Three Essays on Electricity Prices
The thesis explores how the Nord Pool power market prices forward-looking information.
Specifically, the thesis investigates the efficiency, or the biasedness, of the derivatives side
of the power market, how temperature is priced by the market, and how to account for
uncertainty in future information. The thesis consists of an introductory chapter which
comprises the context and background for the three studies, including a summary. Using
data on current and future-looking information from futures prices, the thesis brings new
evidence on how the efficiency of the futures market at Nord Pool has developed.
Furthermore, the thesis investigates relationship between the relationship between
temperature and power prices and the price forecasting information implied in weather
forecasts. The thesis provides new insight into the effect of future looking information on the
electricity spot prices. The findings indicate that futures on the Nord Pool spot price has
been unbiased estimates of the future spot price since 2008. Furthermore, the effect of
temperature on price were investigated and were found to be seasonally dependent,
different across Norwegian price zones, and different across price quantiles. Also, the
information from temperature forecasts is beneficial to use in price forecasts for up to 9
days ahead, but the uncertainty in temperature forecasts has to be accounted for.