National Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Programme in Nepal (NPL 2945) : a mid term review report [executive summary]
The main purpose of this Mid Term Review (MTR) is to assess the progress of the National Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Programme (NPL 2945) in relation to its planned outputs, and to analyse constraints and achievements in programme implementation in order to provide guidance to both the funding agent (Norwegian Government) and the implementing agent (FAO and HMG Nepal) for possible amendments or rectifications that may be needed for the remainder of the programme period. As indicated in the Terms of Reference (ToR), assessment of the progress of the programme towards fulfilling its two main objectives has been emphasised during the review process. The objectives stated in the programme document are:
(1) To contribute to institutionalise a sustainable national Integrated Pest Management Programme (IPM) by strengthening the capacity of the Plant Protection Directorate (PPD), collaborating national, regional and district level training and extension institutions in the governmental and non-governmental sector strengthened to integrate IPM training and support programmes for smallholder farmers; and
(2) To empower farmers to increase production and productivity efficiently while protecting environment, conserving the bio-diversity and avoiding health hazards for betterment of their livelihood.
Based on information collected through individual discussions, key-contact interviews, group discussions and direct field observations with 13 IPM Farmers Field School (FFS) and 2 Farmers & Science groups as well as the review of supplied reports and documents, the MTR Team has come up with the following principle findings and recommendations.
This Noragric Report was commissioned by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) to Noragric.