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dc.contributor.advisorJohnsen, Fred Håkon
dc.contributor.authorMiftari, Ilirjana
dc.descriptionForfatternavn på omslaget: Iliriana Miftarien_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to analyse consumer buying behaviour, preferences, attitudes, needs and wants toward dairy products. The study was carried out in five Kosovo regions (Prishtina, Prizren, Mitrovica, Peja, and Gjilan). The stratified random sampling has been applied in selecting people who would be included in the sample. The data used in this study were obtained through direct interviews with Kosovo consumers aged 18 years and older. Two associated statistical techniques, multiple linear function and binary logistic function have been used to explain the relationships between the quantity and expenditures on milk and other dairy products with demographic and socioeconomic household characteristics. The results show that milk, yoghurt, cream, curd, and cheese were the main dairy products consumed by majority of Kosovo consumers. Supermarkets and grocery stores were the most preferred market places by the consumers when buying milk and other dairy products. The consumer’s preference towards market place was significantly dependent on demographic and socioeconomic household characteristics Dairy products with shorter shelf life were bought more frequently by the consumers compared to those with longer shelf life. Apart from product life, other demographic and socioeconomic factors had significantly impact on the frequencies of buying milk and other dairy products. The consumers’ demand for milk and other dairy products was quite stable throughout the year. The consumers’ attitudes toward product features such as nutritive content, taste, product safety, price, brand, wrapping, package size, and the origin of product were significantly dependent on demographic and socioeconomic factors. Kosovo consumers preferred bigger packages for curd and cheese. Smaller packages were predominantly more preferred for fruit yoghurt and butter. Majority of the Kosovo consumers had favourable bias towards domestic versus foreign dairy products. Product attributes such as quality, safety, taste, and price were the main features motivating Kosovo consumers to purchase domestic dairy products. Television and newspapers were the media most often used by the consumers to get information about the dairy products. The preference towards new dairy products and innovation was dependent on respondent’s characteristics. The Household’s characteristics such as income, size, employment, the number of children, respondent’s age, and education were significant in explaining variation in quantity consumed and the expenditures on milk and other dairy products.en_US
dc.publisherNorwegian University of Life Sciences, Åsen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleKosovo consumer buying behavior preferences and demand for milk and dairy productsen_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US

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