
Mathematical aspects of localized activity in neural field models
(PhD Thesis;2011:37, Doctoral thesis, 2011)Neural field models assume the form of integral and integro-differential equations, and describe non-linear interactions between neuron populations. Such models reduce the dimensionality and complexity of the microscopic ... -
What controls the calving of glaciers? From observations to predictions
(PhD Thesis;2011:60, Doctoral thesis, 2011)This thesis addresses the process of iceberg calving at the front of tidewater glaciers and tries to clarify what controls the calving of glaciers, from observations in the field to modeling and predictions. Iceberg calving ... -
Optimisation of thermal processing of fresh farmed cod
(PhD Thesis;2011:17, Doctoral thesis, 2011)Heat treatment of cold water species is challenging due to quality changes occurring at low temperatures relative to most other foodstuffs. One of the characteristic challenges is the melting of connective tissue already ... -
Development and verification of methods for the rheological characterization of materials for the process industry
(PhD Thesis;2011:19, Doctoral thesis, 2011)Process control, product quality and process design are continuously demanding new sensors and devices that can assess the rheological behavior of fluid and solid products. The need for more methods comes because of three ... -
Utvikling av veiledningsmøter i praktisk-pedagogisk utdanning : aksjonsforskning i lærerutdanneres praksis
(Doctoral thesis, 2011)Denne avhandlingen dokumenterer hvordan en lærerutdanningsgruppe forsket i sin felles praksis for å øke kompetansen til å møte lærerstudenters utdanningsbehov. Evalueringer viser til et betydelig relevansproblem i norsk ... -
Integration of multivariate data in systems biology
(PhD Thesis;2012:20, Doctoral thesis, 2012)Owing to the rapid rate of development in the field of systems biology researchers have faced many new challenges with regard to handling the large amount of generated data sets originating from different –omics techniques, ... -
Prediction of spring wheat yield and grain quality with remote VIS-NIR spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis
(PhD Thesis;2012:26, Doctoral thesis, 2012)Along with an increasing population, both globally and locally, demands on agriculture increase. A sustainable increase in cereal yields is particularly focused and in this context, precision agriculture is becoming ... -
A study of potential energy sources used by cheese ripening bacteria
(PhD Thesis;2012:21, Doctoral thesis, 2012)Non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) continue to grow in cheese during ripening even though lactose and its monosaccharide moieties (glucose and galactose (Gal)) are depleted. This indicates that the NSLAB are able to ... -
‘Science for all’ : a mission impossible? : a multimodal discourse analysis of practical work and inquiry in Norwegian upper secondary school
(PhD Thesis;2013:30, Doctoral thesis, 2013)Målet for denne avhandlingen er å undersøke hvordan den retoriske innrammingen av praktisk og utforskende arbeid realiserer naturvitenskapelig kunnskap samt læring om naturvitenskap. Avhandlingen har et allmenndannende ... -
Improving the anaerobic digestion of lignocelluloses and organic wastes: effects of steam explosion, co-digestion and digestate recirculation.
(PhD Thesis;2013:37, Doctoral thesis, 2013)Biogas production is a sustainable bioenergy process very much in demand nowadays for all the benefits it entails. It does not only allow production of clean energy and thus autonomy from fossil fuels, but also the ... -
Rural turisme som drivkraft for lokal næringsutvikling
(PhD Thesis;2014:100, Doctoral thesis, 2014)Det overordnede målet for denne studien har vært å øke forståelsen for næringsutvikling i rurale innlandskommuner med utgangspunkt i gårdsbruket. Den historiske næringssammensetningen i rurale områder med primærproduksjon ... -
Complexity and deliberation in collaborative socioscientific issues (SSI) inquiry discourse
(PhD Thesis;2014:63, Doctoral thesis, 2014)Argumentation in science classrooms may be modeled on the practices of ‘science proper’, as in experimental work and inquiry learning. Consequentially, argumentation is oriented around matters of truth, or at least on ...