Institutt for naturforvaltning (INA): Nye registreringer
Viser treff 1-20 av 26
Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences : monitoring programme for forest damage
(Journal issue, 1992) -
Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences : multiple use forestry
(Journal issue, 1992) -
Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences : forest decline in Norway: monitoring results, international links and hypotheses
(Journal issue, 1990)It is widely accepted that forest decline is a multiple syndrome and that there is less synchrony in its incidence than was previously thought. T'here are also some doubts as to the «novelty- of some kinds of damage, e.g. ... -
Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences : lake acidification - a complex phenomenon elucidated by studies of fifteen lakes in Finnemarka, Southem Norway
(Journal issue, 1987)One neutral and 14 acid lakes have been investigated during 1970-82. Some reference lakes, not discernibly acid, have also been roughly studied, especially with respect to the sediments. The main lakes are typical soft-water ... -
Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences : nutrient concentrations in the liquid phase of growth substrates
(Journal issue, 1989)Samples of the liquid phase of growth substrates at container capacity were obtained using a dilution technique, and a chemical analysis was carried out. The measured concentrations were combined with the physical ... -
Volumvekt og vanninnhold hos gråor
(Professional article, 1966) -
Trevirkets fysiske egenskaper
(Professional article, 1965) -
Treets oppbygning og vedanatomi
(Professional article, 1998) -
Trevirkets kjemiske oppbygging og egenskaper
(Professional article, 1982) -
Virkeskvalitet og skogbehandling
(Professional article, 1985) -
Trevirkets kvalitet
(Professional article, 1971) -
Bearbeiding og modifisering av tre og trebaserte materialer
(Professional article, 1998) -
Feil og uregelmessigheter hos trevirke
(Professional article, 1992) -
Impregnering : væskeinntrengning i trevirke
(Professional article, 1970) -
Lim, liming og fremstilling av laminerte trekonstruksjoner
(Professional article, 1966) -
Trevirkets kvalitet II
(Book, 1971-02)