Individual phenotyping of feed efficiency in lambs fed stable isotopes through maize silage
Dvergedal, Hanne; Sagaye, Alemayehu; Klemetsdal, Gunnar; Mydland, Liv Torunn; Øverland, Margareth; Olsen, Hanne Fjerdingby
Recording feed intake and thus feed efficiency in ruminants is challenging. Hence, there is a need to establish indicator traits that can capture the individual variation in feed efficiency, without requiring individual feed intake recordings. This study aimed to explore whether the methodology established in salmon using individual indicator traits for feed efficiency based on stable isotope profiling could be transferred to lambs since the product for both species is meat. We used a total mixed ration based on maize silage to record the individual indicator traits for feed efficiency. The experiment was done with twelve weaned female lambs of the Norwegian White Sheep grouped equally in three, one group fed a total mixed ration enriched with 13C for 42 days, the second group grazed for 21 days and then fed the total mixed ration for 21 days, and the third group grazed for 42 days. The latter group was included to establish a baseline value for the stable isotope percentage in the back and thigh muscle tissues. Recording of 13C in the back muscle of the animals in the first two groups, resulted in a phenotypic correlation as large as 0.92 between individual feed conversion ratio and the individual indicator traits for feed efficiency based on stable isotope profiling. An assessment through individual indicator traits would be independent of the recording of individual feed intake.