Blar i Brage NMBU på forfatter "Evju, Marianne"
A three-year population analysis of the red listed musk orchid (Herminium monorchis) in South-East Norway
Vågen, Silje Skjelnes (Master thesis, 2017)The combination of abandonment and intensification of agriculture has changed the agricultural landscape, especially the semi-natural nature types. This has led to a loss and endangerment of species linked to these nature ... -
Alpin restaurering: Overlevelse og etablering av oppformerte vierplanter i en forstyrret lokalitet på Hjerkinn, Dovrefjell
Glomb, Maraike (Master thesis, 2016-08-17)Globalt øker omfanget av naturødeleggelse gjennom menneskelig aktivitet. I dag er økologisk restaurering et viktig virkemiddel for å redusere skaden av naturinngrep. Den internasjonale konvensjonen om biologisk mangfold ... -
Alpine restoration: planting and seeding of native species facilitate vegetation recovery
Vloon, Catharina Caspara; Evju, Marianne; Klanderud, Kari; Hagen, Dagmar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Vegetation recovery in severely disturbed alpine ecosystems can be accelerated through active restoration measures. This study evaluated the short-term effects of two restoration treatments, planting of propagated native ... -
Climate influence on plant–pollinator interactions in the keystone species Vaccinium myrtillus
Olsen, Siri Lie; Evju, Marianne; Åström, Jens; Løkken, Jørn Olav; Dahle, Sondre; Andresen, Jonas; Eide, Nina Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Climate change is altering the world's ecosystems through direct effects of climate warming and precipitation changes but also indirectly through changes in biotic interactions. For instance, climate-driven changes in plant ... -
Effects of climate, historical logging and spatial scales on beetles in hollow oaks
Pilskog, Hanne Eik (PhD Thesis;2016:90, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Veteran trees are keystone structures and important biodiversity habitats, but they are declining on a global scale. In Europe, old oaks (Quercus spp.) are one of the most important habitat trees for biodiversity, yet the ... -
Gjenbesøk av hule eiker kartlagt for 30 år siden
Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne; Rasmussen, Adrian; Hanssen, Oddvar; Evju, Marianne (MINA fagrapport;23, Report, 2014)Rapporten beskriver et underprosjekt av ARKO som ble gjennomført ved INA, NMBU i 2013. Målsetningen var å oppsøke gamle eiker som var beskrevet for 30 år siden for å se om eikene fremdeles var tilstede, og om tilstanden ... -
Habitat connectivity affects specialist species richness more than generalists in veteran trees
Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne; Skarpaas, Olav; Blumentrath, Stefan; Birkemoe, Tone; Evju, Marianne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Intensified human land use continues to increase habitat loss and fragmentation, and leads to a homogenization of biodiversity. Specialized species with narrow niches seem to be declining more rapidly than generalist ... -
Honningblom Herminium monorchis – overvåking av artens tre populasjoner på Hvaler
Kravdal, Liv Ingrid; Evju, Marianne; Klanderud, Kari (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The musk orchid Herminium monorchis (L.) R.Br. is one of Norway’s rarest vascular plants, listed as Critically Endangered in the Red-list for species. Since 2011 the species has also been listed as a Priority Species under ... -
Hvordan endres rabbesamfunn i oseanisk og kontinentalt klima etter ulike forstyrrelser?
Elmer, Aina (Master thesis, 2017)Den forventede økningen i den menneskelige bruken av alpine områder, i form av både turgåing og motorisert ferdsel, kan forsterke forstyrrelser i fjellet. Disse forstyrrelsene kan virke sammen med naturlige og eksisterende ... -
Introducing the index-based ecological condition assessment framework (IBECA)
Jakobsson, Simon; Evju, Marianne; Framstad, Erik; Imbert, Alexis; Lyngstad, Anders; Sickel, Hanne; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Vandvik, Vigdis; Velle, Liv Guri; Aarrestad, Per Arild; Nybø, Signe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Long-lasting effects of logging on beetles in hollow oaks
Pilskog, Hanne Eik; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne; Evju, Marianne; Framstad, Erik; Birkemoe, Tone (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)There is growing evidence that biodiversity is important for ecosystem functions. Thus, identification of habitat requirements essential for current species richness and abundance to persist is crucial. Hollow oaks (Quercus ... -
Nasjonal overvåking av hule eiker : resultat andre omløp
Hatlevoll, Kristina; Burner, Ryan; Ørka, Hans Ole; Arnott, David; Lunde, Lisa Fagerli; Evju, Marianne; Birkemoe, Tone; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne (MINA fagrapport;62, Report, 2019)Hule eiker utgjør viktige hotspothabitater for en rekke arter i Norge. Eik er det viktigste hulromsdannende treet i Norge og i 2011 ble treslaget vedtatt som utvalgt naturtype (Lovdata 2011). Dette ledet til oppstarten av ... -
Nasjonal overvåking av hule eiker : resultat første omløp og forslag til videreføring
Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne; Evju, Marianne; Skarpaas, Olav; Jacobsen, Rannveig M.; Birkemoe, Tone (MINA fagrapport;50, Report, 2018)Rapporten oppsummerer resultatene fra det første omløpet av nasjonal overvåking av hule eiker, der 657 hule eiker ble kartlagt i de 500 overvåkingsrutene som overvåkingen omfatter. Vi forholder oss til definisjonen slik ... -
Opplegg for evaluering av "Bekjempelse av fremmede skadelige organismer – tiltaksplan 2020–2025"
Magnussen, Kristin; Sandvik, Hanno; Evju, Marianne; Jacobsen, Rannveig Margrete; Skrindo, Astrid Brekke; Westergaard, Kristine Bakke (Menon-publikasjon;, Research report, 2021) -
Overvåking av sjeldne og rødlistede lavpå gamle eiker – lærdommer fra etpilotstudium
Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne; Evju, Marianne; Gough, Leonie; Bratli, Harald; Haugan, Reidar; Nordén, Björn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Prediction of biodiversity hotspots in the Anthropocene: The case of veteran oaks
Skarpaas, Olav; Blumentrath, Stefan; Evju, Marianne; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Over the past centuries, humans have transformed large parts of the biosphere, and there is a growing need to understand and predict the distribution of biodiversity hotspots influenced by the presence of humans. Our basic ... -
Presence-absence of plant habitat specialists in 15 patches of dry calcareous grassland
Lieungh, Eva; Bjureke, Kristina; Evju, Marianne; Johaadien, Rukaya Sarah; Olsen, Siri Lie; Skarpaas, Olav; Stabbetorp, Odd Egil; Wollan, Anders Kvalvåg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Dry grasslands on calcareous bedrock in warm climates around the Oslo Fjord are naturally fragmented biodiversity hotspots. This habitat geographically coincides with the most densely populated area of Norway. ... -
Priority maps for pollinator habitat enhancement schemes in semi-natural grasslands
Sydenham, Markus A. K.; Eldegard, Katrine; Venter, Zander; Evju, Marianne; Åström, Jens; Rusch, Graciela (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Conserving semi-natural grasslands, a threatened habitat type in European landscapes, is increasingly recognized as a measure to conserve pollinators. Our aim was to test if (a) prediction maps of solitary bee species ... -
Recovery of vegetation on former alpine roads: how long does it take?
Evju, Marianne; Hagen, Dagmar; Olsen, Siri Lie; Mehlhoop, Anne Catriona (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Alpine areas worldwide are under heavy land-use pressure and degradation. Active restoration treatments can contribute to accelerating recovery of degraded areas. However, monitoring data are needed to understand the ... -
Setting reference levels and limits for good ecological condition in terrestrial ecosystems – Insights from a case study based on the IBECA approach
Jakobsson, Simon; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Evju, Marianne; Framstad, Erik; Lyngstad, Anders; Pedersen, Bård; Sickel, Hanne; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne; Vandvik, Vigdis; Velle, Liv Guri; Aarrestad, Per Arild; Nybø, Signe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Effective evidence-based nature conservation and habitat management relies on developing and refining our methodological toolbox for detecting critical ecological changes at an early stage. This requires not only optimizing ...