Browsing Doctoral theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 106
Activity patterns in tropical forest mammals : a pantropical assessment using camera-trap data
(PhD thesis;2024:8, Doctoral thesis, 2024) -
Advancing site index determination using point cloud data
(PhD Thesis;2024:70, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Site index (SI) is the top height at a given reference age and is used to describe the forest site’s potential to produce wood volume. SI determination has evolved from purely field-based assessments based on age and height ... -
The agronomic and environmental effects of biochar under field conditions in Norway
(PhD Thesis;2021:84, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Biochar is emerging as a promising solution for increasing carbon in soil, improving the fertility of selected soils, and mitigating N2O emissions from agricultural soils. In Norway, biochar is high on the agenda of potential ... -
An experimental study on rotor-wake interactions of wind turbines
(PhD Thesis;2018:55, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Interactions of wind turbine wakes with downstream turbines can reduce a wind farm’s power production and increase loads on the individual turbines. For the purpose of wind farm optimization, different aerodynamic ... -
Analyzing aspects of land-use sustainability in Tanzania : current forest degradation, urban charcoal demand, and impacts of future firewood and charcoal consumption
(PhD Thesis;2019:51, Doctoral thesis, 2019)The forest sector plays a significant roles both directly and indirectly in Tanzania. In total 54% of the land area of mainland Tanzania is covered by different types of forests, the main ones being the miombo woodlands, ... -
Application of external prediction models in forest management inventories based on airborne laser scanning
(PhD Thesis;2022:28, Doctoral thesis, 2022)The use of airborne laser scanning (ALS) data in forest management inventories (FMI) has become operational during the last decades. Since it was introduced, ALS has improved FMI practices due to their capability to describe ... -
Assessing condition and changes in forest ecosystems using remotely sensed data
(PhD thesis;2023:63, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Forest ecosystems yield a range of ecosystem services that directly or indirectly contribute to human wellbeing. The potential of forest ecosystems to deliver services is, however, directly related to their condition, or ... -
Assessments of the future role of bioenergy in the Nordic energy and forest sectors
(PhD Thesis;2020:64, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This thesis presents studies that describe different consequences of increased use of forest resources for energy purposes. Forest biomass is widely used in many different applications; in recent years, biofuel has been ... -
Biochar for N2O mitigation and improved delivery and retention of mineral nitrogen in compost and soil
(PhD Thesis;2022:15, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Biochar is a promising technology for simultaneously storing carbon in soils, improving crop yields and reducing greenhouse gases. In the last 20 years, research efforts into biochar and its application to soils have been ... -
Biomass estimation models and methods for miombo woodlands of Malawi using field and remotely sensed data
(PhD Thesis;2016:92, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Dry tropical forests, such as the miombo woodlands, play an important role in the global carbon budget as well as in contributing towards the sustainable development of countries such as Malawi. To ensure sustainability ... -
Biomass stock and change estimation in boreal forests using remotely sensed data : results from empirical studies and simulations
(PhD Thesis;2017:69, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has become an important remote sensing tool for forest inventory. In the past two decades, this technology has seen a rapid status transition from experimental to operational, ... -
Brown trout anadromy in the Anthropocene
(PhD Thesis;2024:50, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Recent human-induced changes in both marine and freshwater environments are likely to alter adaptative landscapes in migratory species that utilise both habitats. Anadromous salmonids, like the brown trout (Salmo trutta), ... -
Characterization of radioactive particle exposure using micro and nano-focused X-ray techniques
(PhD Thesis;2021:95, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Radionuclides may be introduced into the environment from a variety of sources both naturally occurring, such as weathering from ore deposits, and anthropogenic, such as releases associated with the nuclear weapons and ... -
Choice of technology in less industrialized countries with particular reference to forestry and sawmilling
(Rapport (Norges landbrukshøgskole. Institutt for skogøkonomi);1988:3, Doctoral thesis, 1988)An overview is given of existing works regarding choice of technology in less industrialized countries (LIC), with special emphasis on forestry and forest industry projects. Some omportant theoretical aspects regarding the ... -
Climate change impacts on natural forest disturbances : bark beetle damage potential and management adaptations
(PhD Thesis;2024:27, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Across the world, forests offer essential resources for humans and many other species, but they are now threatened by increasing wind damages, wildfires, droughts, and insect outbreaks due to climate change. This thesis ... -
Climate Smart Agriculture in smallholder farming systems in the central rift valley of Ethiopia : potentials for improving productivity, climate change adaptation and mitigation
(PhD Thesis;2019-95, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an approach that aims at achieving sustainable food production and security through providing flexible but socially acceptable cultivation methods. For this, CSA seeks to sustainably ... -
The conservation value of power-line clearings for native insect-pollinated plants and wild bees in boreal forest landscapes
(PhD Thesis;2020:31, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Worldwide declines in wild pollinators are threatening the provision of vital pollination functions and services to both native plant communities and crops. Habitat loss due to human land use changes is identified as one ... -
Crop pollination by insects in small-scale agroforestry farming in Tanzania
(PhD Thesis;2019:101, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Context. The decline of pollinating insects worldwide threatens pollination services for wild angiosperms and important food crops. The importance of insect pollination services for food production has been documented for ... -
Cultivating conflict : perspectives on the human dimensions of voluntary Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) hatcheries in a conservation context
(PhD Thesis;2018:76, Doctoral thesis, 2018)The overall goal of this thesis is to offer a more in-depth human dimensions understanding of voluntary Atlantic salmon hatcheries, focusing on the underlying drivers of conflict over hatchery use in a conservation context. ... -
Data, models, and insights for informed decision-making in the management of exclosures in Tigray, northern Ethiopia
(PhD Thesis;2018:89, Doctoral thesis, 2018)In Ethiopia, exclosures are rapidly expanding and performing good to reverse deforestation and land degradation. Local communities, particularly in Tigray show a clear preference for exclosures, which are useful for ecosystem ...