The effect of pen design on pen floor cleanliness in farrowing pens for loose housed lactating sows
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of design of farrowing pens for loose
housed sows on dunging pattern and pen cleanliness. Thirty commercial pig herds in Norway
were visited by a trained observer. Pens were divided into five sectors and the amount of dung
in each sector (score 0 – 3), and the proportion of sector covered with dung, were scored. Pen
cleanliness indices (PCI) were then calculated for a total of 317 pens, using two models. For Model B, the PCIB varied between herds from 1.2 in the herd with the cleanest pens to 10.4 in the herd with the dirtiest pens. However, variation within herds was also large. For the 5 herds with the lowest PCIB, the pens were on average larger, had a proportionally larger area of slatted floor, were provided with more bedding material and the pen side walls were solid.