Browsing Doctoral theses (MINA) by Author "Hofstad, Ole"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Choice of technology in less industrialized countries with particular reference to forestry and sawmilling
Solberg, Birger (Rapport (Norges landbrukshøgskole. Institutt for skogøkonomi);1988:3, Doctoral thesis, 1988)An overview is given of existing works regarding choice of technology in less industrialized countries (LIC), with special emphasis on forestry and forest industry projects. Some omportant theoretical aspects regarding the ... -
An ecological and socio-economical study of a locally endangered tree species, Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata, in a dry Afromontane forest
Wegasie, Mekdes Ourge (PhD Thesis;2018:94, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Afromontane forests are found in the tropics and are often threatened because of land use changes. These forests have various types of multipurpose tree species that provide different services to the local communities. ... -
Socioeconomics and governance of exclosures in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
Mekonen, Dawit Gebregziabher (PhD Thesis;2018:90, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Land degradation and deforestation problems exists across sub-Saharan Africa in general and these remained as the major environmental problems in the Tigray region for many years. The joint effort of the regional government ...