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dc.contributor.advisorLund, Heidi Sjetne
dc.contributor.advisorHaaland, Anita Haug
dc.contributor.authorTøien, Sara
dc.contributor.authorRande, Mia Sofie Mjønes
dc.contributor.authorHylin, Inger
dc.description.abstractFanconi syndrom er definert som en medfødt eller ervervet dysfunksjon i proksimale renale tubuli. Lidelsen forårsaker nedsatt reabsorpsjon av en rekke substanser, deriblant aminosyrer, glukose og elektrolytter. Ervervet Fanconi syndrom (FS) er satt i sammenheng med en rekke årsaker inkludert toksiner, medikamenter, infeksjoner og inntak av såkalte «jerky treats» produsert i Kina. I løpet av 2018 var det opplevd en økt forekomst ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelig universitet (NMBU) Smådyrklinikken av proksimal renal tubulopati/Fanconi syndrom hos norske hunder. I den forbindelse ble det opprettet et Nasjonalt register hvor veterinærer i Norge sender inn informasjon om pasienter med tentativ diagnose. Nasjonalt register bestod av 59 hunder og inklusjonskriteriene var norske hunder med normoglykemisk glukosuri. I denne studien er det benyttet data fra NMBU Smådyrklinikkens journalsystem for å beskrive forekomst i tidsperioden 2005-2015, 2017 og 2018. Resultatene viser en markant økning (300%) i antallet tilfeller av ervervet FS ved NMBU Smådyrklinikken fra 2015 til 2018. Videre ble Nasjonalt register benyttet for å beskrive karakteristika ved syndromet; her ble signalement, kliniske symptomer og diagnostiske parametere registrert. Denne studien viser at syndromet opptrer hyppigst hos små hunderaser (< 10 kg) (66%, 38/58), men en høyere andel større raser (> 10 kg) (34,4%, 20/58) enn tidligere rapportert i publisert litteratur var også representert. Vanlige kliniske symptomer var polydipsi (87,7%, 50/57), polyuri (84,2%, 48/57), letargi (67,3%, 37/55), anoreksi (63,4%, 35/55) og vekttap (63,2%, 24/38) og oppkast (48,9%, 23/47). Vanlige diagnostiske funn inkluderte glukosuri (100%, 59/59), aminoaciduri (97,9%, 48/49), normoglykemi (94,9%, 56/59), hypokalemi (34,6%, 18/52), hyperkloremi (37,5%, 18/48), hypofosfatemi (21,4%, 12/56) og acidose (42,9%, 15/35). Totalt 28,6% (16/56) hadde kreatininverdier over referanseområdet, og av hundene som hadde oppgitt blodprøveverdier for både kreatinin og urea hadde 15,7% (8/51) forhøyede verdier av begge parametere samtidig (azotemi). Majoriteten av hundene i studien kom fra Østlandet (75%). Til sammen 90% (45/50) hadde rapportert om inntak av “jerky treats” i forkant av diagnostisering.nb_NO
dc.description.abstractFanconi syndrome is defined as an inherited or acquired proximal renal tubulopathy which causes a defect in the reabsorption of a number of substances, such as amino acids, glucose and electrolytes. Acquired Fanconi syndrome has been associated with a number of causes including infections, different diseases, and ingestion of toxins or drugs. Furthermore, acquired Fanconi syndrome has more recently been associated with ingestion of jerky treats produced in China. During the year 2018 there was an increased frequency in reports with acquired Fanconi syndrome in Norwegian dogs. In order to establish an overview of the situation, National Case Registry was established, where veterinarians in Norway could report any suspected or confirmed cases of acquired Fanconi syndrome. The National Case Registry constituted of 59 dogs. The inclusion criteria were Norwegian dogs with euglycemic glucosuria. In this study, data from Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) Department of Companion Animal Clinical Sciences’ medical records were used to describe the occurrence of acquired Fanconi syndrome during 2005-2015, 2017 and 2018. The results revealed a pronounced increase in the number of cases at NMBU Department of Companion Animal Clinical Sciences from year 2015 until 2018. Furthermore, National Case Registry was used to describe characteristics of the disease. Information regarding signalment, clinical signs and results of urinalysis and blood tests was collected. A total of 59 dogs were studied. Small breeds (< 10 kg) accounted for 66% (38/58) of the cases, but a fair proportion (34,4%, 20/58) of bigger breeds (> 10 kg) was also represented. Common clinical signs included polydipsia (87,7%, 50/57), polyuria (84,2%, 48/57), lethargy (67,3%, 37/55), hyporexia/anorexia (63,4%, 35/55), weight loss (63,2%, 24/38) and vomiting (48,9%, 23/47). Common clinicopathological findings included glucosuria (100%, 59/59), aminoaciduria (97,9%, 48/49), euglycemia (94,9%, 56/59), hypokalemia (34,6%, 18/52), hyperchloremia (37,5%, 18/48), hypophosphatemia (21,4%, 12/56) and acidosis (42,9%, 15/35). A total of 23,6% (16/56) had serum-creatinine levels above reference range. The majority of the cases originated from Østlandet (75%). A total of 90% (45/50) had been fed jerky treats prior to diagnosis.nb_NO
dc.publisherNorwegian University of Life Sciences, Åsnb_NO
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleEn deskriptiv studie av ervervet Fanconi syndrom hos norske hunder i tidsperioden 2005 til 2019nb_NO
dc.title.alternativeA descriptive study of acquired Fanconi syndrome in Norwegian dogs during 2005-2019nb_NO
dc.typeStudent paper, othersnb_NO

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