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dc.contributor.advisorHouck, Leif Daniel
dc.contributor.authorEngåvoll, Marte Oda Fiskvik
dc.description.abstractI januar 2018 kunne man lese lederspalten i Byggeindustrien om underentreprenørenes urolighet over et høyt konfliktnivå i byggebransjen. Det ble trukket frem at konflikter har blitt løst i og utenfor rettsvesenet, og at hovedproblemene bunner i pressede marginer og et stramt tidspress (Brekkhus, 2018). Videre trakk artikkelen fram et utfordrende samarbeid, som har ført til en motvilje blant underentreprenørene mot å jobbe for enkelte av de største hovedentreprenørene. Formålet med oppgaven har vært å undersøke på hvilke områder underentreprenører opplever press fra hovedentreprenører som ugreit. For å undersøke dette, ble det utført en litteraturstudie for å finne tidligere relevant forskning. Dette dannet grunnlaget for oppgaven, hvor det ble utført sju semistrukturerte intervjuer hvorav fem var med underentreprenører, ett med en hovedentreprenør og til slutt ett med to byggherrerepresentanter. Resultatene av intervjuene viste at underentreprenører opplever press rundt endringsmeldinger, hvor de opplever at de ikke får rettferdig betalt for disse. Videre ga hovedentreprenørene underentreprenørene flikk- og rydderegninger som hovedentreprenøren senere brukte som et forhandlingskort i sluttoppgjøret, slik at de ikke måtte betale like mange endringsmeldinger. Disse flikk- og rydderegningene ble ofte delt ut som et spleiselag mellom underentreprenørene, noe flere opplevde som svært urettferdig. Underentreprenørene hadde også vært borti at hovedentreprenører brukte advokater og rettsak som pressmiddel, spesielt hvis det var en liten underentreprenør. Til slutt kom det fram at mange av intervjupersonene hadde opplevd hovedentreprenører som tidvis hadde vært kreative i registeringsmåten av skade med fravær for å unngå et høyt H-tall. Det har resultert i arbeidere som har sittet på kontoret uten å gjøre noe verdiskapende arbeid, for å unngå en økning av H-tallet.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn January 2018, one could read the editorial in the newspaper Byggeindustrien about the subcontractors' unrest over a high level of conflict in the construction industry. It was pointed out that conflicts have been resolved in and outside of the judicial system, and that the main problems are rooted in tight margins and tight time pressure (Brekkhus, 2018). Furthermore, the article highlighted a challenging collaboration, which has led to a reluctance among the subcontractors to work for some of the largest main contractors. The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate in which areas subcontractors experience pressure from main contractors as problematic. To investigate this, a literature study was conducted to find previously relevant research. This formed the basis for the thesis, where seven semi-structured interviews were conducted, of which five were with subcontractors, one with a main contractor, and finally, one with two developer representatives on the topic of injuries with absence in the constructions industry and the registration of that statistics. The results of the interviews showed that subcontractors experience pressure around change order, where they experience that they do not get paid fairly for these. Furthermore, the main contractors gave the subcontractors patch and clearing bills, which the main contractors later used as a bargaining chip in the final settlement, so that they did not have to pay as many change orders. These patch and clearing bills were often distributed as a cost-sharing between the subcontractors, which several experienced as very unfair. The subcontractors had also encountered main contractors who used lawyers and litigation as means of pressure, especially if it was a smaller subcontractor. Finally, it emerged that many of the interviewees had experienced that some main contractors had been creative in the method of registering injuries with absence to avoid a high statistic on injuries in the construction industry. This has resulted in workers sitting in the office without doing any value-creating work, to avoid an increase in the statistics.en_US
dc.publisherNorwegian University of Life Sciences, Åsen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleForholdet mellom hovedentreprenører og underentreprenører sett fra underentreprenørers ståsteden_US
dc.title.alternativeThe relationship between main contractors and subcontractors from the point of view of subcontractorsen_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US

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