Browsing Master's theses (IPV) by Title
Now showing items 79-98 of 240
Environmental advantages and potential of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivation in Norway, with a special focus on C and N inventory
(Master thesis, 2022)Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a legume capable of BNF that has the potential to play a role in achieving climate goals while influencing the future of Norwegian agriculture. The GreenPlantFood project is exploring ways to ... -
Epigenetic effects of temperature during embryogenesis on climatic adaptation traits in Norway spruce (Picea abies) : studies of cold hardiness, gene expression and epigenetic marks
(Master thesis, 2019)Norway spruce (Picea abies) is known to have an epigenetic memory of temperature during embryogenesis, which affects phenological traits in the trees more than 20 years later. This memory was first shown in trees from ... -
Erfaring med fysisk aktivitet over ett år etter endt frisklivsperiode
(Master thesis, 2016-02-29)Bakgrunn: Norge står overfor store helseutfordringer med utvikling av sykdommer som i stor grad er knyttet til livsstil, kosthold og fysisk aktivitet. Frisklivssentraler kan være et bidrag til å løse disse utfordringene. ... -
Etablering av trær i bymiljø
(Master thesis, 2014-08-12)Etablering av trær er utfordrende i bymiljø. Bymiljøet er preget av faktorer som er lite gunstig for plantevekst. Faste dekker av blant annet asfalt og brostein, store mengder salt fra vinterdrift av veier, og lite ... -
Etablering av Ulven nærmiljøhage: utfordringer og muligheter for drift
(Master thesis, 2022)While urbanisation is accelerating, cities are facing huge environmental, social and economic challenges. Urban agriculture can contribute to more sustainable cities through better environment and climate, building social ... -
Evaluating sustainable logistics for Local Food Systems and using colaboration as a tool for rationnalization in the retail-wholesale sector: A case study in the Nord-Pas de Calais region, France
(Master thesis, 2015-02-26)Localizing the organic food system is a key element for sustaining the development of organic agriculture globally. Local Food Systems (LFS) are often attributed to having advantages but their economic, ecological and ... -
Evaluation of apparent nutrient digestibility in Atlantic salmon fed diets with differently processed faba bean
(Master thesis, 2019-09-30)This study was conducted to evaluate the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of three different diets with faba bean in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). A basal diet was prepared with fish meal, soy protein concentrate ... -
Evaluation of susceptibility to fruit tree canker caused by Neonectria ditissima
(Master thesis, 2021)Fruit tree canker caused by Neonectria ditissima is a major bark canker disease on apple especially in temperate regions with high humidity and precipitation. The fungus can infect plant material through natural or artificial ... -
Evaluation of the effects of Beauveria bassiana on the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis
(Master thesis, 2022)The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) and the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis are effective biological control agents of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae), an economically important pest ... -
Evolution of growth rates in Pooideae (Poaceae)
(Master thesis, 2016)The temperate grasses in the subfamily Pooideae (Poaceae) has a limited distribution range The species are mainly distributed to the Northern Temperate regions and are known to be adapted to the strong seasonality this ... -
Factors affecting sweet potato production in crop–livestock farming systems in Ethiopia
(Master thesis, 2017)Sweet potato is a potential food security crop in the crop–livestock systems for subsistence small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. This study investigated social, ecological, and economic factors, as well as how ... -
Farm-to-table in the Albuquerque region : a case study at Los Poblanos Historic Inn & Organic Farm
(Master thesis, 2017)This report explores a “Farm-to-Table” restaurant business model, using Los Poblanos Historic Inn & Organic Farm as a single-focus for this exploratory case study. Los Poblanos is chosen for this study due to their dedication ... -
Feeding East Africa : are genetically modified crops part of the solution?
(Master thesis, 2017)The African continent is faced with enormous challenges of poverty, hunger and food insecurity, which is exacerbated by climatic and environmental change, and a rapidly increasing population; and in the midst of it all is ... -
Fenologisk utvikling i rødkløver
(Master thesis, 2015-02-26)Rødkløver (Trifolium pratense) er en viktig plante i grovfôrproduksjonen i Norge. Det er nær sammenheng mellom fôrvekstenes fenologiske utviklingstrinn og deres fôrkvalitet. Både med tanke på praktisk dyrkingsveiledning ... -
Field dissipation of pesticides used in Norwegian carrot production and pesticide residues in carrots in Norway compared to China, the European Union and Germany
(Master thesis, 2020)The use of pesticides has not only positive effects on yield and food safety but also poses a risk to the environment and human health. Residues of pesticides are frequently detected in food crops, water, and soil, but a ... -
Five-year numerical response of saproxylic beetles following a dead wood pulse left by moth outbreaks in northern Scandinavia
(Master thesis, 2017)Saproxylic insects are important for the decomposition of dead wood, and therefore crucial for maintaining healthy forest ecosystems. There is, however, little knowledge about their ability to respond to massive resource ... -
Food gardening for change : a study of transformative learning in urban agriculture
(Master thesis, 2019)In an increasingly urbanised world, we see an increase in the focus on cities and the role they play in sustainable food systems. In this study, urban food gardening projects are explored with the theoretical framework of ... -
Fornying av eng ved direktesåing : effekten av tettleik i svoren på etableringssuksess
(Master thesis, 2019)Med direktesåing kan ein fornya plantedekket med lågare kostnadar og meir miljøvennleg enn ein full fornying med pløying. Men å få til ei vellukka etablering viser seg å vera utfordrande. I fleire forsøk som har blitt gjort ... -
Frukttrekreft på eplegrunnstammer
(Master thesis, 2015-08-06)The apple canker disease (aka European canker), which is caused by the fungus Neonectria distissima, infects apple trees and can cause severe damage on both the fruit and the tree itself. For some time it has been assumed ... -
Frøutvikling og modning av åkerbønne (Vicia faba L.) under norske dyrkingsforhold
(Master thesis, 2021)Åkerbønne (Vicia Faba L.) er en vekst med lang veksttid, noe som kan by på utfordringer ved dyrking i Norge. Målet med denne oppgaven var å undersøke frøutviklingen og modningsforløpet i åkerbønne under norske dyrkingsforhold, ...