Browsing Master's theses (IMV) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 130
A five year performance evaluation of on-site wastewater treatment at Høyås farm, Ås, Norway
(Master thesis, 2017)To prevent contamination of surface and groundwater sources, municipalities in Norway maintain strict regulations to control the discharge of treated wastewater. Municipalities with local codes set phosphorus (P) effluent ... -
A Long-term performance evaluation of a hybrid natural wastewater treatment system at Vidaråsen Camphill, Andebu Norway
(Master thesis, 2017-03-31)Treatment systems like constructed wetlands and ponds have been successfully applied in Natural the treatment of domestic wastewater both in warm and cold climate. If well operated and maintained these systems perform well ... -
A study of water and sanitation in rural villages of Lamjung District, Nepal : challenges and sustainable solutions
(Master thesis, 2016-08-11)Many people throughout the world still lack safe and affordable access to drinking water and basic sanitation. As of this year, only 83.3% and 53.1% of the population in Nepal will have ‘improved’ water resources and ... -
Analysing the effects of cover crops on emergence rates and vigor, seedling establishment and verticillium wilt development of sunflower varieties
(Master thesis, 2022)Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus) faces major production challenges in southern-western France. It is mostly grown in hilly areas, in short rotations and after a long fallow period during which soils are left bare. Crop ... -
Arsen (As), brom (Br) og bly (Pb) i morsmelk og urin blant ammende mødre bosatt i Oslo, Norge : interaksjoner som påvirker nivået
(Master thesis, 2017)Morsmelk er den ideelle næringen for optimal vekst, helse og utvikling for små barn, men det kan også være en kilde til miljøgifter. På grunn av rask vekst, umodne nyrer samt lever, og et nervesystem under utvikling, er ... -
Assessment of a prototype of composting toilet : field scale study assessing the design, performance and potential of the prototype.
(Master thesis, 2015-11-05)Common problems with composting toilets are the appearance of odors, the control of the moisture content and the heat and energy demand. The objective of this study is to assess the performance of an innovative design ... -
Assessment of OSL groundwater monitoring program
(Master thesis, 2018)Increasing population, water demand, climate-change-induced droughts and growing strain over water resources demands better management. Groundwater is the largest distributed source of freshwater and fulfills one-third of ... -
Availability of plant nutrients under conventional farming and conservation farming with and without biochar : a field study of maize on acidic, sandy loam in Zambia
(Master thesis, 2016)Conservation farming (CF) has been promoted as an alternative and sustainable agricultural practice for many small-scale farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) as a means to improve acid, degraded soil. Conservation farming ... -
Avrenning av kobber (Cu) og potensiell påvirkning på primærprodusenter i et landbrukspåvirket vassdrag med betydelig vegavrenning - med eksempel fra Årungen
(Master thesis, 2015-08-10)Veg- og jordbruksavrenning er to diffuse forurensningskilder som kan ha en betydelig effekt på vannmiljøet. Årungen, i Akershus, er en eutrof innsjø som har de siste tiårene vært karakterisert av årlige algeoppblomstringer, ... -
Avsnøring av innsjøen Breidflå : innvirkning på vannkvalitet og økologiske forhold
(Master thesis, 2014-02-19)Oppgaven handler om hvordan en veifylling langs riksvei 9 i Setesdalen, kan ha påvirket vannkvaliteten og økologiske forhold i Voilan, en avsnørt del av innsjøen Breidflå i Otravassdraget. Veifyllingen fører trolig til ... -
Barrierer for utbygging av små vannkraftverk i Norge : en kvalitativ analyse
(Master thesis, 2020)I denne oppgaven ses det på hvilke barrierer hindrer utbygging av konsesjonsgitte små kraftverk og eventuelle tiltak som kan minke barrierene. Det er i hovedsak benyttet en kvalitativ metode. Det store forskjeller på ... -
Bestemmelse av 12 grunnstoffer i morsmelk fra norske mødre : faktorer som påvirker innholdet av kvikksølv, kadmium, selen og jod i morsmelk
(Master thesis, 2017-04-01)Morsmelk inneholder næringsstoffer som er viktig for å sikre tilstrekkelig vekst og utvikling hos spedbarn, samtidig kan morsmelk være en kilde til potensielt toksiske grunnstoffer. Innholdet av organiske miljøgifter i ... -
Bestemmelse av grunnstoffer og anioner i drikkevann og urin blant Saharawiske flyktninger - En vurdering av drikkevannskvalitet og eksponeringsnivå i urin
(Master thesis, 2017-03-21)Nær Tindouf i Algerie bor om lag 165 000 Saharawiske flyktninger som lever under ekstremt tørre forhold med dårlig tilgang til rent drikkevann. Tidligere undersøkelser har vist høye nivåer av jod i drikkevannet og urinen ... -
Challenging, spectacular and less appealing versus flat, boring and highly attractive : a comparative analysis of the images of the two winter sport events Birkebeinerrennet and Vasaloppet
(Master thesis, 2018)The number of participants in Birkebeinerrennet has decreased during the last years. An understanding of how sport tourists perceives an event’s image can help destinations make a image that attracts more desirable visitors ... -
Changes in speciation and kinetics of Po-210 in produced water from oil industry when it is mixed with seawater
(Master thesis, 2017)Petroleum production on the Norwegian continental shelf is accompanied by the production of the largest by volume waste stream called produced water. Produced water discharged to the North Sea can contain elevated level ... -
Characterization of pesticide hazard and risk to freshwater algae under ecologically relevant exposure conditions in Norway
(Master thesis, 2017)Balansen i det akvatiske økosystemet er under konstant press fra menneskelig påvirkning, og store mengder forurensende stoffer slippes ut i vannforekomster i hele verden. Blant disse er pesticider en stor kilde til utslipp, ... -
Characterization of workplace aerosols in the manganese alloy production industry by X-ray diffraction, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, and anion chromatography
(Master thesis, 2015-07-28)Workers in the manganese (Mn) alloy industry are exposed to a variety of Mn com- pounds, which may lead to a neurological condition called manganism. To better assess health effects due to Mn exposore, it is important to ... -
Chemical work environment when managing and recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment
(Master thesis, 2015-08-03)Norway generates the most WEEE per capita in the world, the bulk of which is treated in Norway. Several of the processes involved are manual and there is a potential for occupational exposure to the hazardous substances ... -
Chronicling the rise and fall of the invasive species Elodea canadensis in a eutrophic lake using paleolimnological methods
(Master thesis, 2015-05-08)The history of the introduction and disappearance of the invasive aquatic plant Elodea canadensis (E. canadensis) in lake Årungen, a eutrophic, disturbed lake, was studied using paleolimnological techniques to investigate ... -
Community forestry, REDD+ pilot project, power, and corruption : a case study of Ludikhola watershed in Gorkha District, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2015-08-14)REDD integrates conservation, sustainable management of forest and enhancement of forest carbon stocks, emerged though a global partnership under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Ludikhola watershed ...