Master's theses (IPV): Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 240
Susceptibility of different apple cultivars to Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) and the factors that influence the infestation level
(Master thesis, 2021)Apple is the most cultivated fruit tree in Norway. However, due to many challenges, apple production is insufficient regarding the consumption requirements. Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is one of these challenges, a ... -
Developing a workflow for the multi-omics analysis of Daphnia
(Master thesis, 2021)In the era of multi-omics, making reasonable statistical inferences through data integration is challenged by data heterogeneity, dimensionality constraints, and data harmonization. The biological system is presumed to ... -
Sensitivity to gamma radiation of Scots pine seedlings grown from seeds developed under elevated levels of ionizing radiation
(Master thesis, 2021)As being sessile, plants are generally exposed to background levels of ionizing radiation in their natural environment due to cosmic radiation as well as alpha-, beta- or gamma- emitting radionuclides in naturally occurring ... -
The effect of expanded and extruded process on pellets physical properties and in sacco rumen degradability
(Master thesis, 2021)Rumen degradability kinetics was investigated for concentrates with different physical functional properties. Three diets with SBM (30%) and barley (70%) were produced by ether expanded press process (Con) or by an extrusion ... -
Pepinomosaikkvirus - overlevelse under kompostlignende forhold
(Master thesis, 2021)Bruken av kompostert plantemateriale som en komponent i vekstmedier og til jordforbedring kan medføre et potensiale for spredning av plantepatogener. Kunnskap om patogeners respons på ulike komposteringsforhold er nødvendig ... -
Status og potensiale for utvikling av småskala grønsaksproduksjon i Vestland fylke – ei undersøking av interessentinvolvering og interaksjon i matsystemet
(Master thesis, 2021)Den globale matproduksjon går ei utfordrande tid i møte, og Noreg og Vestland er ikkje i le for trugsmåla som fylgjer med eit skiftande klima. Mykje indikerar ei trong for ein solid og robust matproduksjon nasjonalt, der ... -
Towards sustainable food provisioning: An exploration of socio-material agencies shaping household shopping practices in Norwegian supermarkets
(Master thesis, 2021)The current agri-food system is intricate and immensely complex, with human and planetary health unravelling at an unimaginable pace. At its centre, grocery stores mediate the exchange of food items between farmers, ... -
A Comparative Study of Forecasted Benefits from Historical and Current Street-Trees in Downtown Oslo. Implications for Management
(Master thesis, 2021)Urban trees and forests provide environmental, economic, social, and human health benefits collectively known as ecosystem services. Todays’ climate crisis and urbanization is linked to multiple challenges within cities ... -
Functional analyses of FvMYB46-CRISPR/Cas9-edited Fragaria vesca plants
(Master thesis, 2021)One of the biggest humanitarian challenges in the world today is food security. Improving food production requires improvement in the productivity of existing crops. Plant diseases are major causators of crop yield losses, ... -
Evaluation of susceptibility to fruit tree canker caused by Neonectria ditissima
(Master thesis, 2021)Fruit tree canker caused by Neonectria ditissima is a major bark canker disease on apple especially in temperate regions with high humidity and precipitation. The fungus can infect plant material through natural or artificial ... -
Cloning and characterization of Cas9 in IPEC-J2 cells for CRISPR screens against porcine E. coli pathogen
(Master thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn Svin er ofte brukt husdyr i landbruket, brukt primært for dets kjøtt. Et ofte forekommende problem i svineindustrien er diare forårsaket av bakterier, hvor enterotoksinproduserende Escherichia coli(ETEC) er en ... -
Genome editing for sustainability: Improving host resistance to combat late blight in potato and sea lice in Atlantic salmon
(Master thesis, 2021)Few species are as central to Norwegian society and culture as the potato and the Atlantic salmon. Yet these industries face considerable threats to production by pests, namely potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) ... -
Disease development of Chondrostereum purpureum in common Norwegian plum cultivars
(Master thesis, 2021)Silver leaf disease, caused by the basidiomycete Chondrostereum purpureum, is a growing problem in Norwegian plum production. It affects the overall health and lifespan of the fruit trees. The inoculation experiments in ... -
Summer Mountain Farming in Norway: Attendance Factors Among 'Seter' farmers
(Master thesis, 2021)Summer mountain farming (‘seterdrift’) in Norway is a transhumance practice in great decline. Being an extensive farming practice it relies on out-field resources in mountain areas and landscape areas and has been practiced ... -
Identification of fungi that cause tip rot of carrot and determine effect of storage temperature and cultivar on tip rot development
(Master thesis, 2021)Carrot is one of the important vegetables in Norway, and after harvesting it stored in cold storage for up to 7 months. During such long storage time, there is great yield and quality losses due to various diseases, and ... -
Characterisation of fructan accumulation in grasses and its implication for cold adaptation and overwintering
(Master thesis, 2021)Fructans are fructose-based oligo- and polysaccharides that occur in many plants in temperate climates. Beside its main function as storage carbohydrate, fructan has been suggested to play a role in temperate adaptations, ... -
Kvalitet i remonterende og kortdagsplanter av jordbær (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
(Master thesis, 2021)I Norge er jordbærsesongen relativt kort og dyrkning av jordbær i nord kan være problematisk, på grunn av det kjølige klima. Ved å dyrke jordbær i tunnel vil det bidra til en forlengelse av vekstsesongen i sør og det kan ... -
Frøutvikling og modning av åkerbønne (Vicia faba L.) under norske dyrkingsforhold
(Master thesis, 2021)Åkerbønne (Vicia Faba L.) er en vekst med lang veksttid, noe som kan by på utfordringer ved dyrking i Norge. Målet med denne oppgaven var å undersøke frøutviklingen og modningsforløpet i åkerbønne under norske dyrkingsforhold, ... -
Tidlig plante- og nodulutvikling og biologisk nitrogenfiksering hos åkerbønne (Vicia faba L. cv. Vertigo) dyrket i Norge
(Master thesis, 2021)Belgveksten åkerbønne (Vicia faba L.) er en proteinvekst med stort dyrkingspotensial i Norge. Det er begrenset kunnskap om åkerbønnes tidlige planteutvikling, inkludert utviklingen av noduler på røttene og biologiske ... -
Health issues related to the production and consumption of cassava as a staple food
(Master thesis, 2021)Cassava plays a vital role in the world's tropical regions. However, it carries varying amounts of cyanogenic glucosides that are a possible human poison. Some forms of malpractices also endanger human health during ...