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dc.contributor.authorAtmeh, Kamal
dc.contributor.authorBonenfant, Christophe
dc.contributor.authorGaillard, Jean-Michel
dc.contributor.authorGarel, Mathieu
dc.contributor.authorHewison, A. J. Mark
dc.contributor.authorMarchand, Pascal
dc.contributor.authorMorellet, Nicolas
dc.contributor.authorAnderwald, Pia
dc.contributor.authorBuuveibaatar, Bayarbaatar
dc.contributor.authorBeck, Jeffrey L.
dc.contributor.authorBecker, Matthew S.
dc.contributor.authorvan Beest, Floris M.
dc.contributor.authorBerg, Jodi
dc.contributor.authorBergvall, Ulrika A.
dc.contributor.authorBoone, Randall B.
dc.contributor.authorBoyce, Mark S.
dc.contributor.authorChamaillé-Jammes, Simon
dc.contributor.authorChaval, Yannick
dc.contributor.authorBuyanaa, Chimeddorj
dc.contributor.authorChristianson, David
dc.contributor.authorCiuti, Simone
dc.contributor.authorCôté, Steeve D.
dc.contributor.authorDiefenbach , Duane R.
dc.contributor.authorDroge, Egil
dc.contributor.authordu Toit, Johan T.
dc.contributor.authorDwinnell, Samantha
dc.contributor.authorFennessy, Julian
dc.contributor.authorFilli, Flurin
dc.contributor.authorFortin, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorHart, Emma E.
dc.contributor.authorHayes, Matthew
dc.contributor.authorHebblewhite, Mark
dc.contributor.authorHeim, Morten
dc.contributor.authorHerfindal, Ivar
dc.contributor.authorHeurich, Marco Dietmar
dc.contributor.authorvon Hoermann, Christian
dc.contributor.authorHuggler, Katey
dc.contributor.authorJackson, Craig Ryan
dc.contributor.authorJakes, Andrew F.
dc.contributor.authorJones, Paul F.
dc.contributor.authorKaczensky, Petra
dc.contributor.authorKauffman, Matthew
dc.contributor.authorKjellander, Petter
dc.contributor.authorLeSharr, Tayler
dc.contributor.authorLoe, Leif Egil
dc.contributor.authorMay, Roelof Frans
dc.contributor.authorMcLoughlin, Philip
dc.contributor.authorMeisingset, Erling L.
dc.contributor.authorMerrill, Evelyn
dc.contributor.authorMonteith, Kevin L.
dc.contributor.authorMysterud, Atle
dc.contributor.authorPedersen, Åshild Ønvik
dc.contributor.authorRøskaft, Eivin
dc.contributor.authorSæther, Bernt-Erik
dc.description.abstractCaring for newborn ofspring hampers resource acquisition of mammalian females, curbing their ability to meet the high energy expenditure of early lactation. Newborns are particularly vulnerable, and, among the large herbivores, ungulates have evolved a continuum of neonatal antipredator tactics, ranging from immobile hider (such as roe deer fawns or impala calves) to highly mobile follower ofspring (such as reindeer calves or chamois kids). How these tactics constrain female movements around parturition is unknown, particularly within the current context of increasing habitat fragmentation and earlier plant phenology caused by global warming. Here, using a comparative analysis across 54 populations of 23 species of large herbivores from 5 ungulate families (Bovidae, Cervidae, Equidae, Antilocapridae and Girafdae), we show that mothers adjust their movements to variation in resource productivity and heterogeneity according to their ofspring’s neonatal tactic. Mothers with hider ofspring are unable to exploit environments where the variability of resources occurs at a broad scale, which might alter resource allocation compared with mothers with follower ofspring. Our fndings reveal that the overlooked neonatal tactic plays a key role for predicting how species are coping with environmental variation.
dc.titleNeonatal antipredator tactics shape female movement patterns in large herbivores
dc.title.alternativeNeonatal antipredator tactics shape female movement patterns in large herbivores
dc.typePeer reviewed
dc.typeJournal article
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Zoologiske og botaniske fag: 480
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Zoology and botany: 480
dc.source.journalNature Ecology and Evolution

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