Browsing Bachelor theses (LandSam) by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 86
Indigenous rights and fracking in Patagonia : an ecofeminist perspective
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)The number of conflicts between natural resource extraction and local populations, particularly indigenous peoples, in South America is the highest in the world. One such case happens in Patagonia, in Argentina’s Vaca ... -
Grønne tak : nytteverdi og oppbygging
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Formålet med denne oppgaven er å belyse flere sider av grønne tak og hvilken nytte de kan utgjøre for taket og omgivelsene rundt. Rapporter, standarder og noe relevant lovverk blir dratt frem i arbeidet. Nytteverdier som ... -
Lekeplassen : hvordan ivareta behov for lek og sikkerhet i utformingen
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Lekeplassene i Norge har i de siste årene fått mye oppmerksomhet for et nesten overdrevent bruk av gummidekker. Bekymringene dreier seg om miljøstoffene i gummien som kommer av resirkulerte dekk fra kjøretøy. Folk har ... -
Rettferdig naturstein i norske gater
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)The industry constantly imports natural stone for use in outdoor areas. There is a very large area of use for natural stone, and thus the demand is just as great. We have a long history of using natural stone that stretches ... -
Natursteinsdekker og deres funksjon i Midtbyen i Trondheim : fra 1800 til i dag
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)I Midtbyen i Trondheim har det lenge blitt benyttet natursteinsdekker. Naturstein har mange gode verdier, og blant dem er historisk betydning. Formålet med denne oppgaven er å danne en oversikt over hvordan naturstein har ... -
The Belo Monte hydropower complex in Brazil : actors, interests, and environmental justice
(Bachelor thesis, 2022) -
Women in politics : gender dynamics in Kenyan national politics
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)The purpose of this study is to address the research question, what are the perceptions of women's representation in political leadership in Kenya? This topic touches largely on elements of identity as being a big part of ... -
LGBTIQ+ human rights to be incorporated in the constitution to curb violence of LGBTIQ+ community in Kenya
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)LGBTIQ+ human rights are frequently neglected by Kenyan laws. This paper seeks to explore laws in the Kenyan Constitution concerning LGBTIQ+ rights as well as the consequences suffered for not abiding by the law. The ... -
Tilrettelegging for bruk av sansehager på vinterhalvåret for personer med demens
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)I Norge er det anlagt mange sansehager i tilknytning til institusjoner for personer med demens. Målet er å gi disse personene økt livsglede, ved å gi dem muligheten til å bruke sansene og oppleve mestring. Studier viser ... -
Environmental anxiety’s role in ecofriendly behaviour
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)This thesis is a literature review seeking to analyse the effects of environmental anxiety on eco-friendly behaviour. Considering the alarming last few reports of the IPCC on climate change and its consequences as well as ... -
Gendered impacts of natural disasters through the lens of ecofeminism and social vulnerability : a case study of Haiti
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)This bachelor thesis investigates the intricate relationship between natural disasters and gender impacts. Focusing on the intersectionality of vulnerability, socio-economic challenges, and institutional weaknesses, this ... -
Why understanding the post-truth condition is crucial in the fight against climate change
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)In an era characterized by information overload and polarized perspectives, the discourse surrounding climate action has become deeply entwined with the phenomenon of post-truth. This thesis focuses on how current approaches ... -
Navigating stakeholder interests in the management of wild reindeer on Hardangervidda
(Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Use of solar energy to reduce food loss and waste in rural Kenya
(Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Ripples of resilience : the political ecology of Mi'kmaq fisheries and resource management
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)This thesis examines the governance of Mi'kmaq lobster fisheries in Canada, analyzing the intersection of environmental governance, Indigenous rights, decoloniality and the concept of "moderate livelihood." Utilizing a ... -
Tiltakene for å bekjempelse og kontrollere bestanden av hestekastanjemøll (Cameraria ohridella) i Norge
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)The topic of this bachelor's thesis is the invasive species horse-chestnut leaf-miner (Cameraria ohridella), its spread in Norway and measures against the horse-chestnut leaf miner that are suitable for Norwegian conditions. ... -
Kalnes videregående skole- og dens historiske park
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Kalnes videregående skole i Sarpsborg kommune er en gammel landbruksskole fra 1870, men som i dag er en offentlig videregående skole. Skolen huser rundt 400 elever, men er også et yndet turområde for besøkende. Skolen har ... -
Tilgjengelighet til takparken på Økern Portal
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Med en stadig urbanisering blir det tettere i byene og man blir flere som deler på de eksisterende parktarealene. For å løse dette problemet ønsker jeg å se på en mulighet å benytte seg av arealene på tak i form av takparker. ...